Dog Tips
Learn to be the best pet parent with helpful dog tips to make sure your pupper is always healthy and happy. From what dogs can eat to what to do if your dog gets lost, we've got you covered with information from experts.

What Are These Red Bumps on My Dogs Belly?
So, your belly rub session got speed bumps? It’s like finding a plot twist in your favorite book! We know you’ve already started Googling symptoms at lightning speed. But now, take a deep breath. A variety of things could cause those red bumps, and not...
Dog Tips

How Serious are Insect Bites on Dogs?
You would have probably seen your dog chasing insects multiple times, only to come back with multiple stings on their entire body. For our canine buddies, the small little insects are like flying toys. The only problem with letting their curiosity and...
Dog Tips

100+ Spanish Dog Names
Spain, a country where even the dogs have a flair for the dramatic. You can't just call a Chihuahua "Fido" and be done with it. Back in the 16th century, Spanish conquerors weren't just exploring new worlds, they were also naming their dogs with a...
Dog Tips

My Dog is Acting Weird All of a Sudden
Looks like it’s one of those days when your dog starts acting like they’ve been possessed by a squirrel. One minute they're their usual playful self, and the next, they’re staring at the wall like it's about to tell them the secrets of the universe. If...
Dog Tips

Do Dogs Have Taste Buds?
Picture this: your dog devours their kibble like a five-star meal, but also seems to think that your smelly gym socks are a gourmet treat. Do they really appreciate the flavors, or are they just culinary adventurers with no fear? You can’t have taste...
Dog Tips

Dog Stung by Bee
Ever seen a dog go from happy-go-lucky to instant confusion? One minute they’re chasing butterflies, and the next they’re yelping and pawing at their face because they got too close to a bee. It’s like nature’s way of saying, "Curiosity stings!" Let's...
Dog Tips

Are Shock Collars Bad for Dogs?
Imagine if you got a small shock every time you reached for a cookie. Not only would your snacking habits change dramatically, but you'd probably develop a serious distrust of kitchen appliances. (the only way you’ll stay away from those carbs and...
Dog Tips

Top Game of Thrones Dog Names
In the fantastical world of "Game of Thrones," every character, beast, and place is imbued with rich lore and unforgettable names. For fans of the epic series who also happen to be dog lovers, choosing a "Game of Thrones"-themed name for their pets is...
Dog Tips

Why is My Dog Sneezing So Much?
"Is your dog auditioning for the role of Sneezy in the next Snow White remake? If not and yet if your canine buddy seems to be sneezing more than the cast of an allergy medication commercial, there should be something wrong. Here’s what you need to...
Dog Tips
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