German Spitz
German Spitzes are spitz-type dogs from Germany. Although they are considered a single breed, they come in five varieties based on size and colour: the Wolfsspitz or Keeshond, the Giant Spitz or Großspitz, the Medium Spitz or Mittelspitz, the Miniature Spitz or Kleinspitz, and the Pomeranian or Zwergspitz.
Breed Profile
Life Span
Patellar Luxation
What is it?
When the dog kneecap moves out of place. Also known as a trick-knee, this can cause pain and discomfort.
Clinical Signs
Inability to bend the knee
Refusal to Jump
Inability or difficulty running
Hunched Lower back
Bowlegged stance in the hindlimb
A luxating patella can be treated medically or surgically, as with many orthopedic conditions in dogs. An anti-inflammatory and pain medication may be used to help alleviate the pain and discomfort. Depending on the severity, a vet may recommend surgery. Alternatively, a hip replacement may be recommended as treatment
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Attentive and Lively
They have a very lively personality
They are typically playful and active around everyone
They may not be as affectionate to their owners compared to other dog breeds, and they may struggle with obedience if not trained properly due to their independent personalities.
Lifetime Care
The German Spitz has a double coat. Their overcoat is long and straight, but the undercoat is short, woolly, and softer.
They can come in variety of colors including black, brown, orange, wolf gray, and white.
The thick, fluffy coats of these dogs require weekly brushings to remove loose hair and to help prevent matting.
They are typically easy to train.
German Spitzes are attentive, lively, and exceptionally loyal to their owners. This dog is very teachable and easy to train. Due to their natural distrust of strangers and lack of hunting instinct, they are the perfect watchdog for the home. Their indifference to weather, robustness, and longevity makes them stand out.
Breeds like the German Spitz are captivating because of their beautiful coats, which are complemented by a dense undercoat. Their bushy tails are carried boldly over their backs and their strong, mane-like collar around their neck, called a ruff. A German Spitz's cheeky appearance is attributed to their foxy head, alert eyes, and small, pointed, closely set ears.
German Spitzes come in white, black, or brown colors. Toy and medium German Spitzes come in a variety of colors including white, black, brown, orange, grey-shaded, and more. They are an intelligent and lively breed that can also be independent. If they are properly trained (to avoid being too noisy) and socialized, the German Spitz will be able to mingle with other dogs and people.
German Spitz: Introduction to the Breed
The decision to add a new pet to your family is a big one. Before purchasing another puppy, research the different types and determine which one is the best fit for your family and lifestyle. Make a list of the characteristics you want in a dog and the ones you do not want. There are a few things you should know about the German Spitz breed.
German Spitz dogs are generally:
Good with Families
A dog's ownership is more than a privilege; it's a responsibility. We owe them much more than food and shelter. You need to understand the commitment that dog ownership entails when you take on a dog. German Spitzes’ are energetic dogs who love to please their owners and be the center of attention.
Rather than staying inside and cuddling, they prefer to run around the yard or house. They enjoy games that involve running and chasing toys since they are highly active. They can be wary of strangers and vocal, so they may bark around people they don't know. Their bark sounds "yappy" to some because of its high pitch. In addition to being intelligent, they can also be stubborn.
To ensure these pups are obedient and well trained, it takes a strong-willed trainer. You can't do much better than the German Spitz if you want a watchdog who will alert you when anyone approaches your door. A high prey drive is also characteristic of the German Spitz. Nevertheless, early training can help curb their barking and chasing tendencies. Families and households of any size can live with them, but they will need a lot of exercise and attention.
What are the Origins of the German Spitz?
German Spitz are one of the oldest dog breeds, originating from Central Europe. FCI classifies the German Spitz in the same family as the Pomeranian/Toy Spitz (the smallest) and the Keeshond/Wolfspitz (the largest), with three sizes of German Spitz in the middle (giant, medium, and miniature). The history of the German Spitz is therefore intertwined with these two others.
It was in 1450 that Count Eberhard Zu Sayn of Germany noted that the spitz was a valiant defender of home and fields. Early members of this breed were born in Pomerania, a historical region on the south shores of the Baltic between modern-day Germany and Poland. A small spitz makes up for its lack of bulk with their alertness and voice. Traders and fishermen kept these dogs on their boats as alert watchdogs. The spitz's acute hearing was used for early detection of intruders on farms. Whenever something strange happened, they would sit up on anything high and bark in a high-pitched alarm. Dung-hill barkers are sometimes called mistbeller in Germany.
As a peasant's dog, the spitz gained popularity among the upper class and royalty of England. At the beginning of the 18th century, when George I was king and his German wife was queen, numerous German visitors visited the court and brought with them their spitz dogs. At the time of their devotedness, Queen Charlotte and Queen Victoria were also fans.
It wasn't until 1975, when several Keeshonds were imported from Holland and bred to larger Pomeranians, that the breed began to thrive again.
What are the Risks for the German Spitz Dog Breed?
German Spitz can suffer from health issues during their lifetimes, just like any other breed. You should be aware of these common conditions if you are considering purchasing a German Spitz. If you're buying a puppy, be sure to find a breeder who can show you the health clearances for both parents. Dogs with health clearances have been tested and cleared of certain conditions.
The following are some of the most common health issues a German Spitz may experience:
Collapsing Trachea
Patellar Luxation
Progressive Retinal Atrophy
Regular veterinary checkups are important for all dog breeds to help detect any health issues early. You can develop a healthy dog care routine with the help of your vet. German Spitzes have high energy levels and need at least one good walk per day, as well as a few active play sessions and shorter walks.
Make sure their ears are free of debris and pests every day and clean them according to your veterinarian's instructions. You should trim your dog's nails once or twice a month before they become too long. The floor should not be clicking when they walk. You can get help with this from your groomer. Maintaining your German Spitz's oral health is an important part of their care. Small breeds can be prone to dental problems, so you should brush their teeth regularly. The best way to brush your dog's teeth is to ask your veterinarian for instructions.
To help cope with the things that are beyond your control, it is essential to be prepared. The number one priority of Spot Pet Insurance is helping you give your dog a long, happy, and healthy life. Ask us about the well-rounded plans we offer for your German Spitz and receive a free quote today. The cost of veterinary care can cause a lot of stress to animal parents. A quality pet insurance policy can help reduce the stress you experience when you own a German Spitz. If you have pet insurance, eligible veterinary expenses for your German Spitz can be covered. With pet insurance, you can rest easy.