Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky is a breed that comes from Northeast Asia. Since prehistoric times, these dogs have been working together with humans in Arctic regions. Today, many of these gentle pups are kept as companion dogs around the world.
Breed Profile
20 – 24
35 – 60
Life Span
12 – 14
Juvenile Cataracts
What is it?
An obstruction in the dog’s eye that disrupts vision.
Clinical signs
Dogs with Juvenile Cataracts may have a white spot in the eye and could bump into things around the house due to loss of vision.
Treatment includes diet changes, eye drops, and surgery.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Thanks to their ancient history of living with humans, this breed is very friendly.
These dogs are known for their kind and gentle manner.
The Husky likes time alone and knows what it wants.
Lifetime Care
These dogs sport a thick double coat.
Colors include everything from black to pure white.
Lots of brushing will help reduce shedding around the home.
These dogs are independent and need strong and consistent training.
Learn more about the cost of caring for a Siberian Husky.
Siberian Husky Breed Information 2022
The Siberian Husky is a prehistoric breed that comes from Northeast Asia. These dogs are well known for their pointed ears and a thick double coat of white and black. This coat keeps the dogs well insulated in the winter and reflects heat to keep them cool in the summer.
Huskies are usually a very friendly breed. This is in large part thanks to their history of working and living with humans. They are also quite gentle and affectionate with their owners and special people. With proper socialization, the Siberian Husky is not an aggressive breed. Also, they’re very independent. If you’re looking for a dog that will give you your personal space when needed, you’ve found it in the Husky.
At Spot Pet Insurance, we believe that pets make us better people. That’s why we work to help protect your pet by providing extensive pet insurance plan options. Reach out and request a pet insurance quote today to learn more about coverage options for your Siberian Husky.
Siberian Husky: Introduction to the Breed
Introducing any new pet into your home is a big decision. This is because your life will change in many ways and the animal’s life will shift completely. That’s why it’s crucial for you to do your research beforehand and reflect on your family and lifestyle. Think through what traits you’d like to have in a furry companion, and which may be impractical for you. Here are a few things you need to know before the sale of your Siberian Husky puppy.
Siberian Huskies are usually,
Good with kids.
Escape Artists.
Are you looking for a dog for your kids? Pets can teach children valuable lessons like responsibility, empathy, and unconditional love. Huskies are known to be a gentle breed thanks to their longstanding relationship with humans. However, these dogs have a lot of energy. So, it’s important to allow the dog time to exercise and play daily to lower its energy levels around family members. As always, it’s important to supervise small children with any animal.
The Siberian Husky breed is well known for its ability to escape. They love jumping high or digging low to break free from a backyard. An electric fence might not cut it for this breed. The recommended fence height for these dogs is 6 ft. Also, make sure the pup gets enough exercise each day can greatly reduce boredom behaviors such as digging.
These dogs love to bark. If you’ve ever been around this breed, you may have heard their famous howl. They love talking with you and making sure you’re aware of your surroundings. While they don’t make good guard dogs due to their lack of aggression, they are very good at letting you know when the mailman is nearby!
Read More: Best Names for a Husky
What are the Origins of the Siberian Husky?
The Siberian husky comes from the Northeast Asian region of Siberia. Since prehistoric times, this breed was used to work together with humans. They were companions, helped with hunting sea mammals, and, most famously, they pulled sleds.
It wasn’t until the Klondike Gold Rush around the 1890s that the dogs were transported to Alaska. They played a large role in pulling sleds and moving materials across otherwise untraversable land.
The dog is a very famous companion to many families today and was recognized by the American Kennel Club in the year 1930.
What are the Risks for the Siberian Husky?
Just like any other purebred dog, this breed is not without its share of genetic diseases due to inbreeding. The Husky mainly struggles with eye problems. The main one is Juvenile Cataracts. This is when an obstruction in the dog’s eye (called a Cataract) disrupts the dog’s vision.
One way to tell if your Husky puppy has Juvenile Cataracts is by noticing if they seem to bump into things around the house as if they don’t see them. Another way is by shining a light in the dog’s eye or taking a flash photo. If you don’t see redness or reflection, your dog could have a Cataract. Look for a white or gray spot in the dog’s eye or take them to your licensed veterinarian to be sure. Here are some other Siberian husky illnesses to look out for.
Other Siberian Husky health problems include:
Corneal Dystrophy.
Canine Glaucoma.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy.
Gastric Disease.