Sloughi’s are primitive hunting dogs that bond extremely closely with their owners or families from an early age. It is unlikely that they will be extremely shy or aggressive. A well-bred and well-socialized Sloughi’s is a loving, attentive, and stable member of a family.
Breed Profile
Life Span
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
What is PRA?
Atrophy refers to the partial or complete wasting of a body part. Progressive retinal atrophy is a group of degenerative diseases that affects the photoreceptor cells in the retina. The cells of the affected dog's body can deteriorate over time because of this disease, and eventually leading to the dog becoming blind.
Clinical Signs
Loss of night vision in both eyes, affecting both sides of the body
Cloudy eyes
Grey eyes with a slight sheen appear
Walls and unfamiliar obstructions may be bumped into by your dog
Having difficulty going downstairs or jumping down steps
Decreased pigmentation of the eyes
Formation of retinal cataracts
Dilated pupils
PRA does not currently have an effective treatment available. Antioxidant supplements and vitamins have not shown any measurable effect on this disease to date, although they are not harmful to your pet and may help to reduce the stress on the lens cells, and may help delay the development of cataracts. Your dog's blindness could be prevented if the underlying causes such as cataracts or retinal detachment are caught and treated early on.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Loving and Affectionate
A Sloughi is a dog breed known for their intelligence, loyalty, and aloofness.
Sloughi’s are most playful around their families
Sloughi’s are typically very affectionate and devoted to their family
Lifetime Care
Sloughi’s have short, dense, and fine coats.
Their coat colors range from light sand to red sand (fawn), with or without a black mask; with or without a black mantle; with or without black brindling; and with or without a black overlay.
Brushing your dog gently and giving them regular baths are recommended.
The Sloughi’s are good at responding to positive reinforcement, but they do have a stubborn streak that sometimes hinders them.
Sloughi’s are medium to large-sized sighthounds with a noble, dignified appearance. The Sloughi is elegant and racy yet strong and muscular. It is possible to find coats in a variety of colors. In Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and Libya, the Sloughi is one of the sighthound breeds of North Africa. Those used in desert terrain had lighter frames than those in mountainous terrain. After the French occupation of Algeria, the Sloughi were probably brought to Europe. Like the Saluki, the Sloughi is a lean sighthound. Sighthounds are known for their pin bones and sweeping underlines. As a cooling mechanism for desert conditions, Sloughi’s do not naturally carry subcutaneous fat. This results in a slimmer body.
The lean, leggy sighthound enjoys soft bedding and, ideally, access to furniture. In their demeanor, they're affectionate with their own people but aloof with strangers. Their best match would be with a family with older children who know how to interact with dogs. Sloughis are sleek, clean, and quiet, but their stubborn hound nature can make them an unsuitable choice for first-time dog owners.
In addition to their long legs, slim build, short fur, and ability to run quickly, the Sloughi dog is a medium-to-large hound breed native to North Africa. As agile dogs, they are often referred to as Berber Greyhounds or Arabian Greyhounds (which is why they are called Berber Greyhounds or Arabian). Since Sloughis are notoriously affectionate towards their humans, they have gained a reputation for being aloof. Their sleek exterior hides plenty of love waiting for the right people.
Sloughi: Introduction to the Breed
Pet ownership is one of the most important decisions you can make for your family. Before purchasing another puppy, research the available puppies and determine which will fit your family and lifestyle best. You should carefully consider the characteristics you would like in a dog, along with those you would prefer them not to have. Sloughi’s have a few things you should know.
Sloughi dogs are generally:
Friendly with families
The Sloughi breed is noble, dignified, and aloof, though they shouldn't be nervous. Though loving, affectionate, and sometimes silly, they tend to be reserved with strangers and while they are not a guarding breed, they may make their distrust of unwelcome strangers or suspicious individuals quite clear. An intelligent and quick-witted dog, the Sloughi will be a loyal companion if properly and carefully raised. The sighthound is also well-equipped to use scent to find prey, so owners must take this into consideration and socialize and habituate them from an early age to livestock and cats - although it's not a good idea to leave them alone with unknown cats.
What are the Origins of the Sloughi?
North Africa is the home of the Sloughi. The AKC recognized these dogs for the first time in 2016, making them a relatively new breed on the American breed scene. Historically, they date back many centuries; so far back that it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when they originated. It is known that the breed was one of two prized sighthound breeds of the Berbers in Africa. Reports of sighthounds in the region date back to the 8th-7th millennium B.C., and ancient Egyptians celebrated sighthounds.
The Sloughi's longstanding popularity in their native region is due to their ability to hunt wild pigs, foxes, and hares in harsh North African conditions. They are highly athletic, swift, and sly when needed. Currently, Sloughi’s can be found mainly in Morocco, as well as in smaller numbers throughout North Africa. In the United States, these dogs are still rare. In 1973, the first Sloughi arrived in the United States, followed in 1979 by two more imported from Germany. The Sloughi has grown in popularity in the United States due to their excellent companionship and hunting skills.
An American Sloughi Association (ASLA) was founded in 1989 after the first Sloughi crossed the Atlantic in 1973, a dog named Tagiurie el Sian.
What are the Risks for the Sloughi Dog Breed?
Sloughis, like all breeds, are at risk of certain health conditions during their lifetimes. Your dog is more likely to live a long, comfortable life if you adopt from a responsible breeder. Sloughi may suffer from the following health problems:
Addison's Disease: Your dog's adrenal glands are affected by this disease, preventing them from producing normal levels of hormones needed to balance electrolytes.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy: This eye disorder affects the retina and can eventually lead to blindness.
Since Addison's Disease usually doesn't appear until middle age, it's possible for a Sloughi with this genetic defect to have puppies before it's diagnosed. There are currently no gene marker tests available for this breed. When purchasing a Sloughi puppy, ask your breeder for its parents' medical history. Breeders who are credible usually avoid breeding dogs with genetic diseases. Although hereditary problems cannot be prevented in every dog, proper care can mitigate the risk.
A high-quality diet with plenty of protein will benefit your Sloughi. To help prevent any problems with overweight or obesity, discuss meal portions with your veterinarian based on your dog's age, weight, and activity level. Treat your Sloughi to healthy treats. Sloughis require little grooming compared to other short-haired dogs. Since they have sensitive personalities, positive reinforcement methods are an effective way to train them. They need daily exercise and are generally trainable.
Despite your best efforts, Sloughi can still get sick even if you do everything in your power to keep them healthy. Due to this, it's essential to be prepared for the things you cannot control. At Spot Pet Insurance, our number one priority is helping you give your dog the long, happy, and healthy life they deserve. Reach out today and request a free pet insurance quote to learn more about our range of well-rounded plan options for your Sloughi.