Dog Tips

What You Need to Know About Dog Clicker Training

Dog clicker training is basically using positive reinforcement for training a puppy or a dog. Ever heard of the famous Pavlovian experiment of ‘Classical and Operant Conditioning’? If not, we suggest a short read on it. To sum up the experiment shortly, Pavlov uses the sound of a bell to associate it with food. He conditions the dog to start salivating the moment the bell rings by offering food to the dog immediately after the bell. This is ‘Classical conditioning’ where the dog performs an activity due to a stimulus, the bell in this case. ‘Operant conditioning’ is when the behavior leads to a stimulus. Clicker training uses operant conditioning as the core principle. 

A dog training clicker is a metal strip inside a small plastic box that makes a distinct clicking sound when pressed. It is used to mark the precise moment a dog performs a desired behavior, followed immediately by a reward such as a treat or praise. It is an effective way to train a dog without solely using treats. 

Does Puppy Clicker Training Work?

Just like kittens, puppies are sponges for learning, especially in their formative weeks.

For clicker training to work, you need to ensure its efficacy. Here’s a step-by-step guide for you on how to use a clicker for training your dog – 

  • Step 1 – Choose a silent place. Start the training in a calm environment without any distractions. Choose a time when your pup is hungry to make it more effective.

  • Step 2 – Get a bag full of your dog’s favourite treats. 

  • Step 3 – Introduce your dog to the clicker. Upon pressing the clicker, immediately give your pup a treat. 

  • Step 4 - Repeat this 5-10 times so that your dog associates the sound of a clicker with the treat. 

  • Step 5 - Test your pup. Click when your pup is not paying attention to you. If it responds by looking at you, voila! you've just created a canine Einstein who's eager to please and ready to conquer the world, one click at a time.

  • Step 6 – Associate commands to the clicker. You can try saying ‘sit’ and as soon as your dog sits, press the clicker and hand a treat to them. Don’t click if your dog sits without the command. 

  • Step 7 – Once your dog starts sitting on your command every time, start phasing out the clicker and the treats gradually. You can maybe start using affirmations like ‘yes’ instead of the click every time your dog follows your command. Don’t stop praising your dog though. 

You can start to train your puppy as early as eight weeks, however, you should note that the time it takes to train your puppy could depend on their age, temperament, gender and breed. If done properly, can be a very effective tool in obedience and training programs for your puppy. 

Here are some tips for a successful clicker training program – 

  • Timing is very important. 

  • Reward your dog even if you accidentally press the clicker. 

  • Keep the treats small to avoid weight gain.

  • Always end the training session on a good note like a praise and a treat.

Does Using a Clicker to Train a Dog Work?

While it may be easier to train puppies than dogs using a clicker, it does work on dogs too. However, all dogs do not respond enthusiastically to rewards. Some dogs just don't have a motivating stimulus that can be used as a variable for reward-based training. If a dog has low food or toy drive, clicker training may not be as effective.

Some don’ts for clicker training for dogs include – 

  • Paws for Applause: Your dog will indeed start expecting a treat every time the clicker clicks but will also need some praise for its good behaviour. A dog needs praise, love, and affection from the owner. 

  • Clickety-Clack: When it comes to using a clicker for advanced dog training, pressing the clicker on at the exact time becomes extremely important. A lack of hand-eye coordination from your side can confuse the dog and end up spoiling the training. 

Does Clicker Training to Stop Barking Work?

Clicker training not only works on increasing a behavior but also when you want to decrease a certain behavior in your dog. Usually, to decrease a behavior, scientists recommend using positive punishment or a negative one. For example, if your parents want you to spend less time on your phone, they can either punish you by asking you to clean the garage or by taking away your iPad. 

In the case of dogs, if you want them to stop barking, you can simply use the clicker when it barks and associate the action of stopping to bark with the clicker followed by a treat and praise.  The key is to click in the moment your dog is silent between barks. Your dog will quickly understand that silence is the reason for the click. 

If you’re wondering whether you can use clicker training to stop any kind of bad behavior, the answer is yes. 


How long does dog clicker training take?

Basic commands like sit, come and stay can take a few days while complex ones like tricks, agility training, and behavior modification can even take months. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are keys here. 

What can you teach a dog with a clicker?

From basic commands like sit, stay, come, lie down and heel to advanced ones like roll over, play dead, and fetch to even the more advanced ones like spin, high-five, dance and all the way to house training, crate training, balancing on objects, detection works, therapy, etc. can all be taught to a dog by using a clicker.

How to train a dog with a clicker

Click immediately when the dog performs the desired behavior, then reward it with a treat. Repeat this process to reinforce the behavior. 


  1. Petroff, M. (2022, September 8). Clicker training dogs: Benefits & tips. Dutch.

  2. Gilchrist, R. J., Gunter, L. M., Anderson, S. F., & Wynne, C. D. L. (2021). The click is not the trick: the efficacy of clickers and other reinforcement methods in training naïve dogs to perform new tasks. PeerJ, 9, e10881.

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