Dog Tips
Why Does My Dog Lick Everything? Decoding Your Dog's Licking Behavior
Dogs are known for their quirky behaviors, and licking is no exception. While an occasional lick is perfectly normal, excessive licking can sometimes be a cause for concern. Understanding the reasons behind your dog's licking behavior can help you...
Dog Tips
Everything You Need To Know Before Traveling With Your Dog – Dog Travel Tips
Many people assume that traveling with dogs is incredibly difficult, if not downright impossible. But they don’t want to leave their pooch home alone. However, traveling with your pets can be an extremely rewarding and fun experience for everyone. You...
Dog Tips
Dog Adoption Checklist: Everything You Need to Know
As the trope goes, dogs are [hu]man’s best friend, so we’re not surprised you want to adopt a pooch pal. Before you bring your new dog home, there are a few ways to prepare for their arrival and your new life as a pet parent. First, we congratulate you...
Dog Tips
Is Salmon Oil Good for Dogs? Benefits, Risks, & Dosage Guide
Salmon oil has gained popularity as a nutritional supplement for dogs, but is it truly beneficial? As a pet parent, you want to make informed decisions about your dog's health and well-being. This guide will explore the benefits, risks, and proper...
Dog Tips
The Dangers of Tea Tree Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know
Essential oils have become increasingly popular for their various uses, but not all are safe for our pets. Tea tree oil, derived from the Australian tea tree falls into this category. It's an oil that poses a significant risk to dogs. While it offers...
Dog Tips
Is CBD Oil safe for Dogs?
What is CBD (Cannabidiol) Oil? CBD stands for Cannabidiol, which is derived from the word cannabis. It is a chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as cannabis or hemp. There are over 80 chemicals found in the cannabis sativa plant. CBD is...
Dog Tips
Is Peppermint Oil Safe For Dogs? Usage, Safety & Benefits
Peppermint oil is a common household product with a refreshing scent, but it's important to remember that it can be harmful to our canine companions. Let's delve into the dangers of peppermint oil for dogs and explore safer alternatives. Dangers of...
Dog Tips
Coconut Oil for Dogs – Is It Safe To Use? What Are The Benefits?
The favorite hair oil for Indian moms, coconut oil is one of the most used oils across the world, in terms of cooking and as a moisturizing lotion. Coconut oil has a long history in Asia, particularly in tropical regions where the plant is abundant. It...
Dog Tips
Can I Use Lavender Oil on My Dog? A Guide for Pet Parents
Essential oils are becoming increasingly popular for their natural benefits, and pet owners often wonder if these same benefits can extend to their furry friends. Lavender oil, in particular, is known for its calming properties, which can be helpful...
Dog Tips