Find out aspects of coverage and what pet insurance can cover here

Does Pet Insurance Cover Parvo?
Parvovirus – a severely contagious and sometimes even fatal virus in dogs and cats- cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be curbed through intensive medication and care. Pet insurance can help cover the cost of required medicines and other treatments...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Insulin?
A study shows that 14% of adults, or around 830 million people worldwide, had diabetes in 2022. (1) In the US alone, there are 38.4 million people who have diabetes.(2) This clearly shows that it is a very common condition across the globe. But you’ll...

Does Pet Insurance Cover TPLO Surgery?
Dogs are not exactly Olympic athletes when it comes to grace. If you observe a dog’s knees from the side, you’ll see that it’s constantly at an angle of around 110 degrees. Because of this bending, the ACL inside the knee joint is always under tension...

Does Pet Insurance Cover BOAS Surgery?
BOAS or Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome is a breathing condition that affects many of your favorite dog breeds like Pugs, French Bulldogs, and Shih Tzus. Luckily, pet insurance can help cover it if is not a pre-existing condition and it does...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells or slow their growth rate in the body. It is the most common treatment for many types of cancers in dogs in case the tumor cannot be surgically removed. It can be an expensive treatment as it is not...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Cherry Eye Surgery?
Dogs have three eyelids. The third one contains a tear gland, which, when it pops out, becomes like a red bulging balloon called a ‘cherry eye’. It is very common in certain breeds. Pet insurance plans can help cover the cost of surgery. Let’s...

Does Pet Insurance Cover ACL Surgery?
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) is one of the most common orthopedic surgeries performed in dogs. A study even found that CCL makes up almost 85% of all dog orthopedic surgeries every year.(2) Luckily, pet insurance...

Does Pet Insurance Cover Behavioral Training?
Behavioral conditions like aggression or anxiety can quickly strain the relationship between pet and pet parent. Bringing home a new pet should be a happy event followed by exciting new experiences and memories. If your pet is acting out and is at risk...
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