Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Apricots?

Key Points
  • Apricots are safe for dogs if the pit is removed, but they should be given in small quantities.
  • Avoid feeding apricot leaves or stems as they contain cyanide, which is toxic to dogs.
  • Watch for any signs of digestive upset after feeding apricots to dogs.

If you could pick one favorite food to eat for the rest of your life, would it be apricots? It may be the fruit you enjoy most, often consuming them at home, on the go, and at work. And, there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating apricots because the wholesome, fresh fruit is naturally good for you. However, if you have a dog at home, you may ask, “Can dogs have apricots?” Perhaps you want to share this sweet and refreshing treat with your four-legged friend because you love it so much. If so, you may be glad to know that apricots are safe for dogs to eat!

Can Dogs Eat Apricot Seeds?

Now that you know dogs can eat apricots, you’re probably wondering if it’s safe for them to consume the seeds. Before feeding your four-legged friend any apricots, you need to remove the seeds. The seeds are genuinely bad for dogs and cause harm to them, which you want to avoid when caring for your beloved pet.

The apricot kernel, also known as the seed, contains cyanide. If you didn’t know, cyanide is incredibly toxic and can cause life-threatening illness in your furry friend. When swallowing the kernel or seed, your dog can quickly begin to experience countless dangerous symptoms involving the stomach and digestive tract. Sadly, this can lead to death. Therefore, it’s best to be as cautious as possible when feeding this fruit to your dog. While it offers many health benefits, you need to remove the seed, or else your pet is at risk.

Is It Safe to Feed Dogs Dried Apricots as a Treat?

As an apricot lover, you may enjoy it in different ways, whether it’s fresh or dried. Many like nibbling on dried apricots as a quick, healthy sweet snack between meals. However, dried apricots are best for humans, not dogs. While dried apricots are safe because they typically already have the seed removed, dried fruits in general can become a choking hazard for our four-legged friends. Everything should be fine if you’re planning to watch your dog the entire time it consumes a piece of dried apricot. However, you wouldn’t want to give your dog a bit of dried apricot and leave the room because of the risk of choking.

Of course, the best way to play it safe is to provide fresh apricot instead of dried apricot. Your dog will enjoy it just as much and can reap the benefits of the nutritious fruit when you slice it down and add some to its feeding bowl.

How Many Apricots Can a Dog Have in One Day?

When feeding a dog something like an apricot, it’s important to remember that this is a treat, not the main course. Your dog will still need its usual food, whether you provide wet or dry canine food for your pet. You can continue giving your dog its usual meal but offer the apricot as a treat, using it as an alternative to processed dog treats that often contain harmful ingredients.

A dog shouldn’t have more than one whole apricot in a day, which will also depend on the dog’s size, with some having larger stomachs than others. If your dog is on the smaller size, half of the apricot is good enough to provide as a treat. Before you serve it, you’ll need to slice it down, remove the seed, and double-check to ensure it’s good to go.

How Much of an Apricot Should a Dog Eat?

As a dog owner, you’ve probably heard of the 10% rule, which refers to the amount of treats dogs should consume. Dog owners shouldn’t give their furry four-legged friends more than 10% of their daily calorie intake as a treat. Although apricots are considered a healthy breakfast or snack for humans, they’re not necessary for dogs, so you shouldn’t make them the main meal of the day. Instead, base how much you give your dog on its size and the number of calories it typically consumes. Of course, larger dogs would be able to eat a bit more of the apricot simply because they consume more calories in a given day than the average small dog with its tiny stomach.

The Benefits of Apricots for Dogs

Because the apricots aren’t harmful, you may want to give them to your dog at least a few times throughout the week, especially if you often have apricots at home. Before you add this fruit to your dog’s diet, it helps to know some of the benefits associated with apricots.

Did you know they contain several essential vitamins, including vitamins A and E? These vitamins are good for humans AND dogs. Some of the primary benefits of feeding apricots to your dog include1:

  • Better digestion

  • Improved condition of the skin

  • Shiny, clean-looking fur that appears healthy

  • Lower blood pressure

Knowing that apricots can provide countless health benefits may motivate you to want to start sharing the fruit with your dog. As long as you don’t overdo it and continue to provide a small amount of the apricot to your pup each day, you should have no problems. Your dog can even begin reaping the benefits of consuming something so naturally healthy in no time. If you take a before and after picture a few weeks apart after feeding your dog apricots a few times per week, you may even notice a significant difference in the appearance of its skin and fur.

Can Dogs Eat Other Types of Fruits?

Apricots are one of the best fruits for dogs, but several others are just as safe to give your dog. If you tend to have fruit on hand most of the time, you can feel free to share it with your dog. Other than apricots, some of the best fruits for dogs include bananas, apples, kiwis, mango, and cantaloupe. However, there are also a few fruits that you’ll need to avoid feeding to your furry friend, including grapefruit, grapes, and tomatoes. And, while cherries are safe for dogs, you’d have to remove the seeds before giving them any because those seeds are harmful!

Are Apricots Worth Adding to a Dog’s Diet?

Now that you’re aware of the many benefits of giving apricots to dogs, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth adding this specific fruit to your dog’s diet. Because of the vitamins and nutrients they provide, apricots are an excellent addition to your pet’s diet and should be considered. You can even replace unhealthy dog treats with fresh apricot. The replacement can do more for your four-legged friend than those junk treats commonly found in pet stores. So, if you’re looking for a way to reward your dog for its good behavior, apricots are an excellent choice. However, if you plan to have apricots at home, keep them out of reach of your pets because you wouldn’t want your dog to bite into one and potentially eat the toxic seed.

Other Fruits That Are Safe To Eat for Your Dog

Apricots isn’t the only fruit with health benefits for your canine companion. If your dog tends to turn up its nose at a treat that’s been offered many times before, or if you simply want to add variety to their diet, you can try these fruits as well:

Remember that grapes and raisins are never fruits you should feed your dog. These have particular enzymes in them that are toxic to dogs—avoid grapes and raisins around your dog like you avoid chocolate! We have compiled a big list of all the fruits your dogs should eat here.

Dogs can eat sweet potatoes and many other vegetables instead


Not only can dogs safely eat apricots, but they can also reap many health advantages from consuming them. Add this healthy, flavorful fruit to your dog’s diet in moderation to improve its digestion and the overall appearance of your pet’s skin and coat!


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