Japanese Chin
Japanese Chin, also called as the Japanese Spaniel, is a very loyal and friendly breed of dogs. It is often known for its cat-like personality.
Breed Profile
8 - 11
5 - 15
Life Span
12 – 14
Luxating Patella
What is it?
Luxating Patella is a condition where the kneecap moves out of its grove and causes pain and discomfort.
Clinical signs
The clinical symptoms of this condition may include -
Stiffness in the leg
Skipping and jumping to slide the kneecap back into its place
Changes in the walk of the dog
Discomfort or pain while walking
The treatment for luxating patella depends on the severity of the medical condition. The treatment for luxating patella can be:
Administering pain relief medications will help reduce the discomfort, pain, and swelling
Physical therapy could be given to dogs, to strengthen their muscles and make sure the kneecap does not snap out of place.
Realignment surgery is recommended in severe cases where there is a lot of pain and movement of the dog is difficult.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Heart Murmurs due to Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD)
What is it?
Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD) is when there is a leak in one of the heart valves which prevents blood from getting pumped correctly. This creates a murmur which is caused by turbulence in the heart.
Clinical signs
A heart murmur detected by your vet
Coughing when lying down or sleeping
Low energy levels
Quick breathing/breathlessness/panting
Weight loss
Collapse or fainting
There is no such cure for MMVD or heart murmurs but most of the dogs affected by the condition can be managed with certain treatments and measures. These can include –
Other breeds prone to this disease are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Dachshund, Papillon, Poodle, and Chihuahua.
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Arrival of a visitor or something out of ordinary will often be notified by their bark owing to their alert nature
With high intelligence levels that show during training and exercise, this breed can very well perform tricks as well
Sitting on high surfaces, hiding themselves, good sense of balance are all the traits that make it one of the most cat-like dog breeds out there
Lifetime Care
It has a distinguished silky coat with long hair which is a single layered one
The breed is often found in dual colors like black & white, black tan & white, lemon & white, red & white, sable & white, white & black.
The long silky coat might indicate high maintenance but it is actually very minimal with a weekly brushing, a monthly bath, regular nail trimming and ear and teeth cleaning.
The high intelligence helps with training but the stubborn nature adds a little difficulty. However, with a professional trainer, it can be worked out pretty well.
Unlike what the name suggests, the breed Japanese Chin is actually not from Japan but from China. There are a couple of stories of how the breed got into Japan. Some say that it was given to the Japanese royalty by Kim Jangson in 732 AD, while others claim that it was given to the empress of Japan.
Bred exclusively for the royals, the breed's primary job has always been to be a good companion and amuse them. To date, the characteristics remain of it being a tiny, indoorsy companion. It was introduced to the UK as a gift to Queen Victoria in 1853 and since then it has been the lap dog of upper-class ladies. Queen Alexandra also loved the Chin when it was given to her at the time of her marriage to King Edward in 1863. There are several paintings of her with the dog, making it quite popular.
Japanese Chin: Introduction to the Breed
These Chinese breeds have a very unique look that can be identified from a distance as well. Some of the physical characteristics include -
Large head with a short muzzle
Round dark eyes giving a look of astonishment
A profuse mane
Plumed tail
Hair on the chin like the beard of Prof. Dumbledore
Japanese Chin is best suited for:
First-time pet owners
Elderly pet parents
Homes with no other pets with high-energies
Things to watch out for before deciding to own a Japanese Chin
They are a sort of indoor breed. Only a small daily walk will suffice their daily activity needs. So, if you want a very playful and energetic dog to play throw with, these dogs might not be for you.
Most of the time, they will be fixated on what they like and don’t. So, feeding them new stuff or doing new things might be a challenge.
Their nature is quite sensitive since they’ve been bred for leisure and not activities like hunting or breeding.
You won’t be able to leave the dog alone for a long time as they do experience separation anxiety.
What should a Japanese Chin eat?
As a pet owner, your responsibility is high towards maintaining a good diet for your dog as it will decide whether the dog will live a healthy life or not. In the case of Japanese Chin, the food requirements are around 170 calories per day for the puppies. This should be divided into 3-4 small meals instead of 1 big meal. Once the pup grows into an adult, the daily requirement would be around 250 calories per day. Make sure you go for high-quality vet-recommended dry dog food to ensure good health.
Japanese Chin is a royal breed owned by quite a few royals in China and Japan back in the time. The grooming, food, and training requirements are minimal here. The breed is loving, affectionate, sensitive, and beautiful looking. If you love your dog to sit with you all day and enjoy cuddles, the Japanese Chin is for you!
Happy Mood and Health to your Doggo and lots of Love and Licks to you!