Breed Tips
What are Some Dogs with Big Ears?
Looks like you’re looking for a dog that hears everything you say loud and clear so that you don’t have to repeat yourself. Beware though! When you ask for big ears that can hear everything, it includes the sound of you opening a bag of chips in...
Breed Tips
What Are Savannah Cats?
Imagine a cat in its wildest form but with the sleek elegance of a domestic cat or you could go for ‘The Lion King’s’ Simba with a bit more domestic etiquette and a tendency for purring on your lap. Either way, you’ve just imagined a Savannah - a...
Breed Tips
Dog Breeds Most Compatible with Your Zodiac Sign
When did we start associating our star signs with our beloved canine companions? We knew that as civilizations flourished and astrology became a guiding force in understanding human nature, people began pondering how the stars might influence their...
Breed Tips
What are the Brachycephalic Dog Breeds?
Have you ever seen a dog that looks like it ran straight into a wall at full speed, saw the face in the mirror and decided to keep it that way? If yes, then there’s a high chance you’ve come across a Brachycephalic dog. This may sound like a spell...
Breed Tips
Most Popular Curly Tail Dog Breeds
Looks like you’re looking for dogs that constantly keep questioning the world around them. Didn’t get it? Observe the shapes of some dog tails and you’ll see that they seem to have a built-in question mark. And then the way they swirl and twirl them,...
Breed Tips
List of Wire-Haired Dog Breeds
Think of a dog who has a bad hair day every day and yet rocks it like it’s the latest fashion trend – Welcome to the world of wire-haired canines. Imagine Mick Jagger in his prime but with four legs, more fur and less eyeliner – you’re almost there. ...
Breed Tips
What Dog Has the Strongest Bite?
From guarding ancient Roman estates to starring in viral videos of dogs catching frisbees mid-air, we’ve seen dogs give some of the most stunning performances. But every time we look at such reels or shorts, a lot of us might be thinking, what would...
Breed Tips
Top Herding Dog Breeds
We humans domesticated dogs for various reasons. It started with protection and then as we learned that we could teach our four-legged companions way more than that, we moved to herding, search and rescue, detection, service and assistance, and finally...
Breed Tips
How is a Tabby Cat’s Personality
If we were to answer this only in a sentence, it would be – Tabby cats have a personality to make you believe that they actually were Egyptian deities once. We know that you searched for tabby cats, so you obviously know how to identify one. But for...
Breed Tips
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