Dog Tips
My Dog Ate My Pills - What To Do If Your Dog Eats Your Medication
It's a pet owner's nightmare: your dog has gotten into your medication. Human medications are formulated for us, not our furry friends, and many can be highly toxic, even fatal for dogs. Quick action is crucial. Let's discuss what to do and why...
Dog Tips
4 Safety Tips for Dog Walking to Follow
4 Dog Walking Safety Tips Walking your pup seems like a safe and healthy activity for both you and your pooch. And it is, for the most part. There are some risks and dangers you may encounter on your dog walk that you may not have considered. Potential...
Dog Tips
How to Calculate Your Dog's Age: Know How Old Your Dog Is
Have you ever wondered how old your furry friend would be in human years? While the old adage suggests one dog year equals seven human years, it's actually a little more complex. This guide explores the factors affecting dog aging, provides a...
Dog Tips
The Cost of Dog Diabetes: A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners
As devoted pet parents, we want the best for our companions. When a chronic illness like diabetes enters the picture, it affects not only our dog's health but also our finances. We’re taking a deep dive into the costs associated with dog diabetes so...
Dog Tips
Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? A Refreshing Treat with a Few Precautions
Watermelon is a popular summer fruit enjoyed by many, and you might be wondering if it's safe to share with your furry friend. The good news is that dogs can indeed eat watermelon, but there are a few crucial precautions to take to ensure their safety...
Dog Tips
Are Frogs Poisonous To Dogs?
While most backyard encounters with frogs are harmless, some species can be poisonous to dogs. Understanding the dangers and knowing what to do if your dog comes into contact with a toad is crucial for their safety. Toad Poisoning in Dogs: A Serious...
Dog Tips
Is Your Dog Depressed? 8 Signs Your Dog Might Be Suffering Depression
This post was updated on February 11, 2022. We adore our dogs. When their behavior or mood is “off” or they seem unhappy, it’s devastating. If your dog seems depressed recently or has struggled with sadness in the past, you know how confusing and...
Dog Tips
3 Things To Do If Your Dog Is Scared Of Fireworks
Why are dogs scared of fireworks? And how to calm dog firework anxiety Firework season is upon us again and, for many pet parents, it’s a time of the year they dread because of their pets’ fear of fireworks. Rest assured that Spot Pet Insurance is here...
Dog Tips
Fun Tricks to Teach Your Dog with The Super Collies
Meet The Super Collies The Super Collies are actors, performers, companions, and members of the Spot family! They lead a pretty active life full of tricks and travel, so trainer and pet parent Sara Carson insures them with dog insurance to help protect...
Dog Tips
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