Dog Tips
Learn to be the best pet parent with helpful dog tips to make sure your pupper is always healthy and happy. From what dogs can eat to what to do if your dog gets lost, we've got you covered with information from experts.

What are The Most Loyal Dog Breeds?
This article is as difficult for us to write as the one titled ‘Cutest Dog Breeds’. If we play a game with 100 random people to say the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘Dogs’, we are sure that more than 90 of them would say...
Dog Tips

How Long Do Dogs Live?
If it were to us, humans, we would make our furry companions live forever. Unfortunately, they can only stick around to chew our shoes for some years. A dog’s lifespan is highly dependent on the breed. However, the size, lifestyle, diet, medical...
Dog Tips

What Does Different Dog Body Language Mean?
We humans domesticated dogs over 14,000 years ago. Since then, we have been trying to decode the secret language of our canines. Earlier in our hunting days, we were more focused on surviving than decoding the canine language. However, fast forward to...
Dog Tips

Does My Dog Love Me?
Back in the ancient times, the relationship between dogs and humans was a bit transactional. We provided shelter and food and in return got protection and works like herding, guarding, etc. We then started seeking companionship from these canine...
Dog Tips

Why Does My Dog Lick Me?
Looks like you’ve become a personal lollipop to your dog. Well, that’s a sign that you’ve established a good bond with your pup. Congratulations! But don’t get too happy right away. It can mean other things as well and some of them may be a cause for...
Dog Tips

Do Dogs Like Music?
We’ve written thousands of articles on cats and dogs. Most of the topics we choose are basis frequently asked questions on the internet. We must tell you that this is the most interesting one! On that note, let’s begin to answer yet another curiosity...
Dog Tips

Why Do Dogs Howl?
You’re probably wondering why your dog starts auditioning for canine opera out of nowhere. We’ll tell you. Spoiler alert – It’s not to ruin your Zoom meetings! While we answer to your curiosity, try thinking why humans shout and you’ll more or less...
Dog Tips

100+ Strong Dog Names for Your Pet
Looks like you’re looking for a name that’ll make your pup feel like they could wrestle a bear or pull a truck. Before we get to it, here are some interesting strong dog facts that will blow your mind. The Alaskan Malamute is one of the strongest dog...
Dog Tips

500 Military Dog Names
Dogs have been a part of military operations for centuries, dating back to ancient civilizations where they were used as sentries, messengers, and even in battle. Even in recent world history, you'll find mentions of legendary dogs like Sergeant...
Dog Tips
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