Cat Breeds
If you’re looking for a new cat best friend, search Spot’s cat breed profiles to learn more about a breed before you bring a new pet home. Find out how to care for a new cat breed, understand their personality, energy levels, cost of care, and most important, vet care costs.
Popular Cat Breeds

The Ragamuffins have squarish muscular bodies with fluffy coats. They have long bodies with long tails. The Ragamuffin is fairly low maintenance but can be needy and demand attention at times as they are very attached to their families.

Ragdoll Cat
Ragdoll cats get their name from their tendency to go limp while cuddling or being carried, but they are just as famous for their puppy-like behavior and agreeable temperament. These are some of the friendliest, most laid-back domestic cats, making...

Russian Blue Cat
Elegance and intelligence are the trademarks of this ambivert cat breed. Social yet independent, Russian blues are known to be shy with strangers but affectionate and playful with their beloved family. Topped off by an excellent bill of health, it’s no...

Russian White
The Russian whites are medium-sized domestic cats with muscular bodies. They have a sense of elegance to themselves and look very identical to the Russian blue.

The savannah cat is instantly recognizable by its striking, Serval-like appearance and impressive size. Like the big cats of their namesake, living in the savannah grasslands, you’ll find this breed to still have the ancient instincts of its wild...

Scottish Fold
With their folded ears and rounded features, the Scottish fold is an instantly recognizable descendant of Scotland’s barn cats. These lop-eared cats are affectionate, friendly, adaptable, and very laid-back. They’ll even get along with dogs....

Selkirk Rex
Selkirk Rex breeds are distinct from other Rex breeds. The hair is normal length and not partially missing, unlike the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex. There are longhaired and shorthaired varieties. There is a difference between the Selkirk Rex coat and the...

Siamese Cat
Siamese cats are also very opinionated. They will tell you what they think of everything with some very vocal meows. Interestingly, the Siamese is one of the few cats that is okay with walking on a leash. They might also enjoy playing fetch or going...

Siberian Cat
If you're looking for a tough breed with a tender side, Siberian cats may be for you. Known for their blue eyes and full-collar ruffs, they can be found cuddling in their owner's lap, playing around the house, or playing in the bath. These confident...