Bengal Cat

Bengal Cat


The Bengal Cat has a exotic appearance that resembles that of a Leopard. They have huge eyes, small heads and a muscular physique.

Lifetime Care

Breed Profile


13 – 16



8 – 15


Life Span

9 – 13




Luxating Patella

of cats

What is it?:

It is a physical condition where the kneecap gets dislocated from its position. If the kneecap moves on the inside it is known as medial luxation while if it moves on the outside it is called lateral luxation.

Clinical signs

The clinical symptoms of this condition and its severity depends on a grading system that follows from 1 to 4. Higher the grade, higher the severity. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Facing constant or occasional limp

  • Struggle while jumping to higher surfaces or from one place to another

  • Skipping condition in the back leg

The increase in the grade often leads to more limping. Due to the discomfort the cat may not be willing to move around too often or may face a reduction in their appetit. Cats with arthritis may scream or make sounds in pain and face lethargy as moving around gets difficult.


The Bengal Cat’s age, condition and other injuries or illnesses are to be kept in mind before deciding what treatment to go with further.

  • anti-inflammatory medications and similar supportive therapies may be used to treat Grade I luxations.

  • Surgery may be required for Grade II luxations, depending on the condition and other injuries.

  • Grade III and IV luxations should receive surgical correction.Joint arthritis can be prevented by surgery sooner rather than later.

  • Pain Medication in case of difficulty in movement

Once the surgery is done the cat is asked to rest and perform no strain on their legs for about 2 weeks.

Eligible vet bill


Reimbursement Rate

Amount a Spot accident & illness plan could cover*


Your Net payment


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*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.


Hip Dysplasia

of cats

What is it?:

It is an inherent condition which causes the joint malfunction in the hip.

Cats with this condition have hips that are not aligned. As a result, discomfort occurs.

Clinical signs

  • Feeling irritated and agitated

  • Trouble with climbing stairs

  • Unable to squat

  • Hesitance to jump to higher surfaces

  • Excess licking of the hip

  • Having a limp


  • Surgeries are very rare in case of cats, but they may be considered if this condition affects their way of living.

Eligible vet bill


Reimbursement Rate

Amount a Spot accident & illness plan could cover*


Your Net payment


Click For Price

*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.



The Bengal Cats have similar qualities to that of their ancestors and hence are easy to train


Despite people’s belief that the Bengal cat is a domesticated wildcat, they are the sweetest creatures and love human interaction.


The Bengal cats are an active breed and they love to play fetch and be on their feet.

Lifetime Care


They have a short coat which is very furry and soft.


The standard Bengal Cat colors are snow, brown and silver. They are also available in rare colors like black, blue and charcoal.




The Bengal cats do not shed a lot but their coat needs to be brushed once in a while and they also require their nails to be trimmed.


The Bengal cats are comparatively easier to train. All they need is some patience and willingness to learn. They can also be trained to perform tricks as well.

The Bengal cat is a comparatively new breed. They were bred in the 1970’s by Jean Mill of California. Their origins can be traced to the breeding of Asian leopard cats with domestic cats such as the Abyssinian, Egyptian Mau, or American shorthair. Bengal cats are named after the Asian leopard cat, Felis bengalensis.

The Bengal Cat: Introduction to the Breed

The Bengal cat may have the look of a leopard with a strong muscular body but, they are as much a domestic breed as any other. However, it is always better to know as much as possible about a breed before bringing them home.

Bengal cats are generally:

  • Energetic and playful

  • Affectionate and people loving

  • Loves Water

  • Talkative

  • Good with children

American Terriers are best suited for –

  • Active families

  • Want an affectionate cat

  • Owners who can give attention and play with their cat

  • Someone who can teach their cats tricks

  • Families with older kids

Diet and Nutrition

Their diets should include high protein content. A variety of protein-rich foods can be found in chicken, beef, lamb, fish, and turkey. It's best to not feed them plant based food. Despite their short digestive systems, they are not entirely adapted to metabolize plant-based foods. Animal protein sources are more easily digestible for Bengal cats, which is why they rely heavily on them.

Some foods to avoid for your Bengal cat are as follows:

  • Chocolate

  • Onions, Garlic

  • Green Tomatoes

  • Tuna

  • Grapes and Raisins

  • Raw Eggs

Health risks of the Bengal Cat

The bengal cat is generally a healthy breed but just like other cats a few diseases are common in this breed and they are:

  • Flat-chested kitten syndrome is a deformity in cats that leads to the collapsation of the lungs due to the compression of the chest.

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is generally a heart disease which is inherited

  • Distal neuropathy is an illness of the nervous system that causes weakness.

  • Patellar luxation, it's a life threatening disease caused by coronavirus in cats.

  • Feline Infectious Peritonitis , it's a life threatening disease caused by coronavirus in cats.

Caring for a Bengal Cat

Like every cat The Bengal cat also needs basic day to day care. Here are some of the tips on how much a bengal cat costs you?

A few things to keep in mind in terms of caring for a Bengal cat are as follows:

  • Keep their litter box clean daily

  • To trim their nails

  • To brush their fur to maintain it and prevent hairballs

  • They require space to jump and move around as they are large cats

  • They should have toys which are interactive and keep them busy as they are active

  • It’s better to keep them indoors to protect them from any harm or contracting a disease.

Read More: Bengal Cat Insurance Overview


If you are looking for a cat that is affectionate like a dog the Bengal Cat is just for you. They may resemble a wildcat but they are soft on the inside. They are fun and active creatures, they love to climb places and interact with humans as well as dogs. There is nothing wild about these Cats other than their appearance.
