The Ocicat is a medium-sized, well-spotted agouti cat of moderate type. A breed of this type has the appearance of an athletic animal, well-muscled and solid, graceful and lithe, yet full of body and chest. Spotted cats are known for their powerful, athletic, and graceful appearances.
Breed Profile
Life Span
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
What is it?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a condition in which the heart's muscular walls thicken, especially in the left ventricle. As a result, the left ventricle shrinks, enlarging the left aorta and potentially causing heart disease. Having a thick left ventricle causes the heart to have trouble pumping blood and can lead to blood clots and congestive heart failure.
Clinical Signs
Labored breathing
Pale or Blue gums and nailbeds
Irregular heartbeat
Hind limb paralysis
Depending on the severity and stage of the condition, HCM has many treatment options to help manage this condition. The treatment aims to improve heart function, limit heart disease symptoms, and minimize the chance of blood clots forming. It is possible to manage HCM through ongoing treatment, but there is currently no cure for it. Your vet may also administer oral or injection medications.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Playful and Outgoing
Ocicat is a very lively Cat breed
They are playful with family and kids
Ocicat’s are affectionate towards other breeds and familie
Lifetime Care
Their coat texture is short, smooth, and satiny with a lustrous sheen. It is tight, close lying, and sleek, yet long enough to accommodate color bands.
There are tawny spotted animals, cinnamon spotted animals, chocolate spotted animals, blue spotted animals, fawn spotted animals, lavender spotted animals, cinnamon spotted animals, chocolate spotted animals, blue spotted animals, fawn spotted animals, and lavender spotted animals. Their coat colors are usually clear and pleasing.
Once a week, brush or comb your Ocicat for good handling practice and bonding time, as well as helping to take care of their coat. Your cat's greasy coat might indicate poor health if your cat doesn't self-groom.
Ocicat’s can be easy to train
A well-muscled, athletic breed with a strong, dense bone structure, this breed is medium to large in size. As a result, they are surprisingly heavy for their size, which, when combined with their low-slung stance and sometimes 'stalky' walk contribute greatly to their 'big cat' appearance, despite their purely domestic origin.
There are distinct bullseyes on the sides of the Ocicat and an M shape between the ears above the eyes. Ocicat coats should be short and close, lying with a satiny sheen that highlights the beautiful spotting pattern. Ocicats were bred to resemble ocelots, just as their name implies. As with the Toyger or Bombay, the Ocicat was bred to mimic the appearance of a large wild cat but without any wild DNA. The spotted coat of the Ocicat makes them a one-of-a-kind conversation starter. It has been described that these cats have highly social personalities, keen minds, and dispositions that are "dog-like."
Ocicat: Introduction to the Breed
Owning a pet is one of the most significant decisions you will have to make in your life as a family. It is important that before you purchase a new cat, you take the time and energy to research the available breeds and determine which one is going to be most suitable for your family and lifestyle. You should carefully think about what characteristics you would like to see in a cat and which characteristics you would prefer the cat not to possess. There are a few things you should know about the Ocicat to help make a good decision.
Ocicats are generally:
Despite not being a big cat, the Ocicat is highly intelligent, active, social, and people-oriented. They are described as having dog-like tendencies, interacting with family members and visitors, following people around the house, supervising, and sometimes interfering with their activities. Cats are extremely athletic and can jump to high spots, balance on narrow ledges, and get to places other cats wouldn't consider. They are an 'extra chaos' type cat, enjoying a lot of attention and being able to get that attention through fair or foul means.
What is the origin of Ocicat?
A US cat fancier named Virginia Daly bred the first ocicat, named Tonga, in 1964. In an attempt to create an "Abypoint Siamese" (a Siamese with Abyssinian color points), she bred a ruddy Abyssinian male to a seal point Siamese female. An Abyssian-colored female from the resulting litter was bred to a chocolate-point Siamese, resulting in Siamese kittens with Abyssian points.
Tonga was born after a repeat breeding - an ivory kitten with golden spots. According to Daly's daughter, Tonga looked like an ocelot and should be called an "ocicat." Uninterested in creating a new breed, Daly neutered Tonga. She was given a new home. An ocelot-looking domestic cat caught the attention of geneticist Dr. Clyde Keeler. His goal was to breed a domestic cat that would resemble some of the vanishing wild cats, specifically the Egyptian spotted fishing cat. For Dr. Keeler's project, Daly repeated the breeding that produced Tonga and produced a tawny spotted male. After adding the American shorthair to the mix, the desired physical stature and silver coloration was achieved.
It was Daly's work that led to the development of new lines of Ocicats, and others replicated his work. In 1966, the Cat Fancier's Association recognized the Ocicat as a breed for registration. Championship status was also awarded to the breed by the International Cat Association in August of 1986.
Currently, the American Cat Fanciers' Association and Cat Fanciers' Federation recognize Ocicats.
What are the Risks for the Ocicat Cat Breed?
Responsible breeders usually screen their cats thoroughly for health problems, especially those associated with specific breeds. There are some common health problems that may affect Ocicats during their lifetimes:
Liver or Renal Amyloidosis: A disease caused by the buildup of an insoluble protein, amyloid, in organs such as the liver or kidneys.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: The thickening of the walls of the left ventricle due to a condition of the heart
Periodontal or gum diseases
To help prevent serious health problems from developing, schedule regular checkups with your veterinarian. The Ocicat's short, dense coat requires little grooming; a rubber curry comb and the chamois cloth will bring out its sheen. Regular nail trimming is important (you should train your kitten from an early age to accept trimming), and a scratching post or cardboard scratcher will also help keep their nails healthy.
It is recommended that all cats, including Ocicats, live indoors. Providing a tall cat tree can encourage safe climbing and provide access to outside views that cats love since they have fewer opportunities to exercise indoors. The use of toys can also help channel the "wild" energy of an Ocicat into play.
When trained to walk on a harness or walking jacket and leash, the intelligent, high-energy ocicat can also enjoy exploring the outdoors safely. Among the few breeds that are eager to learn tricks and skills, Ocicats respond well to clicker training.
Despite your best efforts, Ocicat can still get sick, even if you do everything in your power to keep them healthy. Due to this, it's essential to be prepared for the things you cannot control. At Spot Pet Insurance, our number one priority is helping you give your cat the long, happy, and healthy life they deserve. Reach out today and request a free pet insurance quote to learn more about our range of well-rounded plan options for your Ocicat