Just as it’s difficult to raise a human kid, most paw-parents will vouch for the fact that taking care of a pet has plenty of challenges of its own - it’s like having a permanent toddler in your home at all times.
As a responsible pet parent, you might have a lot of questions (as you should!) about feeding or not feeding your kitty cat certain foods. Cats are naturally curious creatures and it’s not uncommon for them to cuddle up next to you especially when you’re trying to eat something, and they want to inspect it.
Can Cats Eat Almond Butter?
One of the foods that your cat might be curious to try is almond butter - more so because of its interesting, gooey texture, instead of the flavor itself. So, can you feed your cat almond butter? Well, yes and no. Let’s break it down a little bit.
Are Almonds Toxic to Cats?
There are lots of food groups we enjoy and consume that might not be safe for cats, or might not offer them much nutritional value. Cats being the natural carnivores have digestive systems more adept at digesting the enzymes found in animal protein, instead of plants or nuts. So, it may not be such a great idea to feed a lot of almonds to your cat (yes, even if they're your favorite healthy snack!).
That being said, sweet almonds aren’t toxic to cats - not really.1 So, you can feed an almond or two to your cat without worrying too much. But it's always best to consult with your vet before adding a new food to your cat's diet - not all cats can digest almonds, even in small quantities. Some cats have a more sensitive digestive system so you’ll have to gauge where your kitty is at when it comes to consuming almonds, or else your feline baby can experience symptoms such as an upset tummy or even diarrhea.1
Also, a note to the wise - make sure that you feed your cat just one almond and see if they can chew and swallow it properly. Only then should you consider feeding it to your cat as a snack. This is because a hard nut can be a potential choking hazard for your fur baby, if they don't chew if properly!
Another potential hazard of feeding your cat almonds is the little-known fact that almonds can sometimes have mold on them which can be invisible to the naked eye. This mold can contain harmful toxins which can lead to gastrointestinal and even neurological issues.1 So just beware!
Can I Give My Cat Almond Milk?
Most felines are lactose intolerant as they lack the digestive juices necessary to break down the enzymes in milk. But as almond milk doesn’t have lactose, it can be a good occasional treat for your fur baby.2 And surprisingly, quite a few cats enjoy the taste of almond milk!
So, you can feed some to your kitty and gauge if they are lapping it up or not! But first make sure that your cat isn’t allergic to it - start with just a small sip (just one teaspoon at a time should be enough!)1 and then maybe you can get a green light to feed your cat almond milk occasionally.2 Also, ensure that you’re in touch with a vet so that you can take quick action in case of any negative reactions.
Is Almond Butter Safe for Cats?
Well, almond butter is made up of a lot of almonds put together. So common wisdom dictates that you only feed a very small quantity to your cat, and only after consulting your vet! Almond butter is dense and can upset a cat's tummy, especially considering that it is a fatty food! So, a very small serving at a time is probably the best way to go.
Also, if you’re wondering if this food will give any nutritional value to your cat, then you’re out of luck! Almond butter can be a neat little treat, especially if made up of sweet almonds, but cats cannot absorb any nutrients from it.
This is because they're obligate carnivores and most of their nutrition needs to come from animal protein and lean meats! So, it’s not a great idea to feed them too much of the other things that we think of as healthy, such as fruits and vegetables. While some fruits and vegetables are safe for cats to eat, no more than 10% of a cat's daily diet should come from treats, fruits, vegetables, or in this case almond butter.
One last thing, beware of almond butter (or for that matter any nut butter that you might feed your kitty!) that contains added sugar. Sugary stuff is a no-no for your cat! You should avoid giving your cats any sugary foods. Not only can sugary almond butter contribute to excess fat and weight gain in your cat, but it can also lead to a long list of chronic ailments1 - best not to go down that road, right? Here are a few more tips on how to help your pet stay at a healthy weight.

Mostly a tech person, always a pet person. I am dedicated to improving the lives of pets and their humans with technology. Off-duty, I enjoy writing about the misbehaving of computer programs and my two Aussiedoodles, Calvin and Hobbes.
“Can Cats Eat Almonds Butter?” Catster, https://www.catster.com/guides/can-cats-eat-almond-butter, Dec. 21, 2023.
“Can Cats Eat Almonds Butter?” Hepper, https://www.hepper.com/can-cats-eat-almond-butter, Sep. 29, 2023.
The information presented in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute or substitute for the advice of your veterinarian.