Dog Tips

Do Dogs Like Music?

We’ve written thousands of articles on cats and dogs. Most of the topics we choose are basis frequently asked questions on the internet. We must tell you that this is the most interesting one! On that note, let’s begin to answer yet another curiosity of yours. 

As far as we humans are concerned, we’ve been in love with music since the time we discovered that banging rocks makes a sound. There is a high chance that our canine buddies were right there with us when we produced the first ‘banger’ soundtrack since we domesticated them around 14,000 years ago.

Music has not just been a form of entertainment for us but also therapeutic. From dealing with a break-up to celebrating family reunions with ‘Macarena’. We even have music for unborn babies! There are special tracks available for moms-to-be that they can play against their bellies in the hope of more intelligent adults. (1) (search for the Mozart effect or simply click on the reference link below after reading this article) 

We know that our doggies can hear it and probably even bear some of us’ bad taste in music. But do they like it? If they do, what type of music do they like? Do they prefer a specific genre? Can music be therapeutic for dogs as well? 

All these questions, answered right below!  

Do Dogs Enjoy Music at Home?

We cannot be certain whether dogs like music as much as we do. However, several studies have found that music does help calm a dog down. When at home, dogs usually get scared by loud noises like construction or fireworks. Playing soft music at home can help calm their anxiety down. 

Another way music can help your dog at home is when you leave for work and your dog starts experiencing separation anxiety. Playing soft music or white music can help reduce anxiety in your dog here as well. (2)

More than the beats, music most of the time becomes a source of bonding for your dog as well. Singing to your dog, playing an instrument, or even just tapping along to a beat can create a bonding moment. In addition, you get to record an Instagramable video of your dog howling to the tunes.  

To check if your dog loves music and home and if yes, which type of music, you could try the following – 

  • Firstly, keep the volume low. A dog’s ears are way more sensitive than ours. 

  • Observe the body language as you increase the volume gradually.

  • Give them an option to leave the room. 

  • Look for signs like – 

  • Do they look more playful and active?

  • Are they more relaxed?

  • Are there any signs of fear or stress like panting, pinning their ears back, lowering their tail, or trembling?

You’ll get your answer! 

What Music Do Dogs Like?

In 2010, artist Laurie Anderson performed a concert just for them in Sydney, Australia. The music could only easily be heard by dogs as it was on low frequency. An attendee said that at the end all the dogs began to bark and went on for five minutes. (3) And considering barking as a sign of happiness, looks like the dogs did enjoy the concert. She did it again in New York City later. 

A study compared the response in dogs to classical, pop, heavy metal music, conversation and even silence. It found that classical music has a calming effect on dogs. It worked on standing and barking dogs and made them lay down and rest. The heavy metal beats, on the other hand, made them more aggressive and triggered barking and agitation. 

Interestingly, another study found that audiobooks did better than classical music when it came to calming the dogs down. The effects were better than classical, reggae, and soft rock music.

For you to figure out what kind of music your dog likes, try putting different types of music in 2 different rooms. Allow your dog to settle anywhere. Again, you’ll get your answer. 

Do Dogs Prefer Music or Silence?

It depends completely on the dog. Some may not relax to any kind of music and prefer no external stimulation. When it comes to silence, it can mean different to them. (5) Dogs can hear sounds from four times farther away than we can. (4) So, what you think is silent may not be silent to them. 

If you observe that your dog does not react to any kind of music, you can try white, brown or pink music, (sounds of bird song, waterfalls, waves, or rain showers) to calm your dog down. 

How to Tell if a Dog Likes Music

Your dog will use its body to tell you if they are liking the music you’ve played or not. If you see signs like lying down, getting close to you, or even starting to sing along (the last one being the best one), you can be certain that your dog has approved of your taste in music. (6)

More About Spot Pet Insurance

While music may help calm anxiety and fear in your dog, they may require treatment and medication in some cases. Your dog howling with your music can mean a good thing but howling otherwise can also be a sign of an underlying pain or discomfort caused by an injury or a chronic illness. At such times, pet health insurance can help you save up to 90% of the vet costs. This is to make sure that the financial burden of the treatment doesn’t stop you from giving your pup the best one out there so that they can join you back for the chorus. 

Dog Insurance can help provide financial assistance for eligible veterinary care in case of unexpected accidents, illnesses, or injuries. Our plans can help pet parents manage the eligible costs of covered veterinary care and help ensure that their pets can receive the best treatment possible. Here are some ways that Spot pet insurance plans can help:

  • Covers Unexpected Veterinary Costs: Spot pet insurance plans cover the eligible costs of unexpected veterinary treatments, such as emergency surgeries, X-rays, and prescription medications for covered conditions.

  • Customizable Plans: Choose your annual limit, reimbursement rate, and deductible from a range of options, and create the plan that will fit the needs of your pet and your budget. 

  • Peace of Mind: With Spot pet insurance plans, pet parents can know that they can provide the best care for their pet with less worry about the cost.

To learn more about Spot Plans or to get a free quote, click here.


  1. Wikipedia contributors. (2024, May 21). Mozart effect. Wikipedia. k

  2. Barone, J. (2016, January 8). Laurie Anderson puts on a concert for dogs in Times Square. The New York Times.

  3. Fitchett, H. (2024, April 22). Dogs and Music: Research, preferences, and uses. The Dog People by

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