German Shepherd
Loyal and self-assured, the German shepherd is a large-breed dog you can rely on. They are affectionate with their family, have a high activity level, and thrive when they receive proper dog training. The German shepherd dog (GSD) is a fantastic family member, whether you have kids or live alone.
Breed Profile
Male: 24-26
Female: 22-24
Male: 65-90
Female: 50-70
Life Span
7 - 10
Hip Dysplasia
What is it?
Hip dysplasia is when your the hip joint doesn’t form correctly, affecting both the ball and the socket of the joint, causing grating in the hip.gets cleaned
Clinical signs:
Lameness in the hind end, limping/stiffness, smaller range of motion and activity, pain.
Joint fluid modifiers, anti-inflammatory medication, glucosamine, surgery.
Other risks:
Hip dysplasia is often made worse if your dog is overweight, exercises too little, or exercises too much. It is possible that your dog can lose function in the affected hip in extreme cases.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Degenerative Myelopathy
What is it?
When your dog has degenerative myelopathy, they have a disease affecting their spinal cord.
Clinical signs:
Paralysis (either partial or complete), muscular atrophy, uncontrolled urination or defecation, exaggerated spinal reflexes.
Supportive care, exercise can help slow down the atrophy.
Other risks:
Although your pup won’t be in pain, as they lose feeling and the ability to use their limbs, it can cause skin trauma. Your dog will need to be moved frequently and brushed to prevent sores and lesions.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
They know what they’re doing, and they won’t be intimidated by anyone or anything.
They’re faithful to their owners, and they will stay by your side through thick and thin.
They are very affectionate and loving towards their families. They’re also pretty good with kids.
They have high energy levels and daily exercise needs, so they’re some of the best dogs. They also need mental exercise, like training or a job.
Things like obedience or agility training, learning to track, or another job can help keep them active and happy.
Lifetime Care
German shepherds have a medium-length, double-layered coat. The outer coat is coarse, but the inner coat is smooth. They shed a lot, so you should expect to vacuum often.
Blue, white, gray, black, black and silver, black and cream, black and tan, black and red, bi-color, sable, liver.
German shepherds are not hypoallergenic.
Brushing every few days, as well as regular teeth cleaning and nail clipping
Intelligent and ready to please, the German shepherd is easy to train, although classes might be helpful for socialization and first-time dog owners.
Lifetime Care Cost:
Learn more about the cost of caring for a German Shepherd.
German shepherd: Dog Breed Information Guide 2022
One of the most popular dog breeds, the German shepherd is famous for being a hard worker and an excellent protector. They are popular dogs for service in the public sphere and the military.
If you’re thinking about adopting a German shepherd, there are many things that you need to consider. German shepherds are high-energy working dogs, so they require a lot of care and effort.
Here at Spot Pet Insurance, we understand there’s a lot that goes into adopting a pet. Each breed has its own unique set of needs. Our goal is to help you learn about your new pet so you can be prepared.
Before you adopt, it’s important to determine how well you and your pet will be able to get along. You need to have a lifestyle that will be able to fit the needs of your pet, so you both can be happy together.
By providing educational resources for prospective pet parents, we hope to be able to help pets find homes that will work for them, and by giving you tips and tricks, we can help you learn how to keep your pup happy.
If you’re thinking about adopting a German shepherd but aren’t sure about what is required to be a good pet parent for a German shepherd, continue reading to learn more.
German shepherd: An introduction to the breed
German shepherds are large dogs. They have a very distinctive and well-known look. Even German shepherd puppies look strong and confident. Their ears and tails stick up, making them look alert and ready to go.
German shepherds have a medium-length double coat. Their coats are usually a variation of two different colors, especially black, tan, or red. They don’t have any official markings, but the most famous version of the German shepherd has black tips and black spots on its back.
Read more: How Much Does German Shepherd Pet Insurance Cost?
The history of the German shepherd
The German shepherd was developed as a breed in the late 1800s in, as you’ve probably guessed, Germany. Shepherds were looking for a dog who could help them herd and protect their sheep.
A German captain by the name of Max von Stephanitz decided that he would try to find the ultimate sheepdog that had the traits necessary to herd sheep in Germany. In 1899, he located a dog that he called Horand von Grafrath, who became the father of the German shepherd breed.
Captain von Stephanitz trained Horand and his offspring, and they were quickly able to herd sheep. Unfortunately, large herds of sheep were becoming less common around this time. The captain switched gears and began to train German shepherds as military and police dogs. During WWI, the German shepherd became famous.
Before WWI and their rise to fame, German shepherds were accepted by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1908. During World War I, their name was changed to shepherd dog in the United States to remove their association with Germany. Their popularity grew as their activities during the war were described by the soldiers that returned home. Some of the dogs returned to the United States with the soldiers, like the famous Rin Tin Tin.
Rin Tin Tin went on to star in movies alongside a shepherd named Strongheart. In the mid-1920s, the German shepherd was the most popular dog in the United States, although they lost that title around ten years later. Today, German shepherds often serve as guide dogs and search and rescue dogs, and they’re often involved in police work.
What kind of care do German shepherds need?
It’s important to know your pet’s habits and needs so you can properly provide for them. Some pets need more care in some areas, and others have different needs. Depending on the breed, you will need to spend more time grooming, playing, or training.
The German shepherd does need some grooming, but not as much as a dog with long hair.
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How much training does a German shepherd need?
They will definitely need plenty of training to keep them active mentally, and so they know how to behave in public.
They need to be well socialized too. To socialize a German shepherd, you should introduce them to new people, places, and dogs as they grow older. If a dog is isolated, they can become aggressive and antisocial.
Basic commands like sit, stay, come, and heel are great to start your pup’s training with, but you need to build on that to ensure they get enough mental stimulation. Otherwise, they might get bored, and bored dogs are not good for furniture or shoes.
To train your German shepherd, you can take them to a class or teach them yourself, but you need to be firm and sweet. You can’t give into
Do German shepherds get along with children?
If you have children, you might be curious about how your German shepherd will be able to handle having them poke and prod them the most of the time. Fortunately, German shepherds are great with kids.
German shepherds are famous for their work ethic, so they are often used by services that need dogs. They can work in the military or with the police. They can be service dogs, or they can be herding dogs if necessary.
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What are some of the German shepherd’s health issues?
All dogs can have illnesses that they can get or inherit from their parents. Fortunately, reputable breeders try to prevent hereditary conditions from being passed.
Some of the health conditions a German shepherd can have are hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, von Willebrand’s Disease, degenerative myelopathy, and pannus.
We understand that these issues are pretty intimidating, especially if you’re new to being a pet parent. We wish we could help prevent these issues, but the most we can do is help by giving you the information you need about each one to try to prepare you.
Spot plans can also cover eligible hereditary or chronic accidents and illnesses. Our goal is to help you in any way we can by providing information or by helping you cover necessary costs. Learn more about the price of a German Shepherd.
What kind of exercise does a German shepherd need?
Make sure your German shepherd gets enough mental and physical exercise, so they don’t get antsy or restless. Good ways to exercise your pup are taking them for a walk, playing fetch or other games with them, hiking, or going for a jog.
Good mental exercises for your German shepherd would be obedience training, tracking, herding, or agility training. You could also combine physical and mental exercise with activities like agility training and herding.