I’m Charlie: canine enthusiast with a knack for figuring out why my dog, Dallas, is more infatuated with tennis balls than me. My lifelong passion for dogs has created a dedication to help other pet parents better understands their furry family members!

Can Dogs Eat Vinegar?
Were you adding balsamic to your salad or splashing some apple cider vinegar on your veggies, and your dog started giving you the “Just give me that!” look? They do have a knack for strong-smelling foods. Dogs have 300 million scent receptors in their...
Dog Tips

What is Dog Whale Eye?
Looks like you’ve just got the ultimate side-eye from your dog. No, your furry friend isn’t channeling their inner diva or judging your questionable life choices (maybe just a little). They are not trying to create a meme-worthy moment as well. The...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Dirt? How Harmful Is it for Dogs?
Looks like you caught your dog snacking on something that made you question their life choices. Maybe it was a random sock, a piece of furniture, or—heaven forbid, your old underwear. But the bigger shock happens when your dog decides that your...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Drink Beer?
Are you trying to get your dog drunk so that you can laugh at all the tipsy behavior? Or is there some beer-chugging competition and you want someone with a big belly to be in your team? Spoiler Alert! – Neither is going to happen. But we understand...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Drink Milk? How Much Milk Can Dogs Drink?
Almost all animals, including us humans, have a special bond with milk. It is the first thing we are fed in our life and plays an extremely important role in our growth and development later in life. With many people going vegan, we are questioning...
Dog Tips

Do Dogs Get Headaches? Are They in Pain?
Imagine your dog reaching for a tiny bottle of aspirin after a long day of dealing with your neighbor's cat. Now that you’ve searched for this, it looks like your dog has already asked you for a head massage. It’s a funny thought but there have been...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Drink Coconut Water?
It’s piping hot outside and you’re sweating inside out. Just when you think you can’t take it anymore, you see a coconut water vendor. At that moment, he doesn’t look like a vendor but god’s own sent man to save you from the heat. You take a sip of it...
Dog Tips

How Much Does a Norwegian Forest Cat Cost?
A feline that looks like it stepped straight out of a Viking legend (which it probably did) with a coat that shines with luxury and a gaze that announces to the world – “I’m royalty and I know it.” It’s none other than the Norwegian Forest Cat. We...
Breed Tips

Things to Know Before Getting a Sausage Dog
Looks like you’ve heard about how cool hot dogs are. Nope, we are not talking about the edible ones, but the ones with four legs. Before you learn anything about this breed and make your decision about getting one of them home, here’s the most...
Breed Tips

The Future of Pet Insurance and How It's Evolving
The future of pet insurance is looking more and more bright especially for pet parents as there are developments happening in terms of policies, technological advancements, and laws and regulations. Pet insurance goes back a long way. The first pet...
Why Pet Insurance?

Best Tricks to Teach Your Dog
Is your dog even a dog if it cannot do some cool tricks? We’re kidding. There’s no problem with a couch-loving dog. But who said you cannot teach some tricks to your dog inside the house as well? In the end, it’s about making your dog follow...
Dog Tips

List of Wire-Haired Dog Breeds
Think of a dog who has a bad hair day every day and yet rocks it like it’s the latest fashion trend – Welcome to the world of wire-haired canines. Imagine Mick Jagger in his prime but with four legs, more fur and less eyeliner – you’re almost there. ...
Breed Tips