With 10 years of experience as a pet parent, I aim to empower pet owners with insights into pet insurance and maintaining their pet's well-being. I aspire to be a trusted source, combining knowledge with a commitment to the welfare of our beloved pets.

How Old is My Cat in Human Years?
We all know the saying that cats have nine lives, but how do their years compare to ours? Are you wondering just how old your feline friend is? Knowing how old your cat is, and which phase of life they’re in can help you give them just what they need...
Cat Tips

Can Dogs Eat Cherries? A Comprehensive Guide to Canine Safety
Cherries are a delightful summer fruit enjoyed by many, but can dogs eat cherries too? The answer isn't as straightforward as you might think. While the flesh of the cherry is generally safe for dogs, there are significant risks associated with the...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?
From sweet potato bake to casseroles, the possibilities for cooking with sweet potatoes are endless. There are so many recipes to try out. However, sweet potatoes are not just delicious. They offer some great health benefits, too. But can your dogs...
Dog Tips

Dog Training During the Pandemic
The pandemic hasn’t just affected humans, it’s affected your dogs and pups too. It has affected our daily lives-some of us work from home and that means spending a lot more time with our pets at home. During the pandemic, the number of new dogs and...
Dog Tips

What Are the Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds
8 Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds Hypoallergenic dogs have become increasingly popular, mostly due to allergy-suffering pet parents wanting no-shed or low-shed dogs to minimize allergy-spreading dander around the house. Confused as to what makes a dog...
Breed Tips

Can Cats Swim?
As temperatures continue to rise, the idea of taking a refreshing dip in a pool becomes more and more appealing. Many of us enjoy taking our furry companions with us for fun, but this begs the question – can cats swim? Can Cats Swim? There are many...
Cat Tips

My Cat Ate Marijuana! Now What?
What Do I Do If My Cat Eats Marijuana? With an increasing number of states legalizing both medical and recreational marijuana, the chances of our pets getting into a stash is also steadily rising. With rising numbers of people using marijuana, there is...
Pet Safety

What Are Cataracts in Pets?
Just like us, dogs and cats use their eyes for many things from walking and playing to enjoying the sunshine and chasing squirrels. Cataracts can quickly impair our beloved pet’s ability to see and lead to confusion or disorientation. Today, we’re...
Pet Safety

5 Ways to Keep You and Your Pet Safe During COVID
These are scary times and, as a loving pet parent, you may be wondering how to keep yourself and your pet safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, we’ve compiled a list of the things you need to know about COVID-19 and pets. Is My Pet At Risk Of...
Pet Safety

Planning Seasonal Travel? Tips for Pet Care While on Holiday
How To Care For Your Pets While You’re Away This Holiday Season It’s that time of year again: the Holidays. This year, 2020, has been an incredibly unpredictable year, but at least the calendar remains consistent. People have been worried about their...

Doodles and ‘Poos
Doodles and ‘Poos How Do You Choose? Poodles are known for their high IQs and ease of training. They’re also fun, affectionate, and extremely active-all reasons they’ve been a beloved breed for so many years. Not surprisingly, Poodle mixes, a cross...
Breed Tips

Collar or Harness? Which is Best for Your Dog?
What’s Best for Your Pooch Some dogs pull or yank making walking them very difficult. While big dogs are more likely to pull, some small dogs pull, too, often to the point of choking themselves. Harnesses are recommended for these tough walkers, but...
Dog Tips