New Guinea Singing Dog

New Guinea Singing Dog

LivelyAttentiveExtremely Vocal.

The Hallstrom dog and New Guinea singing dog are other names for the New Guinea dingo. Other names for him include jungle dingo, bush dingo, or New Guinea Singing dog, but it's always the same canine breed, and the FCI doesn't recognize it. This quadruped was given the name singing dog because it makes noises that seem like singing. But as of today, this original breed is at risk of going extinct and has been listed as an endangered species since 2006.

Lifetime Care

Breed Profile







Life Span

12 – 18





of dogs

What is it?: 

Hypothyroidism is a frequent hormonal imbalance in dogs that is mainly caused by thyroid gland inflammation or shrinking. This gradual deterioration of the gland results in decreased thyroid function and inadequate thyroid hormone levels.

Clinical signs

  • Loss of hair or thinning of the coat.

  • Skin Infections.

  • Dry Coat.

  • Changes in skin color.

  • Abnormal weight gain.

  • Higher levels of cholesterol.


Hypothyroidism cannot be cured. Thyroid hormone replacement medication is required for dogs for the rest of their lives. The quantity of medicine absorbed by a dog's body is determined by whether it is administered with or without meals. To reduce fluctuation in absorption, give the medicine to your dog with or without meals on a consistent basis.

Within a few weeks of commencing thyroid hormone replacement treatment, you should notice an increase in your dog's activity level. Hair regeneration, on the other hand, takes much longer, usually at least 4 months. Skin and ear issues may also take longer to resolve and may necessitate the use of extra drugs.

Eligible vet bill


Reimbursement Rate

Amount a Spot accident & illness plan could cover*


Your Net payment


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*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.



of dogs

What is it?: 

Epilepsy is a neurological illness that some dogs are born with; where they get seizures that can be sporadic or regular or trigger-based.

Clinical signs

  • Focal Seizure.

  • Generalized Seizures.

  • Loss of consciousness.

  • Foaming at the mouth.

  • Loss of balance.


The first step in treating your dog's seizures is to rule out any underlying causes. A reactive seizure in a dog is one that occurs in reaction to a transitory condition, such as poisoning. Reactive seizures will stop if the underlying cause is resolved.

Because there is no cure for epilepsy in dogs, anti-epileptic medication treatment will focus on minimizing the severity and frequency of your dog's seizures while avoiding intolerable side effects.

Eligible vet bill


Reimbursement Rate

Amount a Spot accident & illness plan could cover*


Your Net payment


Click For Price

*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.



Given their intrinsic wild nature, New Guinea Singing Dogs are quite healthy and hardly fall ill.


These dogs are very focused and their attentiveness can easily be compared to a dog version of “John Wick”.

Extremely Vocal

New Guinea Highland Dogs as they are also called, are very vocal and their barks sound like they are trying to sing, hence the name.

Lifetime Care

Coat & Colors

A soft undercoat and a rough outer coat make up the NGSD’s luxurious double coat. The breed is available in a variety of hues, including black and tan, white, red in tones ranging from fawn to deep rust, and red sable with dark brown or black tipping on the guard hairs.




Brush and wash your Singer to maintain its coat clean and clear of debris once in a while. And remember to cut those nails. If they become excessively long, they could hurt your dog or even make it difficult for him to run or walk.


The New Guinea Singing Dog is used to continuously moving around, seeking out food and shelter, and avoiding predators. They hence have high exercise needs. They should be given additional types of physical stimulation, such as agility courses and scenting challenges, in addition to extended runs and hikes. They like engaging in this instinctive activity since they are keen hunters.


Singers are highly individualistic and not unduly driven to win the approval of their peers, despite being intelligent. Training may be challenging as a result. Establishing yourself as the pack leader and employing strict, constant training methods will increase your chances of success. Along with fundamental obedience training, socializing your puppy early on will help them grow into reliable, well-behaved adults.

New Guinea Singing Dog Unique Attribute

The haunting and distinctive vocalizations of New Guinea singing dogs, which resemble a hybrid between a wolf’s howl and whale song, are what makes them most famous. That is also where they get their name from (Singing Dog).

New Guinea Singing Dog Breed Size

The New Guinea Singing Dog is thought to be the world’s rarest breed. In the 1800s, explorers in New Guinea discovered these guys. Because canines brought by explorers crossed with the Singing Dog, fewer of them are purebred, which contributes to their rarity.

Fun Fact: They were also thought to be extinct, but new data shows that they are still alive in the wild.

New Guinea Singing Dog Nutrition and Diet

Premium food designed for the life stage of New Guinea Singing Dogs is necessary for their success (e.g., puppy, adult, senior). Keep an eye on their food consumption and measure their quantities to prevent overeating to help them maintain a healthy weight. As a general rule, treats should comprise no more than 10% of a dog’s daily caloric intake.

New Guinea Singing Dog Temperament

New Guinea Singing Dogs are intelligent, witty, and lively. They form bonds with their people and joyfully display affection. However, they lack the same eagerness-to-please attitude that most dogs exhibit. Additionally, they have the propensity to avoid interacting with strangers. That said, they do make good pets but not very socially active ones.


The New Guinea Singing Dog is an enthusiastic climber and digger, therefore any enclosed space they live in needs to be sturdy. They are renowned for their flexibility and can fit through the smallest gaps. Owners should be mindful of keeping them close to other animals or cattle since they can be excellent escape artists and have extremely high prey drives. It is a perfect dog for owners seeking a lively, energetic and happy dog who loves singing instead of barking!

Happy Mood and Health to your Doggo and lots of Love and Licks to you!