Cat Tips

Facts About Cats

Did you know that cats can see your future and even try to communicate it with you but fail because of the language barrier? 

Okay, we are kidding. This is not true. But there are many shocking and interesting facts about our feline buddies that will leave you wondering if cats are really from this planet. 

Some of them will bust some popular myths around cats and the others will make you question yourself if you even know your pet enough. Let’s begin!  

Interesting Cat Facts

Let’s start with the ones that will give you just a mild shock – (1)

  • Cat nap – By definition, a cat nap is a short sleep. But for cats, these naps account for 2/3rd of their lifetime.

  • Wonder whiskers – A cat’s whiskers are not just moustaches to make them look cute but are highly sophisticated sensory parts. They help cats detect changes in their environment, gauge the size of openings, and even measure the distance of objects in the dark. And they have whiskers on the backs of their front legs, as well.

  • Tail tells tales – Talking about body parts, you can gauge the mood of a cat by looking at their tail. High and twitching? Your cat is happy or excited. Low and puffed? It’s better to back off because they’re feeling threatened or scared. Wrapped around you? You’ve got a kitty hug. 

  • Nose knows – We have fingerprints and cats have nose prints. They are unique to each cat. 

  • Jumping jacks – Cats (even if their name is not Jack), can jump up to six times their length. 

  • Eyes spies - Cats have the largest eyes relative to the head size of any mammal.

Now let’s get to some other facts that can give you a not-so-mild shock - (1)

  • Walk-king – While walking, cats move both of their right feet first, then move both of their left feet. Camels and giraffes are the only two other animals known to walk this way. 

  • Health conscious - Cats will refuse unpalatable food to the point of starvation. Talk about a strict diet discipline.

  • No Milk – Most cats are actually lactose intolerant. Next time choose something else to offer a stray cat. 

  • Multi-lingual - Cats can have up to 100 different vocalizations. In comparison, dogs only have 10.

  •  Comm-Yawn-ication – If you see a cat yawning, just stop talking. It’s their way of telling you ‘Talk to my hand please’. 

  • Ass-essment - When your cat sticks his butt in your face, he is doing so as a gesture of friendship. (Probably the only time when someone offering friendship doesn’t really feel good)

  • Game of Purrs – Cats don’t mind mating with their brothers and sisters. 

Now it’s time for the real shockers! (1)

  • Catstinction - Cats have contributed to the extinction of 33 different species. 

  • Who’s your daddy? - Kittens from the same litter can have more than one father. This is because female cats can release multiple eggs over a few days when she is in heat.

  • Usain-not-so-Bolt – An average house cat can beat the fastest runner on this planet, Usain Bolt, in a 200m race. 

  • Eco-friendly cat? - A green cat was born in Denmark in 1995.

  • The Richest Cat – A woman named Maria Assunta left a fortune of $13 million to her cat Tommaso. It included cash, properties in Rome, Milan and land in Calabria. 

  • Meow-or – A cat named Stubbs is the mayor of the historic district of Talkeetna, Alaska.

  • Abraham Lin-cat – President Abraham Lincoln had four cats that lived in the White House with him.

Shocking enough?  If not, we’ve got some more breed-specific facts for you.  

Facts About Maine Coons

Highly intelligent, social and fluffy tabbies, Maine Coons are one of the most interesting cat breeds out there. Here are some facts to prove it – (2)(3)

  • There are more than 75 colors and pattern combinations available in Maine Coons. 

  • The famous Mrs. Norris from the Harry Potter films were played by 6 different Maine Coons.

  • The longest registered cat, a Maine Coon named Stewie was 48.5 inches long. Even the longest-living cat currently is a Maine Coon named Barivel (47 inches).

  • They are one of the largest domesticated cat breeds in the world. The size, however, comes with a gentle temperament. 

  • They can sing! These cats have been known to communicate with a peculiar chirping sound, very unlike the familiar feline meow.

Here’s the most interesting of them all – 

  • In 2004, a Maine coon kitten named Little Nicky went down in history as the first known sale of a cloned pet. A Texas woman paid $50,000 to commission a California-based biotech company to clone her dead cat. (2)

Talk about things people do for love! 

Facts About Bengal Cats

The exotic-looking felines with striking leopard-like spots, Bengal Cats come with a wild, energetic personality that makes them both captivating and playful companions. Their appearance is not the only thing captivating humans for millennials though. 

Here are some really interesting facts about Bengal Cats – (4)

  • Bengals, unlike most cats, dip their paws in water and lick them. Because drinking directly from the plate is too ordinary for them.

  • They are more dog than most dogs. They will seek your attention, follow you around, walk on a leash with you, play games like fetch and can even be trained to perform many tricks. 

  • You can teach a Bengal how to use a human toilet.

  • They are one of the most talkative cats out there. They will make sure you hear each and every one of their demands. (told you, they are like dogs dressed up in a cat uniform. If you’re yet not convinced, read the next fact.)

  •  They love to swim. They will happily dive into the pool with you. 

And here’s the last one that you will probably like the most.

  • Bengals love humans. They were engineered to be people-oriented. They make a great pet for singles, couples and even families. 

Facts About Egyptian Cat Breeds

If you think that humans of today are fascinated with cats and have filled up most of the internet with cat videos, you should read about ancient Egyptians. Call it their love, fascination or superstitions, they treated cats almost like gods (literally). And from this land of Egypt, the world got some really interesting cat breeds like the Egyptian Mau, Chausie, Abyssinian, Savannah, Sphynx, etc. 

Here are some facts about Egyptian Cat Breeds that may make you feel like getting one today – (6)

  • The ancient Egyptians believed cats possessed magical powers and brought good fortune.

  • Killing a cat, even accidentally, back then in Egypt was punishable by death.

  • In the event of a family cat dying, families in ancient Egypt would actually shave their eyebrows as a sign of grief. 

  • Cats were associated with the goddess Baset in ancient Egypt. And as a sign of respect for the goddess families would often dedicate jewelry and amulets to the goddess Bastet in hopes of receiving her blessings.

  • Cats were even mummified back then in the hopes that they could join their owners in the afterlife.

  • The Egyptian Mau is the fastest domestic cat, capable of running at speeds up to 30 miles per hour.

Good enough to make you wanna bring one home today?

More About Spot Pet Insurance

If you’re getting a cat, there is one more thing you should be getting along – pet health insurance. Our feline buddies may seem like super-creatures, and they are. However, even they get affected by illnesses and severe medical conditions during their lifetime. 

The most common health problems in spayed/neutered cats include hyperthyroidism, flea-bite hypersensitivity, obesity, periodontal disease, cardiac dysrhythmia, constipation and lameness.

Common health problems in intact cats include heart murmur, urinary tract infections (UTI), anemia, anorexia, complications and infections of the reproductive system, and overgrooming. 

With pet health insurance, you can save up to 90% of the associated treatment costs that can at times put a big dent in your savings. 

Cat Insurance helps to provide pet parents with additional financial support and peace of mind when it comes to the health and wellness of their pets. With a Spot plan, pet parents can receive up to 90% cash back on eligible vet bills. This way pet parents can focus on caring for and supporting their pets. Spot's also offers preventive care add-ons, which can help cover the eligible costs of spaying and neutering, dental cleaning, vaccinations, and other routine care services. 

Get a quote today!


  1. Coleman, L. (2021, September 1). 11 Surprising facts about Maine Coon cats | The Dog People by The Dog People by

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