Dog Tips
Learn to be the best pet parent with helpful dog tips to make sure your pupper is always healthy and happy. From what dogs can eat to what to do if your dog gets lost, we've got you covered with information from experts.

Why Do Dogs Yawn? Learn More About This Anxious Behavior
Did you know that Yawning begins in the womb as early as the 11th week of pregnancy and continues for a lifetime? Even we got to know this recently. Some people also think that we yawn when the oxygen level in the body goes down. But that’s not true....
Dog Tips

Why Do Dogs Dig Holes in the Backyard?
We guess this is what must have happened with you – It was a nice Sunday afternoon. You were done with all the household chores and then finally decided to work on your garden. You spent half an hour looking for all the equipment and then the moment...
Dog Tips

Why Do Dogs Bury Bones in the Backyard?
We get why you’re asking this question. Your dog would have received a delicious bone as a treat. He gives it a good sniff, his tail wagging furiously, and then, instead of settling down to gnaw on it, he runs off to the garden. With a quick glance...
Dog Tips

What is Dog Whale Eye?
Looks like you’ve just got the ultimate side-eye from your dog. No, your furry friend isn’t channeling their inner diva or judging your questionable life choices (maybe just a little). They are not trying to create a meme-worthy moment as well. The...
Dog Tips

What is a Reactive Dog? How to Know If Your Dog is Reactive
A reactive dog can be best explained with an example. Imagine this – You’re walking in the park with your dog on a beautiful sunny day. Birds are chirping, kids are playing, and everything seems perfect…almost. Just then you see a beautiful lady...
Dog Tips

Most Common Signs of Stress in Dogs
Imagine your dog neck-deep in deadlines, bills, rent and the occasional existential crisis. Okay, this may be difficult to imagine. But imagine your dog after a long day of guarding the house from those pesky squirrels or having to wear a tutu or a...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Dirt? How Harmful Is it for Dogs?
Looks like you caught your dog snacking on something that made you question their life choices. Maybe it was a random sock, a piece of furniture, or—heaven forbid, your old underwear. But the bigger shock happens when your dog decides that your...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Drink Beer?
Are you trying to get your dog drunk so that you can laugh at all the tipsy behavior? Or is there some beer-chugging competition and you want someone with a big belly to be in your team? Spoiler Alert! – Neither is going to happen. But we understand...
Dog Tips

Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream?
Dogs and whipped cream: a match made in heaven? Some pet owners might think so, while others might be skeptical. So, what’s the verdict? Can dogs eat whipped cream or not? The answer might surprise you. Keep reading to find out more! Whipped cream is...
Dog Tips
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