Find out aspects of coverage and what pet insurance can cover here

Does Pet Insurance Cover Intestinal Blockage?
Unexpected vet bills are a reality for pet parents, and intestinal blockages can be particularly expensive. Pet insurance can help, but understanding the specifics of your coverage is essential. We'll explore how these blockages occur, what treatments...

How Much Does Dog Hernia Surgery Cost?
Yes, dogs can get hernias, too, and they are quite common. The cost of surgery can be as low as $150 to as high as $10,0003. Apart from the surgery itself, there will be other costs attached, like pre-surgery examination, post-surgery care, and more....

Does Pet Insurance Cover Ultrasounds?
One of the marvels of modern technology, a radiation-free way to peer inside the human body with remarkable precision - Ultrasounds have vast applications. They are widely used in human and pet healthcare for monitoring pregnancies and diagnosing...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Umbilical Hernias?
Wait, pets can have Hernias too? Yes, dogs and cats can have hernias too. While they are uncommon in cats, they are fairly common in dogs. They can be umbilical, inguinal, diaphragmatic, hiatal, or peritoneopericardial. They can be very painful....

Does Pet Insurance Cover Ear Infections?
It’s not surprising that the long and sometimes droopy ears of dogs are prone to infections because of all the dirt and bacteria they can collect. They aren’t very rare in cats either. However, it may be surprising to know that some of these infections...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Heartworm Treatment?
The foot-long worms that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets can cause severe and potentially fatal diseases in pets. They can affect both dogs and cats, and the treatment can sometimes take several months....

Does Pet Insurance Cover Teeth Extraction?
Yes, since teeth extraction is typically done either in case of an illness or an accident, pet insurance plans can help cover its cost, as long as it is not a pre-existing condition, and symptoms do not occur during the waiting period. There are...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Spaying?
You, of course, may already know what spaying is, but just in case you don’t – Spaying, or ‘fixing’ as some people refer to it, is a surgical procedure to remove the reproductive organs from a female dog or cat. It is routine but highly invasive and...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Neutering?
Neutering as a procedure is not particularly a cure for any illness but more like a prevention. So, pet insurance plans that cover accidents and illnesses usually won’t cover the cost of neutering. However, add-on plans are available with some...
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