Looks like you’ve heard about how cool hot dogs are. Nope, we are not talking about the edible ones, but the ones with four legs. Before you learn anything about this breed and make your decision about getting one of them home, here’s the most important thing you should know.
It’s ‘dakhs-hoond’ and not ‘dash-hounds’.
And for your information, hot dogs got their name from Dachshunds and not the other way around. Served at baseball games, vendors would call out things like “Get your red-hot dachshund sausages”. This then got shortened to hot dogs.
Now that we are on the same page about the fundamentals of this breed, here’s a quick biodata about them – (2)
Height – 13-15 cm for miniature ones; 20-23 cm for the standard ones.
Weight – 11-32 lbs (miniatures are on the lower end)
Origin – Germany
Coat types - Smooth-haired, Long-haired, Wire-haired
Coat colors - Solid red, black & tan, chocolate & tan, dapple, brindle, piebald or blue.
The name ‘Dachshund’ means 'badger dog' in German. They are also called as weiner dogs. They come under the working dog breed family. We know their size says otherwise but you would be amazed to watch their energy levels and playfulness.
Are Sausage Dogs Good for First-Time Owners?
The high energy levels come with a little stubbornness. They tend to refuse commands especially if chasing a small animal which they have a propensity for. They can even be aggressive to strangers and other dogs. But otherwise, they are clever, lively and courageous. Their courage can make you think if these dogs even know that they are small or not.
They are not at all shy. You may be surprised but they will actually end up challenging large dog breeds. They are even rated one of the most aggressive dog breeds out there. You may find some of them being passive and calmer but genetically they are predisposed toward aggressive behaviour. (1)
All these reasons make them a little difficult dog to own for first-time owners. However, it is not all bad. They can be great companions to first-time dog owners if proper training and socialization are provided at an early age. (1)
Do Dachshunds Pick One Person?
Dachshunds may not like strangers so much, but they do not mind being around family at all. They are very affectionate. However, they do create a special bond with one person in the family. (3)
There is no harm in that, but this can sometimes be the reason for them feeling separation anxiety in case of the absence of that person for a long time.
Are Dachshunds High Maintenance?
Maintenance comes in the form of time, effort and money. When it comes to time, they need a moderate level of exercise during the day. A couple of short walks and they are good to go. They are active and intelligent dogs, though. And they may need a good amount of mental stimulation. This may call for spending some time with them in the form of playing games and interacting. But if you didn’t want to do these things, you wouldn’t opt for a dog.
Apart from that, they need a bath only once in 4-6 weeks. A routine dental, ear and nail hygiene is needed as well here just like for any other dog. So, we’re good in terms of time and effort.
When it comes to money, the most you will spend on is vet bills and then food. We have a great solution for the first one at the end of this article. For the second one, you wouldn’t want to choose low-quality kibble for your pup. So, you’ll have to shell out a few bucks there.
Overall, we would say Dachshunds are low to moderate in terms of maintenance. (3)
Are Dachshunds Hard to Potty Train?
These sausage dogs may be stubborn at times but are highly intelligent and foodies as well. A perfect combination of treats and praises can get them to learn almost anything you want, including potty training. (3)
Consistent training with patience will ensure a well-behaved potty-trained pup in no time.
How Often Should You Bathe a Dachshund?
This depends on the type of coat your ‘hot dog’ has. A smooth-haired one may only require a gentle wipe-down with a damp cloth. Long-haired and wire-haired Dachshunds, on the other hand, may need a bath more often as their coat can pick up dirt and debris.
But unless your pup has been rolling in dirt or luring around garbage bins for a long time, a good bath, once every 4-6 weeks should be enough. (3)
Do not forget to brush your dog though. Irrespective of the coat type, regular brushing can help remove tangles and debris from their coat. A lack of the same can result in a foul-smelling pup in your house.
More About Spot Pet Insurance
We were talking about maintenance above. Dachshunds are prone to several medical conditions because of their unique anatomy and even their temperament. The most common illnesses and medical problems in these dogs include – (3)
Separation anxiety
Excessive barking
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) (1 in every 4 of these dogs go through some form of spinal disease during their lifetime)
Patellar Luxation
Some of these may need vet intervention coupled with medication and even surgery in some cases. Others may even need help from a canine behavioral specialist. All these can put a big dent in your savings. But as promised above, we do have a solution for you.
With pet health insurance, you can save up to 90% of these costs. Dog Insurance can help provide financial assistance for eligible veterinary care in case of unexpected accidents, illnesses, or injuries. Our plans can help pet parents manage the eligible costs of covered veterinary care and help ensure that their pets can receive the best treatment possible. Here are some ways that Spot pet insurance plans can help:
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To learn more about Spot Plans or to get a free quote, click here.
By the way, Queen Victoria once said, “Nothing will turn a man's home into a castle more quickly and effectively than a dachshund”. We couldn’t agree more.

I’m Charlie: canine enthusiast with a knack for figuring out why my dog, Dallas, is more infatuated with tennis balls than me. My lifelong passion for dogs has created a dedication to help other pet parents better understands their furry family members!
Wikipedia contributors. (2024, July 10). Dachshund. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachshund