Here’s What’s Happening With Your bivvy Plan
Why is bivvy shutting down?
The team at bivvy could not continue to grow the bivvy product line to a level necessary to bring the type of product, service and cost expected by customers like you in the pet insurance market.
When will my current bivvy policy end?
Your bivvy policy will end on your policy anniversary date, which is stated on your declaration page. bivvy will notify you of that non-renewal date and will continue to process any claims which happened and were treated before that date. Log in to your bivvy account here to see your policy information.
What if I have multiple pets insured with bivvy?
If you have multiple pets insured with bivvy, each pet’s policy will end on its respective policy anniversary date.
Will I have to meet a new waiting period and will pre-existing condition be covered by Spot plans?
If you sign up for a Spot plan, you will be starting a new policy. Spot plans have a 14-day waiting period before coverage starts.
Pre-existing conditions are not covered under Spot plans. However, this doesn’t mean that a condition can’t be covered in the future if it is curable. An injury or illness that is curable, cured, and free of treatment and symptoms for 180 days will no longer be regarded as pre-existing, with the exception of knee and ligament conditions. If a knee or ligament condition occurs before the coverage effective date or during a waiting period, any future ones won’t be covered. You can learn more in a sample policy.
Here’s are some next steps:
Plan Ahead
Your bivvy plan will not renew. Follow the suggested steps.
Choose Your Spot Plan
Customize your coverage options for your cat/dog to fit your pet’s needs.
Sign Up with Spot
We recommend switching to Spot Pet Insurance.
What Spot Plans Cover
Accident & Illness
Covers the following and more:
Illnesses: Cancer, Respiratory Infections, and Diabetes
Hereditary conditions
Accident Only
Covers the following and more:
Fractures and cuts
Swallowed objects
Toxic ingestions
Preventative Care Coverage
Optional Add-on for an extra cost:
Starts at $9.95/mo, covers annual check-ups,
dental cleanings.
How Spot Works
What Do Pet Insurance Plans Provided by Spot Cover?
Spot Pet Insurance offers options for Accident-Only and Accident & Illness pet insurance plans. Spot plans offer an unlimited annual limit option, no per incident caps, and no lifetime caps.
Plans provided by Spot cover the eligible expenses for medically necessary veterinary treatments that are prescribed to treat your pet’s covered conditions.
You may use any licensed veterinarian in the US.
For a full list of terms and conditions, click here to view a sample policy.
Does Spot Offer a Plan for Preventive Care Coverage?
Yes, you can add preventive care coverage to your policy for a little more cost. When you add preventive care coverage, you’ll be reimbursed up to the scheduled amount for things that help protect your pet from getting sick. You don’t have to satisfy your deductible before you can be reimbursed for preventive care coverage benefits, and there is no waiting period for them either. Find more information on preventative care coverage here.
Do Plans Provided by Spot Have a Money-back Guarantee?
Plans provided by Spot offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so feel free to take a look and see what a SPOT plan can do for you and your pet. If, within the first 30 days of your policy you wish to cancel, you can get a full refund of the premium amount. The 30-day money-back guarantee is available if no claims have been covered. It’s not available in NY or ME.
How are My Pet Insurance Premiums Calculated?
In general, your premium is based on your pet’s age, your pet’s breed, and where your pet lives. Some other factors that impact your premium are: the plan you choose, your deductible, your reimbursement percentage, if you have included preventative care coverage or not, and the discounts for which you are eligible.
Pet Parents are Loving Spot
Thank you for having such incredible coverage. Because of your insurance I didn’t question taking my boy to the emergency vet for stomach issues. And because of the traveling emergency vet who happened to be there that day, she caught the beginning of spinal disease that normally isn't caught until paralysis. We aren’t sure where treatment will lead us, but if it wasn’t for your insurance coverage we would have been in a far worse position.
-Jackie and Ollie