Cats can absolutely eat carrots. In fact, they are among the few human foods that are actually good for them. But before going ahead and placing a big bowl full of carrots in front of your cat it’s important to understand the right portion to give your cat, and how often they can enjoy carrots as a snack.
Carrots are known to be super healthy for humans. This is probably a large part of the reason why we try to add them to our salads and other dishes. But the real question is, should we also add it to our cat’s meals?

Are Carrots Good for Cats?
Carrots aren’t considered toxic to cats, so they can be a great option to give your cat as a healthy treat. However, cats are carnivorous in nature, so the majority of their daily calories should come from protein and non-veg ingredients.1 If you choose to add carrots to your cat’s diet, make sure you only include them once or twice a week.
Carrots are a good source of beta carotene, vitamins and minerals, especially biotin, potassium, vitamins A (from beta carotene), K1 (phylloquinone), B6, and antioxidants.2 A 100g serving of raw carrots consists of the following –3
Calories: 35
Water: 88%
Protein: 0.8 grams
Carbs: 8.2 grams
Sugar: 3.5 grams
Fat: 0.2 grams
These nutrients help in promoting healthy vision, balanced blood sugar, weight management, lowering the risk of cancer, blood pressure regulation, immunity, boost brain health, among other benefits. If fed in moderation, carrots can prove to be a good option for cats.
Health Benefits of Carrots for Cats
Now that we know that they are good for your cat, let’s dive into the benefits offered by each nutrient. Carrots provide cats with a healthy boost of vitamin K1 (phylloquinone), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), potassium, and fiber. If we were to break down the nutrient values in carrots and evaluate their effect on cats -1
Antioxidants - Play a key role in minimizing damage to cells, including cells of the immune system.
Fiber - Helps with digestive functions and increases a cat’s stool quality. It also helps in cases of constipation, diarrhea, diabetes, and even obesity.
Vitamin K1 – It helps the body form clots to put an end to bleeding after an injury.
Vitamin B6 – Is important for healthy immune function and red blood cell function.
Potassium - Is required for the normal function of muscles and bodily systems.
Beta Carotene – While your cat may not be able to convert beta carotene to Vitamin A, the antioxidant still works to keep your pet's immune system strong.
Do Cats Like Carrots?
While humans have taste buds that can detect sweet flavors, helping us enjoy vegetables like carrots, our feline friends don’t have these receptors. Cats usually like foods based on their texture. And given the crunchiness of carrots, it is highly possible that your cat could enjoy them as a treat.
How Much Carrot Should a Cat Have?
You should start with small quantities whenever you introduce any new foods to your cat.
Start by giving them a small piece, about the size of a fingernail. If your cat doesn’t show any signs of an allergic reaction or an upset stomach after a few hours, then you can safely give them another piece.
Always remember that these kinds of treats should not make up more than 10% of your cat’s daily calorie intake. There is more to consider than just the calorie counts though. Carrots have a lot of fiber, so limit your cat to one or two pieces, less than 2 ounces total, once or twice a week. Ingesting too much fiber can cause digestive issues in cats.1
How to Feed Carrots to a Cat
Before giving your cat any carrot, you want to make sure to prepare it correctly. Here are a few steps to help you get started:
Washed thoroughly – You don’t want any dirt or pesticides to enter your cat’s digestive tract. So, make sure to thoroughly wash the carrot.
Peeled – The skin of the carrot may not be safe for your cat to eat. Make sure to completely peel the carrot if you want to share a piece with your cat.
Cooked and sliced – While raw carrots are good for you, they are not good for your feline friend. Raw carrots can be difficult to chew and can pose a choking hazard. Make sure to properly cook the carrot and then slice it into tiny pieces that your cat can easily chew.
Once or twice a week – While it can be beneficial for your cat’s health, stick to the recommended quantity and limit the treat to no more than twice a week.
Keep it simple – Do not add any type of seasoning to the carrots. Butter, garlic, onions, etc. are all unsafe for your cat to eat.
No point of juice – While natural carrot juice won’t harm your cat, it will also provide little to no benefit because the fiber in the carrot will be lost in this form. Artificially flavored carrot juice is often high in sugar and chemicals and should be avoided as well.
Don’t give your cat raw carrot tops – While your cat may be a fan of the green leafy tops, it is again advised to cook and cut them into small pieces before letting your cat take a bite.
What Happens if a Cat Eats Too Much Carrot?
If your cat eats too much carrot, keep an eye out for the following symptoms of an upset stomach. You should contact your vet right away if you see –
Increased urination
Increased thirst
Increased appetite
Expert Insights From Spot
It's tempting to share our favorite foods with our pets, but it's essential to remember that not all human foods are safe for cats. Spot's internal data indicates that pet insurance claims for dietary indiscretions average $642*, stressing the importance of caution and research before giving snacks to your pet.
Are There Any Cats That Should Not Eat Carrots?
Some cats, not specific to any breed, can be more susceptible to getting an upset stomach from eating carrots. For these cats, carrots should be completely eliminated from their diets. The list can include –
Cats with allergies or food intolerances – If your cat is known to be allergic to other vegetables then you should avoid introducing carrots to their diet.
Cats with diabetes – Carrots contain natural sugars so if your cat is diabetic then it’s best to avoid adding carrots to their diet.
How Spot Can Help
At Spot Pet Insurance, we know that unexpected accidents and illnesses can happen at any time. That’s why Spot offers accident and illness and accident-only plans that offer pet parents up to 90% cash back on eligible veterinary bills. Spot’s plans are customizable so you can create a plan that will fit the needs of your pet and your budget. Choose your deductible, annual limit, and reimbursement from a range of options. Get a free quote today!
Carrots can be a safe and healthy snack for your cat as long as you prepare them correctly and stick to the recommended quantities and frequency. They can even offer your cat a few health benefits over time. So go ahead and whip up a serving for both you and your pet to enjoy!

Mostly a tech person, always a pet person. I am dedicated to improving the lives of pets and their humans with technology. Off-duty, I enjoy writing about the misbehaving of computer programs and my two Aussiedoodles, Calvin and Hobbes.
*Jan 2019 to Aug 2024 administrator claims data.
Ingraham, Leslie. “Can Cats Eat Carrots?” Wag Walking, 18 Jun. 2022,
Walther, Ricky.“Can Cats Eat Carrots? Here’s Everything You Need to Know.” Pawlicy Advisor, n.d.,
Nelson, Angela. “Health Benefits of Carrots.” WebMD, 25 Jan. 2024,
The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.