Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Arugula?

Key Points
  • Arugula is safe for cats to eat in moderation.
  • It offers potential health benefits like improved digestion and reduced risk of certain diseases
  • Arugula should be prepared properly by washing it thoroughly and avoiding seasonings
  • Monitor your cat for any negative reactions after feeding them arugula

For the readers who are eager to know if they can feed arugula to their cat, yes! Arugula is non-toxic and safe for your cat. It can even be healthy for your cat if fed in the right manner. However, it is important to know the answers to all the above questions as well. Let us answer them one by one.

Salad Rocket, Rucola, Rucoli, Rugula, Colewort, Roquette, and Gargeer are all the names given to Arugula around the globe. The low-calorie, diet-friendly green that is powerful enough to spice up the taste of your salad, Arugula is a leafy-green vegetable native to the Mediterranean and is safe for cats to eat. But do they even like Arugula?

Do Cats Like Arugula?

Cats are known to eat things they are not supposed to, and there are many theories about why. For example, some say that cats eat grass intentionally to induce vomiting and clear their stomachs. Others say that they eat grass to increase the activity of their digestive tract muscles. We will probably never know the exact reason. However, your cat may want to try Arugula to satisfy its curiosity about what you're eating.

Is Arugula Good for Cats?

We learned that even though cats are not supposed to eat grass, it can end up being good for the cat. Similarly, green vegetables like arugula, can offer numerous health benefits to your cat. An average 10g serving of this veggie contains the following –

  • Calories: 2.5

  • Fat: 0.1g

  • Sodium: 2.7mg

  • Carbohydrates: 0.4g

  • Fiber: 0.2g

  • Sugars: 0.2g

  • Protein: 0.3g

  • Vitamin C: 1.5mg

  • Vitamin K: 10.9mcg

It is known to help decrease the risk of cancer, boost bone health, reduce diabetes, lower heart disease risk and much more. Now if this is the deal for humans, it would look like a great deal for cats as well. If fed in moderation, Arugula can prove to be good for cats.

Health Benefits of Arugula for Cats

As mentioned above, Arugula does have some health benefits for cats. Let’s break down the nutrient values in Arugula and evaluate each for our cats:

  • Vitamin A – It supports healthy eyes (including night vision) and skin, the formation of organs and structures in growing cats, and immune function. Here are a few more articles for tips on pet eye care and a guide on skin conditions in cats.

  • Vitamin C – An average red arugula has almost 1.5 to 2 times the reference daily intake of vitamin C, recommended for humans. Cats do not need as much vitamin C.

  • Vitamin K – It helps the body form clots and prevents bleeding.

  • Fiber – It helps with digestive functions and benefits the stool quality of cats who might otherwise have digestive upset. High-fiber foods may be beneficial in cases of constipation, diarrhea, diabetes and even obesity. Read this article for tips on how to help you pet stay at a healthy weight.

  • Potassium – It is required for the normal function of muscles and bodily systems.

  • Folic Acid – It is needed the most during pregnancy. But folic acid is also known to help with cataracts, low cholesterol, hardening of the arteries, and depression.

How Much Arugula is Good for Your Cat?

The answer to this would be 1 small leaf per week to start. If you don’t see any signs of a negative or allergic reaction, then you can increase the amount of arugula gradually. Just make sure it is only an occasional treat. It is advised that despite all the benefits of arugula for your cat, do not make it a part of their regular diet.

How Can You Feed Arugula to Your Cat?

The next question in the sequence is how to prepare the arugula for your cat. For those occasional moments when you want to feed tiny pieces of arugula to your cat, here are a few tips on how to make it for them:

  • Wash it Thoroughly – We do not want your cat to ingest any type of pesticide or dirt that could be on the veggie.

  • Keep it Simple – Your salad can have dressing, but your cat’s salad cannot. Do not add any type of spice or oil to it. Not even salt. Too much salt can lead to sodium poisoning.

  • Both raw and cooked arugula are okay – While raw vegetables have the maximum nutrition, if you want to cook it, the suggestion would be to boil it or steam it lightly.

What Can Happen If Your Cat Eats an Unusual Amount Of Arugula?

As we said earlier, just because it can be good for your cat doesn’t mean you should always feed them Arugula. If your cat accidentally eats a lot of it while you're packing for a trip or were busy preparing for a meeting that could’ve been an email, keep an eye out for the following symptoms of an upset stomach. You should contact your vet right away if you see:

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Upset stomach

  • Lack of energy

Can Having Insurance Help Here?

We know that cats can be mischievous when they want to be and can end up getting in trouble. Our cat insurance plans can offer up to 90% cash back on eligible vet bills and access to a 24/7 Pet Telehealth helpline so that you can always have someone by your side to help guide you through questions you may have about your pet’s health or behavior.


Arugula is a non-toxic, low-calorie, and completely safe food to give your cat. It can provide multiple health benefits to your cat given that you follow the guidelines of how and when to feed it. Do not forget that your cat is carnivorous, and should only be given vegetables occasionally. The majority of the necessary nutrients your cat needs should come from meat, but you can go ahead and add arugula to your cat’s diet, and it can help do wonders for their health.


The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.

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