Dog Tips
How Much Salt Can Dogs Eat?
One of the things that dog owners love to do is spoil their dogs. Part of spoiling your dog is giving it a taste of the pleasures of what humans can eat. One of the ingredients that makes food taste the best is salt. Dog owners may be wondering just...
Dog Tips
How to Get Dogs to Like You
We all like dogs and we all want dogs to feel the same way about us. Sometimes, dogs do not feel the same way that we feel about them, and that could be frustrating to many dog lovers. If you are wondering how to get dogs to like you, Spot Pet...
Dog Tips
Will Dogs Eat Poinsettias?
Poinsettias are one of the most popular flowers for people who are interested in gardening. Poinsettias are distinguished by their popularity during the holiday season and carry a reputation for being quite poisonous. Will dogs eat poinsettias? Spot...
Dog Tips
How to Prevent Bloat in Dogs
Bloat in dogs, also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), occurs when a dog's stomach fills with gas, food, or fluid, causing it to expand. In some cases, this could be a serious condition because it could put pressure on other organs and lead to...
Dog Tips
Will Dogs Eat Cayenne Pepper?
If there is one thing that spicy food enjoyers like to put on their food, it is cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is a popular spice because of the kick that it gives food, but is this spice safe for dogs? Spot Pet Insurance is here to answer any...
Dog Tips
Do English Bulldogs Shed?
The OG Bulldog – English Bulldog is a compact, muscular and stubborn dog breed that does shed. But don’t worry - they’re not about to turn your home into a fur snow globe. More on this soon. Let’s get to know this breed a little more first. English...
Dog Tips
Do French Bulldogs Shed?
When the bull-baiting experts, English Bulldogs, crossed the borders and reached France, the breeders there thought of making a compact and a little more charming version of them. And just before they were about to announce the birth of a new breed,...
Dog Tips
Do Cocker Spaniels Shed?
We don’t know which Cocker Spaniel you are talking about here – American or English. The good thing is that it’s not going to be an issue because the answer remains the same for both. Originally bred as hunting dogs in the UK, Cocker Spaniels get...
Dog Tips
Do Border Collies Shed?
Border Collies are not just one of the smartest, but ‘The smartest dog bree!’ in the world. They are simply over-achievers. Be it herding, learning tricks, memorizing commands, and more. A Border Collie named ‘Chaser’ even holds the record for the...
Dog Tips
Top Articles
Dog Tips
How Much Salt Can Dogs Eat?
Dog Tips
How to Get Dogs to Like You
Dog Tips
Will Dogs Eat Poinsettias?
Dog Tips
How to Prevent Bloat in Dogs
Dog Tips
Will Dogs Eat Cayenne Pepper?
Breed Tips