Breed Tips

Top 5 Wolf Dog breeds

Key Points
  • Dogs evolved from wolves and retain some wolf-like traits.
  • Popular wolf-like dog breeds include Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, and German Shepherds
  • These breeds often exhibit traits such as high energy, intelligence, and a protective nature.
  • Selective breeding has influenced the evolution of modern dogs

From apes to humans, we have come a long way and all thanks to evolution. We developed characteristics which were suitable to the environment. Ecosystems, nature, plants, animals are all the factors behind our evolution and at the same time all these factors themselves have gone massive changes in millions of years to be seen as what they are today. We adapted and so did the dogs. Coming from the ferocious, aggressive, tenacious wolf family, dogs are nothing but the domesticated versions of these wolves. Now despite there being significant difference between us and the Chimpanzees, our closest DNA matches, there are a lot of similarities as well. That’s because we may not remember but DNA remembers everything. Just like that, even modern-day dogs show signs of their ancestral wolves in some or the other ways. Some may show dominant signs while others some passive non-dominant traits.

Let’s check the top 5 wolf dog breeds out there.

1. Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky
  • Average Weight: 45 to 60 pounds (male and female)

  • Average Height:  21 to 24 inches (male and female)

  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 14 years

  • Origin – Siberia

These ferocious but beautiful-looking breed of dogs are a working sled dog breed. With athletic stamina and high intelligence, Siberian Huskies need adequate physical stimulation which otherwise turns into restless and very aggressive behaviors. Often around smaller pets, children, and strangers, they tend to show this aggressive side. Their stunning eyes, compact bodies, and upright ears remind us of their wolf ancestors, but their playful and friendly personality helps them make fast friends with anyone.

2. Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute
  • Average Weight: 80 to 85 pounds (male and female)

  • Average Height:  23 to 25 inches (male and female)

  • Life Expectancy: 10 to 14 years

  • Origin – Alaska

The Alaskan Malamutes are nothing but a smaller version of Siberian Huskies. Originally bred for its strength and endurance, this is a sled and hound dog breed.  These double-coated dogs are yet used for similar purposes as hundreds of years ago like personal travel, hauling freight, helping move light weights and for recreational purposes like mushing, skijoring, bikejoring, carting, and can cross. These bigger and fluffier versions of Huskies are great companions for walking, trekking, hiking, running, etc. The muscular build is what makes them resemble their ancestors and are used to pull distances for long distances. You may also be interested in Malamute.

3. German Shepherds

German Shepherds
  • Average Weight: 66 to 88 pounds (male and female)

  • Average Height:  24 to 28 inches (male and female)

  • Life Expectancy: 9 to 13 years

  • Origin – Germany 

Developed by Max von Stephanitz, the German Shepherds are traditionally a herding breed as the name suggests. Also known as the Alsatians, they are now used for herding, disability assistance, search-and-rescue, police work, and warfare, they are intimidated by their looks itself. Their protective nature makes them aggressive. It is one of the most popular dog breeds out there. Although the colors and ears make it look like a wolf nature wise it is a very well-behaved, loving, and affectionate breed and a great companion for families with kids. You will just have to make sure that there is enough physical stimulation or else they can turn quite mischievous. 

4. Swedish Vallhund

Swedish Vallhund
  • Average Weight: 25 to 135 pounds (male and female)

  • Average Height:  10 to 13 inches (male and female)

  • Life Expectancy: 13 to 15 years

  • Origin – Sweden

Västgötaspets or the Swedish cow dog, Swedish Vallhund is a working dog, originally used for droving and herding cows. The name itself talks about it as when ‘Vallhund’ is translated to English it means ‘herding dog’. With the looks of a wolf but the size of a Corgi, it has a personality with both of those traits. It can be playful, cuddly, loving, and at the same time very protective of its owners and get aggressive for the same. The high energy in them is the reason for their constant running and barking. So, if only if you’re an active owner, this breed is for you. 

5. Samoyed

  • Average Weight: 35 to 60 pounds (male and female)

  • Average Height:  18 to 21 inches (male and female)

  • Life Expectancy: 8 to 14 years

  • Origin – Siberia

A thick white, double-layer coated is what a Samoyed dog or the Sammie will look like. Taking their name from the Samoyedic people of Siberia they are domesticated animals used for herding, hunting, protection, and sled pulling. The appearance is so magnificent that the fact that it needs extra grooming doesn’t bother the owners. It basically is the benchmark for any white fluffy dog out there. And just like their soft appearance, they are soft by heart as well. They will love their owners as well as strangers. Also known as ‘the smiley dog’, coming home to that beautiful smile will make all your tiredness go away. Not just sweet and loving, these are very intelligent too. So basically, a complete package. 

The evolution of dogs from wolves happened majorly because of domestication and humans started breeding dogs for multiple purposes like hunting, herding, protecting, sledding, companionship, etc. And dogs have been with us and helped us in countless ways and will still keep doing so. Their ancestors might be ferocious hunters but the dogs that have evolved are filled with love, affection, and care. But just like we carry some or the other signs of our ancestral apes in some way, even dogs carry them from their ancestral wolves. We might not remember how our ancestors were exactly but our DNA does remember and hence the traits and characteristics follow for thousands of years. The hunting and killing spirit is yet prevalent in a lot of dogs. But with proper training, they can be made into obedient, loving, and caring companions who will be loyal to you for life.

Fun Facts –

  • Dogs and wolves can interbreed and produce fertile wolf-dog hybrids.

  • Some of these wolf-like traits can be “re-activated” through selective breeding efforts, which will make them resemble their wolf-like ancestors. This doesn’t make them wolves; it just makes them look like wolves.


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