Puppy Tips
The pitter-patter of tiny paws in your home is so exciting. But what don’t you know about caring for a new puppy? Spot's experts are here to help.

What Should You Expect During Your Puppy’s First Year?
Bringing a puppy into your home can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. From their wagging tails to their slobbery kisses, there's no doubt that puppies bring a special kind of joy into our lives. However, the first year of owning a...
Puppy Tips

Puppyhood Insight 5: Your Puppy’s (Next) Best Friend—Your Veterinarian
Your puppy’s veterinarian will be their best friend and your most trusted ally. In your lifelong commitment to your puppy’s health and happiness, make the experience positive and rewarding from your first vet visit on. Pack a comfort bag to ensure...
Puppy Tips

Puppyhood Insight 4: The ABC’s of Puppy Parenting: Freedom, Food and Fun
ABC’s Of Puppy Parenting A good parent balances rest and relaxation with the right mix of freedom, food, and fun. All puppies need healthy meals to grow and thrive. Food and treats can be doled out throughout the day to reward behaviors like sit and...
Puppy Tips

Puppyhood Insight 3: Tell Them What to Do, Not What To Do
Puppy training happens, whether you think you’re influencing them or not. Puppies, like kids, repeat whatever gets attention. Negative or positive? It often doesn’t matter. To a puppy, any behavior that gets your attention is worth repeating. Even when...
Puppy Tips

Puppyhood Insight 2: The Certainties of Everyday Life
Puppies, like kids, are a disorganized lot. They need routines and repetitions to succeed. Often the best way to organize a puppy schedule is to create a master plan, i.e., a daily schedule, for everyone involved in caring for them. Assign a word and a...
Puppy Tips

Puppyhood Insight 1: Puppies Aren’t Stuffed Animals with a Heartbeat
Few things melt a heart like a young puppy. Small and wobbly, their early days revolve around three basic things: resting, eating, and pottying. Like a baby, they don’t know what to do when they feel tired, hungry, or need to potty. When babies are...
Puppy Tips

Puppy Diapers: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)
Puppy diapers, also known as dog diapers, are a practical and sometimes essential tool for pet parents. While they might seem unusual to some, they serve various purposes beyond just potty training. This guide will delve into the world of puppy...
Puppy Tips

Choosing a Puppy Food
Introduction If you’re bringing a new puppy home, you are probably overwhelmed and excited! Adding a puppy to your family is such a fun experience. However, puppies require specific care to grow and live a healthy life. One of the most important items...
Puppy Tips

What to Do When a Puppy Is Biting
Introduction Puppies: adorable, fluffy, energetic, and enthusiastic. There’s a lot to love! However, puppies are brand-new to the world and need to learn what is appropriate and what’s not. Of the many behaviors they may display, puppy biting is one...
Puppy Tips
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