Pet Insurance in Louisiana

  • Coverage for Microchip implantation
  • Accident and illness plans cover dental illnesses
  • Coverage for exam Fees for covered conditions
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What is Pet Insurance for Dogs and Cats?

Pet insurance can act as a safety net for unfortunate accidents and illnesses that can happen to our pets. It’s like an insurance for us humans, and pets are a part of our families too.

Pets have been our companions in all the good and bad for ages, and we have developed a special connection with them. We wouldn’t want anything unfortunate to affect their health. In case something does happen, we ought to be prepared financially to help get them the best care. Learn more about what does pet insurance cover.

Our pets can fall prey to certain illnesses or accidents, and the vet bills can show multiple 0s at times. One of the best things to do is be prepared with a pet insurance plan. We, as mere humans, can’t control unfortunate happenings. However, pet insurance can help protect your pet and your pocket. Learn more about how does pet insurance work.

Why is pet insurance important in Louisiana?

Blue/Green Algae

Louisiana, which is home to plenty of freshwater lakes and ponds, attracts a lot of dogs who love swimming. But most of them have a dense build-up of blue-green algae. These algae can produce very harmful toxins which can affect our pets severely. The consequences of contact with such algae on dogs and cats can include rashes, nausea and vomiting, respiratory failure, seizures, and even death.

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How Spot Plans Help Protect Your Pet

Toxin Ingestion

Spot plans cover foreign objects and toxin ingestion that your pet may swallow unexpectedly.

With a , you could get reimbursed up to 90% of eligible bills after your annual deductible is met:

Vet Bill
X 90% Reimbursement Rate

Spot plan pays you back $3,060

You Pay $440


Also called ‘swamp cancer, this disease is a waterborne one that is found in warmer climates with plenty of standing water. Louisiana, LA, is one such state. A fungal-like organism called Pythium insidiosum is the cause of this disease, which can lead to very severe outcomes once affected. Your pet can become prone to this disease if water from unknown sources is ingested, or while swimming. The effects can be bloody diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, fever, and palpable abdominal mass among others.

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How Spot Plans Help Protect Your Pet

Emergencies & Hospitalizations

Spot plans cover the eligible costs of emergency care for accidents and illnesses that may happen unexpectedly to your pet.

With a , you could get reimbursed up to 90% of eligible bills after your annual deductible is met:

Vet Bill
X 90% Reimbursement Rate

Spot plan pays you back $1,260

You Pay $240

Kissing Bugs (Chagas Disease)

The Gulf state of Louisiana is home to Chagas disease, an infectious disease found in many different species of kissing bugs (triatomine bugs). All mammals are thought to be susceptible to infection from this disease, but dogs are at major risk of developing this disease and infecting others. This disease is commonly mistaken for heartworm disease due to their symptoms and risk of affecting a similar population of dogs. Changas disease is often transmitted to dogs orally, usually by consumption of kissing bug feces. Some signs your dog may have this disease can include diarrhea, lethargy, tics or seizures and difficulty walking. If left untreated, this disease could cause congestive heart failure and tachycardia.

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How Spot Plans Help Protect Your Pet

Infectious Diseases

Spot accident & illness plans cover illnesses resulting from infectious diseases your pet may catch.

With a , you could get reimbursed up to 90% of eligible bills after your annual deductible is met:

Vet Bill
X 90% Reimbursement Rate

Spot plan pays you back $1,710

You Pay $290

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Why Spot Plans?

Spot plans offer easy, paperless, online claims, direct deposit payment options, optional preventive care coverage for an extra cost, and a 30-day money-back guarantee if no covered claims have been filed (not available in NY); do we need to give more reasons? If yes, we have more. Know more about pet insurance reviews and top pet insurance FAQs you need to know.

Affordable Plans for Cats & Dogs

Life is full of surprises. Spot helps pet parents plan for them with easy and simple pet insurance options that can be used at your licensed vet in the US or Canada.

Louisiana Pet Insurance Information by City

Find city-specific information about Pet Insurance in the state of Louisiana.

Pet Insurance FAQs

Have questions about pet insurance and how it works? Let’s dig up an answer.

Can I get pet insurance for my older dog?

Better late than never is what we think about pet insurance! Older pets can have higher vet bills as they are more prone to accidents and illnesses as they age. A Spot plan can help you cover eligible vet bills for covered conditions.