I've had the privilege of immersing myself in the realm of pet safety. As the owner of an energetic mini golden doodle, I know just how stressful being a pet owner can be. I am dedicated to ensuring our beloved pets enjoy a life brimming with good health.

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate?
Can Your Dog Safely Eat Pomegranate? You love your pup, and you love sharing treats with them to keep them energized and excited about life. Nothing is more fun than seeing your pet’s eyes light up when you’ve got something delicious in your hand or...
Dog Tips

What Dog Breed Is Best for Me?
Welcoming a furry family member is bound to make your life more exciting, full of cuddles, and bring joy into your home! Having a dog is actually proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and boost heart health. If you decide to bring a dog home,...
Breed Tips

How Cats Beat the Heat: Clever Ways Your Cat Stays Cool
As summer temperatures soar, you might notice your feline friend acting a bit sluggish. Whether your cat spends most of their time indoors, outdoors, or enjoys both, they have clever ways to stay cool just like us. But unlike humans who sweat...
Cat Tips

Top 8 Winter Tips For Pets – Pet Safety Tips
Winter is right around the corner. With the drop in temperature comes an increase in health risks for your pet. The weather’s cold and it’s the perfect time to snuggle up or exercise with your pets! However, you will need to leave the house with your...
Pet Safety

Dog Anxiety – Signs & Symptoms
Over recent years, the conversation around mental health has become much less stigmatized. The public has continuously provided support for those experiencing depression and anxiety. However, animal mental health is a far less common topic of...
Pet Safety

Pregnant Dog? Follow Best Tips & Tricks For Dogs In Pregnancy
Our Best Tips for Pregnant Dogs Your dog’s pregnancy can be an exciting, confusing time as an owner. Of course, you want to make sure they are comfortable and staying healthy, but you may not know how exactly to take care of them. There are a few...
Dog Tips

Are Cats Color Blind?
We frequently talk about a bird’s-eye view or use fish-eye lenses to distort our vision, but we never seem to discuss how one of our favorite furry pets sees the world. Cats are known for their agility and hunting prowess, leading us to assume that...
Cat Tips

Puppyhood Insight 2: The Certainties of Everyday Life
Puppies, like kids, are a disorganized lot. They need routines and repetitions to succeed. Often the best way to organize a puppy schedule is to create a master plan, i.e., a daily schedule, for everyone involved in caring for them. Assign a word and a...
Puppy Tips

Can Cats Eat Corn
Do you have commercial cat food at home? Turn it over to check the ingredients section, and you’ll likely see corn listed. Does this mean that cats can eat corn safely? Read on as Spot Pet Insurance dives into this topic. Can Your Cat Eat Corn? Yes,...
Cat Tips

100+ Unique Cat Names
Not everyone wants to use a common or popular name for their new feline friend, and that’s completely okay! If you’re looking for a unique name for your new cat, it’s great to think outside of the box to come up with a good option. Fortunately for you,...
Cat Tips

Why Is My Cat Shedding So Much?
One of the biggest complaints people have about cat ownership is the amount of shedding. Finding cat fur all over your clothing and furniture can be frustrating. It may even concern you. If you’re worried your cat is shedding too much, it’s important...
Cat Tips

Cat Aggression: Understanding Causes & Solutions
Living with a cat can be a joy, but sometimes feline friends can exhibit aggressive behavior that leaves pet parents scratching their heads. Understanding the reasons behind your cat's aggression is the first step towards creating a peaceful and...
Cat Tips