I've had the privilege of immersing myself in the realm of pet safety. As the owner of an energetic mini golden doodle, I know just how stressful being a pet owner can be. I am dedicated to ensuring our beloved pets enjoy a life brimming with good health.

How Much Does Dog Hernia Surgery Cost?
Yes, dogs can get hernias, too, and they are quite common. The cost of surgery can be as low as $150 to as high as $10,0003. Apart from the surgery itself, there will be other costs attached, like pre-surgery examination, post-surgery care, and more....

How Many Pets Are Insured in Orlando?
In the magical city of Orlando, where the sun shines bright and adventure awaits around every corner, pet ownership is on the rise. Currently, there are 2,348 pets insured* in Orlando, showcasing a positive trend among pet parents who prioritize the...
Local Insurance Insights

Why Do Cats Swish Their Tail?
They’re trying to send you a secret message that only the other cats in the world can decode. Or maybe, just maybe, they're preparing for a grand ninja-style attack on that rogue feather duster. Okay, we’re kidding. The fact that it’s a cat, anything...
Cat Tips

Why Do Cats Headbutt?
Don’t worry; your cat’s not auditioning for a role in a boxing movie by challenging you to a duel or testing out some secret feline wrestling move. Headbutt is just a way of communication for cats, mostly in a good way. Few people understand the...
Cat Tips

How Much Does an Average Vet Visit Cost in Philadelphia?
As a pet owner in Philadelphia, ensuring your furry companions receive the best possible care is essential. Regular veterinary visits are a critical component of maintaining your pet's health, but many pet owners often wonder about the associated...
Local Insurance Insights

How Much Does an Average Vet Visit Cost in San Antonio?
Vet visits are a vital part of keeping your pet healthy, but the costs can vary significantly depending on where you live. In San Antonio, pet owners may wonder what they can expect when taking their furry friends to the vet. At Spot Pet Insurance, we...
Local Insurance Insights

Top Hunting Dog Names
There’s a high chance that you’re not really going to let your dog hunt. But we can understand why you want a name that suits the hunting breed you’ve got. On the contrary, if you’re really going to take your dog hunting, we have some really good names...
Dog Tips

100+ Country Dog Names
From chasing squirrels in the cornfields to keeping a watchful eye over the livestock, country dogs are the heart and soul of rural life. They’re the ones that hop into the back of your pickup truck, ride shotgun, and somehow understand the meaning of...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Plantains?
Looks like every time you start munching on a plate of fried plantains, your dog stares at you like they’ve never eaten a day in their life. With their big eyes, either judging you or trying to make you feel guilty for not sharing some with them. The...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Pecans?
Looks like your dog is giving you the classic stare saying, “Are you going to share some or what?” Given the fact that pecans are loaded with vitamins and minerals important for healthy skin, eyes, teeth, bones, muscles, and nerves, you may feel like...
Dog Tips

How to Trim Your Dog’s Nails
Looks like you’ve just got some really bad scratches from your dog or is your new carpet now a masterpiece signed by your dog? It’s either one of these or your crush just told you that he/she’s not coming home before you trim your dog’s nails. Whatever...
Dog Tips

Are Laser Pointers Bad for Cats
Looks like you just watched a really funny cat video with a cat chasing a laser pointer and then the cat lover in you woke up to search for this (or it got you all nostalgic about your childhood). Whatever it is, it is a good thing you’re here now. You...
Cat Tips