Whether your pup is a malamute, a spirited husky, or even a tiny terrier with a warrior's heart, they deserve a name that reflects their inner Viking. Their name should echo the strength, courage, and mystique of the Norsemen. This isn't just about picking a cool-sounding moniker; it's about tapping into a rich history of warriors, gods, and epic adventures. In this post, we'll explore a treasure trove of Viking-inspired dog names, from the classic and powerful to the unique and evocative.
Read More: Interested in more boy dog names?
Best Viking Dog Names for Male Dogs
Name | Meaning |
Aesir | Principal Norse gods |
Alfgeir | "Elf spear" |
Alrik | "All ruler" |
Arvid | "Eagle tree" |
Asgard | Home of the Norse gods |
Astridr | "Divinely beautiful" |
Atli | Fierce Hunnic king |
Audumbla | Primeval cow in Norse creation myth |
Axe | Classic Viking weapon |
Name | Meaning |
Bard | Storyteller and poet |
Beorn | "Bear" |
Berserker | Fierce warrior who fought in a rage |
Bjorn | "Bear" |
Bode | "Messenger" |
Bragi | God of poetry and music |
Brand | "Sword" |
Brokkr | Skilled dwarf in Norse mythology |
Name | Meaning |
Cairn | Burial mound, representing history |
Canute | Powerful king, signifying leadership |
Name | Meaning |
Dagr | "Day" |
Dellingr | Father of Dagr (day) |
Draki | "Dragon" |
Dvalin | Dwarf known for craftsmanship |
Name | Meaning |
Egil | Famous Viking warrior and poet |
Einherjar | Fallen warriors in Valhalla |
Einar | "Lone warrior" |
Embla | First woman in Norse mythology |
Erik | "Eternal ruler" |
Name | Meaning |
Fafnir | Dragon slain by Sigurd |
Fenrir | Monstrous wolf in Norse mythology |
Fili | Dwarf in Norse mythology |
Fjalar | Dwarf associated with wisdom |
Floki | Legendary Viking explorer |
Freki | One of Odin's wolves |
Freyr | God of fertility and prosperity |
Frigga | Odin's wife, representing wisdom |
Frosti | Personification of frost |
Name | Meaning |
Galdr | "Incantation" or "spell" |
Garmr | Monstrous hound of Ragnarok |
Geir | "Spear" |
Geri | One of Odin's wolves |
Gisli | Icelandic saga hero |
Glacier | Represents icy Viking landscapes |
Grim | "Masked" or "fierce" |
Gunnar | Legendary hero |
Guthlaf | "Battle survivor" |
Name | Meaning |
Hagen | Legendary Norse hero |
Halfdan | "Half Dane" |
Hallvard | "Rock guardian" |
Hamarr | "Hammer" (like Thor’s Mjolnir) |
Harald | "Ruler of the army" |
Hati | Wolf that chases the moon |
Havard | "High guardian" |
Heimdall | Watchman of the gods |
Helgi | Legendary hero |
Hermod | Messenger of the gods |
Hildr | Valkyrie of battle |
Hjalmar | Viking warrior |
Hodr | Blind god of darkness |
Hogni | Legendary warrior |
Holt | "Wood" or "grove" |
Hrafn | "Raven" (Odin’s messenger) |
Huginn | One of Odin’s ravens |
Name | Meaning |
Ingi | Legendary king |
Ivar | Famous Viking leader |
Name | Meaning |
Jarl | Noble or chieftain |
Jotunn | Giant in Norse mythology |
Name | Meaning |
Kari | "Wind" |
Ketil | "Cauldron" |
Kjartan | "From Ireland" (linked to the sea) |
Kveldulf | "Evening wolf" |
Name | Meaning |
Leif | Viking explorer |
Loki | Trickster god |
Name | Meaning |
Magnus | "Great" |
Mimir | Wise being in Norse mythology |
Mjolnir | Thor’s hammer |
Name | Meaning |
Njord | God of the sea and wind |
Name | Meaning |
Odin | King of the gods |
Olaf | "Ancestor's heritage" |
Orkney | Viking stronghold |
Ormr | "Serpent" or "dragon" |
Osvald | "Divine power" |
Name | Meaning |
Páll | "Small" |
Patrekr | Related to Patrick |
Porfinn | "Thor’s Finn" |
Porleif | "Thor’s legacy" |
Name | Meaning |
Quillan | "Cub" (Norse-sounding) |
Name | Meaning |
Ragnar | Legendary Viking hero |
Rani | Norse goddess (adaptable for male) |
Reif | "Scar" |
Reynir | "Wise counselor" |
Riki | "Powerful ruler" |
Rognvald | "Powerful ruler" |
Rollo | Viking leader |
Rune | Norse alphabet, mystery and wisdom |
Name | Meaning |
Saga | Norse prose narrative |
Sigurd | Hero who slew Fafnir |
Sindre | Skilled dwarf |
Skoll | Wolf chasing the sun |
Snorri | Icelandic historian |
Starkad | Legendary hero |
Stig | "Path" or "way" |
Name | Meaning |
Thor | God of thunder |
Name | Meaning |
Ulf | "Wolf" |
Ulfgar | "Wolf spear" |
Ulfric | "Wolf ruler" |
Name | Meaning |
Valdemar | "Powerful ruler" |
Vali | Norse god of vengeance |
Veikko | Finnish name sometimes used in Norse context |
Viggo | "Battle" |
Name | Meaning |
Wermund | "Protection of the world" |
Wiglaf | Character in Beowulf |
Wulfgar | "Wolf spear" |
Name | Meaning |
Xander | "Defender of mankind" |
Name | Meaning |
Ymir | Primordial giant in Norse mythology |
Yngvar | "Ing's warrior" |
Name | Meaning |
Zephyr | "West wind" (Viking seafaring nature) |
Choosing a name for your canine companion is more than just a label; it's an acknowledgment of their unique personality and a connection to a rich and fascinating history. Whether you were drawn to the powerful names of gods like Odin and Thor, the fierce spirit of Valkyries like Brynhild, or the evocative imagery of nature-inspired names like Glacier and Ulf, we hope this comprehensive list has provided you with the perfect inspiration. Ultimately, the best dog name is the one that resonates with you and captures the essence of your beloved friend. May your adventures together be as epic as the sagas themselves!
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Mostly a tech person, always a pet person. I am dedicated to improving the lives of pets and their humans with technology. Off-duty, I enjoy writing about the misbehaving of computer programs and my two Aussiedoodles, Calvin and Hobbes.

The resident animal enthusiast at Spot. I have a lifetime of pet parent experience. If it has fur, feathers, or scales, I’ve probably shared my home with it. I aim to be a reliable source, blending experience with a dedication to the well-being of pets.