Dog Tips

Fun Tricks to Teach Your Dog with The Super Collies

Key Points
  • Fun dog tricks include rolling over, playing dead, and jumping through hoops.
  • Positive reinforcement is key to teaching new tricks and keeping training fun for dogs.
  • Consistency and patience are essential when training dogs, especially for complex tricks.

Meet The Super Collies

The Super Collies are actors, performers, companions, and members of the Spot family! They lead a pretty active life full of tricks and travel, so trainer and pet parent Sara Carson insures them with dog insurance to help protect against accidents and injuries.

Today, The Super Collies are happy and healthy and showing off three simple tricks that you can teach your pup. Watch the video above for a step-by-step or get the breakdown below.

3 Tricks To Teach Your Dog

1. “Dance on Your Feet”

  1. Use a favorite treat to guide them between your legs with their head facing forward. Reward them with the treat once they get in position.

  2. Do this until they get comfortable coming between your legs and then start to do the command with pigeon toes so your feet are close enough together that your dog could stand comfortably on them.

  3. Ask your dog to move forward and backward while between your feet until they land their paws on top of your feet.

  4. When they are comfortable there, start taking small steps with them.*Make sure you reward them with treats each time they master a step along the way!

2. “Spin”

  1. Hold a favorite treat to their nose and guide them in a circle, reward them with the treat once they’ve completed the circle.*Sara recommends mastering one side at a time and reminds that your dog will likely have a favorite side.

  2. Once they have mastered that, start holding the treat just above their head to guide them in a circle.

  3. Then pair the circle with a word and begin to make the hand circles smaller until they are maybe just a flick of the wrist.

3. “Crawl Backwards”

  1. When they are laying down, take a piece of a treat and put it between their legs towards their chest. Reward with the treat once they move backward.*You may need to apply slight pressure into their chest, but mostly they should move back on their own to get to the treat.

  2. Layer on a word like “back” as you guide them into their backward crawl.

  3. Work on this with less hand cueing until they can back up just with the word command.

If you teach your dog one of these tricks, make sure you post a video to your social media and tag @getspotcovered #loveatfirstspot so we can see your trick in action!

*Paid Endorsement

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