With 15 years as a dog and cat parent, my pet articles are a mix of humor and firsthand experience - proof that the best stories often come with paws and purrs.
Top Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet
This post was most recently updated on October 19, 2021 Why and How to Get Your Pet Microchipped When you buy or adopt a new pet, your vet may promptly ask, “Would you like to microchip your newest best friend?” The answer we hope you’ll respond with...
Pet Safety
Types of Siamese Cats
Ready for a playful purring machine to enter your life? Whether you’re on the hunt for a tiny kitten or full-sized cat, you might consider a dozen characteristics before you actually land on the right type of cat for you. You might consider several cat...
Breed Tips
10 Simple Indoor Activities for Pets to Burn Winter Energy
We get it. After a long day of working and commuting, combined with short days of winter, you’re ready to get comfortable on the couch and hibernate. However, your dog has been waiting all day for their best friend to walk through the door. And now,...
Coronavirus and Your Pet
The Good, The Bad, The Coronavirus & Your Pet We’ve seen the impact and chaos COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has caused on society: overcrowded hospital rooms, empty shelves at grocery stores, people advised not to leave their homes. But have you considered...
Pet Safety