Can cats eat sweet potatoes? Let us first answer the question before giving you all the other important details and interesting facts about this sweet vegetable. Yes, cats can eat sweet potatoes and they can prove to be quite healthy for them as well.1 However, there is a way and recommended quantity to feed them.
We humans have grown fond of this vegetable owing to its immense nutritious value. And for those who have not yet added it to their dinner plates; here are some facts about it that will make you go to the supermarket right now and cook it for dinner.
1 serving which is around 200 grams of baked sweet potato with skin contains about2–
Calories – 180 grams
Carb – 41 grams
Protein – 4 grams
Fat – 0.4 grams
Fiber – 6.6 grams
Apart from these, it contains Vitamin A, and B6, Potassium, Manganese, Copper, Niacin, and Pantothenic Acid. They are very rich in antioxidants as well which can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases in us humans. Not to forget, the rich fiber content can help improve gut health.2 If all of these benefits haven’t made you look for your shoes, there’s more.
Sweet potatoes are rich in Beta-carotene helps improve vision. Anthocyanins found in purple sweet potatoes can help reduce the inflammation in the brain, hence improving its function.2
Now the question that probably even you’re wondering is; are these nutrition-packed sweet potatoes equally beneficial for cats? Continue reading below to learn more.

The Potential Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for Cats
Here are some potential benefits of sweet potatoes for cats:1
Digestive health - The fiber in sweet potatoes can help regulate digestion and relieve constipation in cats.
Satiety – The carbs in sweet potatoes tend to digest slowly and hence help make your cat feel full for a longer duration between meals.
Vitamins – Vitamin A can help maintain healthy vision, skin, and coat in cats, while Vitamin C comes with anti-oxidants and immune-boosting properties. Vitamin B6, on the other hand, can help with protein metabolism and the creation of neurotransmitters in cats.
Overall health – The anti-oxidant-rich sweet potatoes can help reduce the risk of several diseases and hence help in prolonging the life of your cat.
Six Ways to Serve Sweet Potatoes to Your Cat
Plain mush
Boil a sweet potato for a good 15-20 mins until it’s cooked properly. Take a small cube out and mash it. Give it to your cat without any salt or seasonings.
Take 1-2 tablespoons of mashed potato and mix it with tuna water or cat-friendly broth. That’s it.
Preheat your oven to 175°F. Take some thin slices of sweet potato (about 1/8- to 1/4-inch thick) and bake it for 2-3 hrs. Let it cool down after and break the slices into small pieces. And done.
Tuna Bites
Take 1 canned tuna (unsalted and tinned in water) and 5 cups of mashed sweet potatoes. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Mix the tuna and mashed sweet potatoes and make some mini patties. Bake them for about 20 mins until the color changes to light brown. Once done, let it cool down and serve small pieces to your cat.
If you do not want to enter the kitchen, you can simply get some treats that contain sweet potato in them. Make sure they do not contain any preservatives or salts.
Canned cat food
You can also get some store-bought cat food with sweet potatoes in it. Just make sure that it contains all the nutrients that cats need.
Can Cats Eat Purple Yam?
Sweet potatoes come in various colors like orange, purple, yellow, and white, each offering a slightly different taste and nutritional profile. ‘Yams’ as they are popularly known in America, are generally safe for your cat to eat but there are some rules to follow. Like other colored Yams, purple ones may offer minor health benefits to your cat, and they should be given only as an occasional treat. Plain and cooked purple yam is the best way to feed them.3
You should avoid canned yams as they come with preservatives and sugars which are bad for your feline. Try avoiding the skin as well as it can come with a coating of pesticides which can severely harm your cat’s health.3
Can Cats Eat Raw Sweet Potato?
Can cats eat sweet potatoes if they are raw? Sweet potatoes or most of the other vegetables are almost always better when fed cooked to your four-legged buddy. Raw sweet potatoes can cause gastrointestinal issues for your cat.3 It can also be very hard for your cat to chew and hence pose a choking threat.
Can Cats Have Sweet Potatoes If They are Boiled?
Boiled, baked, steamed, or dehydrated sweet potatoes are generally safe for cats as long as no salt, seasonings, or toppings have been added. You should be avoiding fried ones as the oil can cause digestion issues for your cat.3
How Much Sweet Potato is Safe for Cats?
We understood that the benefits of sweet potatoes are not the same for cats as they are for us humans. Hence, they should only be fed as an occasional treat. The quantity should not exceed 5-10% of the cat’s daily food intake.4
Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato Skin?
Sweet potato skin may not be toxic to cats, but it can cause some digestive issues like vomiting and diarrhea in them. The skin may also be covered in dirt and pesticides. Plus, it has negligible nutritional value.
Can Sweet Potatoes Settle My Cat's Stomach?
The high fiber content in sweet potatoes can aid in digestion for cats. It can regulate bowel movements, potentially easing constipation or diarrhea. They are gentle on the stomach and are often used for a cat with an upset stomach.
Expert Insights From Spot
While sharing our favorite foods with our pets can be tempting, it's important to remember that not all human foods are safe for our cats. Spot's internal data shows that pet insurance claims for dietary indiscretions average $642*, highlighting the importance of caution and research before sharing snacks with your pet.
More About Spot Pet Insurance
Cat Insurance helps to provide pet parents with additional financial support and peace of mind when it comes to the health and wellness of their pets. With a Spot plan, pet parents can receive up to 90% cash back on eligible vet bills. This way pet parents can focus on caring for and supporting their pets. Spot also offers preventive care add-ons, which can help cover the eligible costs of dental cleaning, vaccinations, and other routine care services. Get a quote today!

Mostly a tech person, always a pet person. I am dedicated to improving the lives of pets and their humans with technology. Off-duty, I enjoy writing about the misbehaving of computer programs and my two Aussiedoodles, Calvin and Hobbes.
*Jan 2019 to Aug 2024 administrator claims data.
“Sweet Potato Cat Food: Cat Nutrition,” Love Nala, 15 Nov. 2023,
Julson, Erica. “Sweet Potatoes: Nutrition and Health Benefits.” Healthline Media, 8 Feb. 2024,
Dickson, Patricia. “Can Cats Eat Yams? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ.” PangoVet, 22 Apr. 2024,
Williams, Krista. “Cat Treats: VCA Animal Hospitals.” VCA Animal Hospitals, n.d.,
Brodkey, Aaron. “Savoring Sweeties: 50 Fun Facts About Sweet Potatoes.” THEO’s Plant-Based, 25 Apr. 2024,
The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.