I’m Charlie: canine enthusiast with a knack for figuring out why my dog, Dallas, is more infatuated with tennis balls than me. My lifelong passion for dogs has created a dedication to help other pet parents better understands their furry family members!

Do Shih Tzus Shed?
The lion dogs from China, Shih Tzus, come with a regal attitude. They have all the reasons for that as they were the favorites of Chinese Royals. And so much so that the Chinese refused to sell, trade, or give any away. They come with a long and silky...
Breed Tips

Akita Dog Insurance Cost
Large, strong, and beautiful; these three words can pretty much summarize an Akita dog. Did you know that there are two breeds of Akita – Akita Inu and Akita? The Akita Inu was developed in Japan (as the name suggests), and the Akita was developed to...
Dog Insurance Insights

Dog Insurance for French Bulldog Cost Guide
The monthly cost of insurance premiums for dogs can depend on multiple factors like the breed, age, and even the place where you live. Plan selections can also affect the cost of pet insurance. We’ll come to the average insurance cost for French...
Dog Insurance Insights

Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Shed?
The large, strong and good-natured breed, all the way from the magnificent Swiss Alps, Bernese Mountain Dog, was originally developed as an all-purpose farm dog for guarding property and driving dairy cattle long distances from the farm to the alpine...
Dog Tips

How Many Pets are Insured in Charlotte?
Navigating the costs of veterinary care in Charlotte can be a challenge for any pet owner. With the ever-increasing prices of pet services, it's important to be well-informed about what you can expect when it comes to your furry friends’ healthcare....
Local Insurance Insights

How Much Does an Average Vet Visit Cost in Orlando?
Taking care of your pet’s health is a priority for any responsible pet owner, but it can also be costly. In Orlando, veterinary costs can vary widely based on the services required, the type of pet, and whether the visit is routine or an emergency....
Local Insurance Insights

Is a Raw Diet Good for Dogs?
You are what you eat. So is your dog. This makes it very important for you to choose the right food, in the right way and the right quantity for your dog. Now, the first step for any quest is knowing what you know and what you don’t. And we are glad...
Dog Tips

Is Bone Broth Good for Dogs?
Bone broth is the latest health craze to find its way into dog bowls. Humans sip overpriced cups of bone broth for "gut health" and "glowing skin. But dogs have already been enjoying this culinary delight for centuries. And why wouldn’t they? It's like...
Dog Tips

Is Brown Rice Good for Dogs?
White or brown? This is the question that a lot of humans have been asking throughout history. Some are yet confused. Some say that white looks better, but they get a counter that brown is healthier and, hence, smarter. Let’s dig into this and find...
Dog Tips

How Many Pets Are Insured in Los Angeles?
Los Angeles, a vibrant city known for its sunny weather and active lifestyle, is also home to a thriving community of pet owners who consider their furry friends part of the family. As the number of pets in this bustling metropolis continues to grow,...
Local Insurance Insights

Are Service Dogs Good for Autism?
Dogs have been way more than just companions for humankind for ages. They've been trusted aides to people with various needs, from guiding the visually impaired to assisting those with mobility challenges. When it comes to Autism, the solution is...
Dog Tips

Best Dog Breeds for Runners
Looks like you couldn’t find a buddy that could match your speed or motivate you enough to get up and go for a run. Don’t worry. A four-legged buddy can. There’s a different kind of dog breed for different kinds of runners as well. And irrespective of...
Dog Tips