Cat Tips

How is a Maine Coon’s Personality?

If you’re looking not just for a cat but one that’s part lion, part teddy bear and part stand-up comedian, then Maine Coon is the breed to go for. All of this is a huge package as these cats belong to the largest domestic pure cat breed in the world. Most people you meet will only know this fact about Maine Coons. But there’s an ocean of personality hidden beneath the massive size of these cats. Here’s everything you would want to know about them! 

 Let’s start with a bit of history about these cats – 

The origin of Maine Coons is a bit unclear but there are many myths around it. Some say that the breed is a hybrid with another animal species, such as the raccoon or bobcat. The second myth states the cats are descendants of Viking ship's cats, known today as the Norwegian Forest cats. So, we don’t really know how they came into being in existence. We just know that they originated in the U.S. state of Maine. Whatever the story, we are just glad they walk the earth with us today. (1)

Talking about their appearance - they come with a medium to large-sized coat that covers a long and rectangular body. These coats are available in a variety of colors including white, black, blue, red, cream, brown, silver, tortoiseshell, blue-cream and golden. The long coat along with a light-density undercoat helps them withstand cold temperatures. (1)

Let’s get to the details that you are here for now -  

Most Common Maine Coon Personality Traits? 


People that own a Maine Coon say that they’ve adopted a dog in the form of a cat. Here are some of its personality traits that may convince you of the same – (5)

  • Gentle – This one is a trait that Maine Coons are mostly recognized as. They are considered as the ‘gentle giants’ of the feline world. They come with a sweet and loving disposition. 

  • Playful – This is a trait that makes them more dog-like. Maine Coons prove the common notion of cats being aloof wrong. They love playing with their humans and not just during the kitten ages. They usually retain their playful nature throughout their lives. You’ll often see them chasing toys, pouncing on imaginary prey, and engaging in playful antics. 

  • Sociable – Another dog-like feature of Maine Coons. They love the company of not just their humans but other pets as well. They are not among the hide-away types. It’ll be difficult to keep them off all your family pictures and activities. 

  • Intelligent – When we say they love playing, it includes solving puzzles and learning new tricks as well. They are highly intelligent and love to figure out how things work. So, don’t be shocked if your cat learns to fire up your laptop one day and watch cat videos on it. 

  • Vocal – They may not be the loudest cat breed around but are definitely not the most silent ones. You’ll see them using a range of sounds, including chirps, trills, and soft meows to get your attention if you’ve been ignoring them for a long time. (only if they could bark).

  • Independent – They may be all clingy at times but that doesn’t mean they can’t entertain themselves. So, if you have a busy household at times, you won’t need to worry much. 

While typing itself it feels like we are describing a dog breed. 

Do Different Colored Maine Coons Have Different Personalities?

Fever in Cats

Maine Coons come in a vast variety of 75 different color combinations and patterns that include solid coloring, tabby stripes or smokey shading. It is the X chromosome that is responsible for the coat color. Males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes. This means that males inherit the color chromosome from their moms. Females, on the other hand, get one X (color) chromosome from each parent. (2)

This information is just for your knowledge. Color chromosomes have nothing to do with a cat’s personality. The personality of a cat is usually influenced by factors like genetics, upbringing, lifestyle, etc. 

So, the answer is ‘no’, different colored Maine Coons do not have different personalities. Same colored Maine Coons can have very different personalities (sometimes even if they are siblings) and vice-versa. 

What Kind of Person Should Get a Maine Coon?

Maine Coon

Looking at their charming and dog-like personalities, here are the types of people that can get a Maine Coon cat – 

  • Families with children

  • Pet owners with other pets (including dogs or other cats)

  • People with an active lifestyle (while these cats may sleep a lot like other cats, they would need a good amount of physical activity and human interaction during the day)

  • WFH people – As mentioned above, these cats love to spend time with their humans

Apart from these, they can be a great option for first-time cat owners as well. Especially, if you’re looking for non-stop entertainment. 

Will a Maine Coon Ruin My Apartment?

Main Coon

We’ve read about experiences of some people stating that their Maine Coons tend to chew everything from purses and shoes to clothes and plastic. And that they tend to jump on kitchen counters and knock items off dressers. (3)

What you need to understand is that Maine Coons are not a breed that is going to sit in a corner every day. They will need physical and mental stimulation during the day to burn all the packed energy in them. Such behaviors are only a way for them to entertain themselves when bored. If you take them out a couple of times, get them some interactive toys and spend some quality with them, you won’t really see them engaging in such behaviors. 

More About Spot Pet Insurance

Here’s something more you need to know about Maine Coon cats before getting one of them home. There are certain medical conditions that they are prone to during their life. These include – (4)

  • Joint diseases like arthritis and hip dysplasia

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

  • Dental diseases

The treatments for these can put a dent in your savings at times. Not with pet health insurance though! 

With pet health insurance, you can save up to 90% of the treatment costs. With Spot Pet, you can save many more costs. 

Cat Insurance helps to provide pet parents with additional financial support and peace of mind when it comes to the health and wellness of their pets. With a Spot plan, pet parents can receive up to 90% cash back on eligible vet bills. This way pet parents can focus on caring for and supporting their pets. Spot's also offers preventive care add-ons, which can help cover the eligible costs of spaying and neutering, dental cleaning, vaccinations, and other routine care services. 

Get a quote today!


1. Wikipedia contributors. (2024, July 16). Maine Coon. Wikipedia.

4. Braaksma, H. (2024, April 4). Maine Coon. Daily Paws.

5. Colgate. (2024, January 15). Maine Coon Cat Breed Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet. Hill’s Pet Nutrition.

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