Mushrooms and magic mushrooms have been in the limelight for a while now. They are not only used for their ‘magical’ properties but are a key ingredient in thousands of recipes across the globe. This proves that we humans enjoy mushrooms; their taste and ‘magic’. But do cats like mushrooms? And more importantly, can cats also feel the hallucinating properties of magic mushrooms?

Can Cats Eat Mushrooms?
The mushrooms that we commonly use for cooking are generally safe for your cat to eat.1 However, some terms and conditions apply here. So don't start sharing those mushrooms with your feline buddy just yet.
Do Cats Like Mushrooms?
While cats lack the taste buds that allow us to enjoy sweet things, they can pick up on savory flavors which could explain why we have seen many cats trying to get their paws on mushrooms at the dinner table. Mushrooms contain glutamate, a type of amino acid that gives it the umami flavor that cats may be attracted to.1 Additionally, cats are typically curious about what their humans are eating, especially if the texture looks interesting.
Are Mushrooms Good for Cats?
The answer is yes, but usually only store-bought ones. Wild mushrooms found in the forest can be poisonous for both you and your cat. Cats are carnivorous in nature, so the majority of their nutrition requirements should come from meat. But, mushrooms can still provide your cat with some good benefits for their health. Let’s break down the nutritional content of Mushrooms.
A serving of 100 grams of store-bought mushroom consists of the following2 –
Calories: 15kcal
Carbs: 1g
Fat: 0.5g
Protein: 2g
Calcium: 0mg
Iron: 0.2mg
Potassium: 364mg
Sodium: 5mg
Health Benefits of Mushrooms for Cats
There are multiple health benefits of mushrooms for your cat. The three big ones can include:1
Immune System Boost – Mushrooms contain beta-glucans which are soluble fibers that help fight infections and boost the ability to fight viruses.
Helps Reduce Inflammation – The fatty acids and vitamins in mushrooms have anti-inflammatory properties. These can help fight inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, and bronchitis.
Helps Protect Against Cancer– Mushroom types like Shitake and Reishi assist the cat’s body to stay protected against cancer.
Not to forget all the water that these fungi have that helps keep the cat hydrated.
How Much Mushroom Should I Feed to My Cat?
While we know that mushrooms can generally be safe for your cat, there is a limit to how much mushroom you should be feeding your cat. The recommended quantity is no more than one or two pieces once a week. You need to make sure that mushrooms are just an occasional ‘good behavior’ treat and not a part of their daily diet. Your cat could face potential challenges if you end up feeding them too much mushroom.3
How Can You Feed Mushroom to Your Cat?
Raw is safe. Cooked it safer – While it is typically safe for your cat to eat raw store-bought mushrooms, it is always advisable that you feed cooked mushrooms for better digestion.
Keep it Simple – Store-bought mushrooms are okay, but mushrooms on top of pizza are not. There is a chance that your cat might ingest garlic oil, pieces of onion, or other vegetables from the pizza or other foods that are not safe for them.
Tiny cubes – Do not feed your cat a whole mushroom. Make sure to cut it up into tiny pieces, and only give them a little at a time.
Which Mushrooms Are Okay For Your Cat to Eat and Which Are Not?
The following mushrooms are considered safe for your cat to eat.1
White button
All of the mushrooms below are very poisonous to your cat.1 Make sure to keep these mushrooms away from your pet at all times.
Death cap
Fly agaric
Autumn skullcap
Jackson's slender amanita
Deadly webcap
Death angel
Do Cats Feel the Magic of Mushrooms?
Cats can feel the hallucinogenic effects of magic mushrooms. If your cat does end up ingesting psilocybin mushrooms, you should be looking out for symptoms like hallucinations, tremors, sensitivity, vocalization, nausea, disorientation, and seizures.1 Contact your vet immediately if any of these occur.
My Cat Ate Too Much Mushroom. What Do I Do?
If your cat eats too much mushroom, they can suffer from mushroom toxicity. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms3:
In case your cat ends up eating wild mushrooms, look out for the following symptoms:
Mild to severe vomiting
Extreme sensitivity to light and sound
Unsteady balance
Yellowing of the eyes and skin
Expert Insights From Spot
While sharing our favorite foods with our pets can be tempting, it's important to remember that not all human foods are safe for cats. Spot's internal data shows that pet insurance claims for dietary indiscretions average $642*, highlighting the importance of caution and research before sharing snacks with your pet.
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Mushrooms can be safe for your cats to eat, given that they are store-bought and fall under the list of safe species of mushrooms for cats. However, they should not be a part of their daily diet, but just an occasional treat to be given in very small quantities once in a while. So, in case, you’re feeling the ‘magic’ of the mushrooms, keep them away from your cat.
Happy mood and health to your purry friend and lots of love and licks to you! (Licks by your cat).

Audrey Halfen: Beta fish whisperer - whopping 9 months and counting! Once had a dog named Max, who I assertively claim is the cutest dog ever. Ready to throw down in a cute-off, if necessary.
*Jan 2019 to Aug 2024 administrator claims data.
Lee-Smith, Adam. “Can Cats Eat Mushrooms?” Wag, 8 Aug. 2022,
The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.