I’m Charlie: canine enthusiast with a knack for figuring out why my dog, Dallas, is more infatuated with tennis balls than me. My lifelong passion for dogs has created a dedication to help other pet parents better understands their furry family members!

Can Cats Eat Ginger?
If you are a pet owner, you already know how fussy your cat can be with food. Many pet owners have questions relating to whether their cats can eat certain food. One of the most intriguing questions you may have is if cats can eat ginger. Can I Give My...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Papaya?
Papayas originated in Mesoamerica, within modern-day southern Mexico and Central America. But the Americans are not the leaders in papaya production. India produces more than 40% of the world's papayas. So, if you are enjoying a papaya salad or...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Mangoes?
The national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines, mangoes are undoubtedly one of the juiciest, yummiest, and most tempting fruits of all time. The mango finds its origins in the southern part of the Asian subcontinent which includes countries...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Onions?
Before you read anything else, the very important statement in this article is – NO, cats cannot and should not eat onions at all. Yellow onions, sweet onions, red onions, white onions, shallots, scallions, etc. are all types of onions. There are...
Cat Tips

Signs That Your Dog is Overheated: Recognizing and Preventing Heat Stress in Dogs
Our beloved furry friends bring boundless joy and enthusiasm, but as temperatures rise, their well-being becomes a top priority. Heat stress in dogs, also known as overheating, can lead to serious health complications, including potentially fatal...
Dog Tips

Can Cats Eat Arugula?
For the readers who are eager to know if they can feed arugula to their cat, yes! Arugula is considered non-toxic and safe for your cat. It can even be healthy for your cat if fed in the right manner.1 However, it is important to know all the facts...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Asparagus?
If you are like most cat owners, you may let your cat sniff every kind of food in your pantry. While some cats stop at a whiff, some may choose to nibble on unusual veggies. And to much surprise, one of those veggies could be asparagus. But can cats...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Bananas? A Complete Guide to Bananas for Cats
Bananas are a popular and healthy snack for humans, but can cats eat bananas too? The answer is yes but with some important caveats. While bananas aren't toxic to cats, they offer limited nutritional value for our feline friends and should only be...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Potatoes?
Can Cats Eat Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, Raw Potatoes, Cooked Potatoes? Potatoes are a staple in households across the world, come in various forms and shapes, and can be turned into many tasty delicacies! Not only are potatoes tasty, but they are also...
Cat Tips

Pet Insurance for Indoor Pets: Is it Necessary?
Pet insurance can often be associated with outdoor pets due to their increased exposure to risks like accidents and encounters with other animals. However, the question remains: is pet insurance necessary for indoor pets? While indoor pets may enjoy a...
Why Pet Insurance?

Will Pet Insurance Cover Surgery?
If you're a pet parent, chances are you've had to deal with unexpected veterinary expenses at some point. From routine check-ups to emergency surgeries, the cost of pet care can add up quickly. This is where pet insurance comes in. Pet insurance can...
Why Pet Insurance?

How Much Does a Papillon Cost in 2024?
Papillon Characteristics Life expectancy: 14 - 16 yrs. Adult weight: 5 - 10 lbs. Adult height: 8 – 11 in. Origin – Belgium/France The Papillon, named for its distinctive butterfly-like ears, is a small and elegant toy breed that captures hearts with...
Breed Tips