If you’re anything like us, your dog is considered a member of the family. It is natural to want to celebrate those you love, which includes your pup! However, if you chose to adopt or rescue your first or second furry friend, you might not know when their special day is at all. This is where Dogust comes in!
Dogust is the universal birthday for shelter dogs, taking place on August 1 every year. This is the national designated day for owners of dogs with unknown birthdays to celebrate their beloved pet, as well as to give dogs that are still residing in shelters just as special of a day as they deserve. If it wasn’t for Dogust, some of these dogs may never know what having a birthday is like. At Spot Pet Insurance, we know you want only the best for your pup. Celebrating Dogust is the perfect way to make sure your canine feels appreciated, spoiled, and knows just how much you love them!
History of Dogust
Dogust has been a national holiday since 2008, when the North Shore Animal League America of New York made it their mission to make sure every single dog gets a special day. The North Shore Animal League was founded in 1944 and is the leader of the no-kill movement to save the lives of dogs in animal shelters and is committed to saving and rehabilitating homeless animals. They also focus on educating the public on the benefits of rescuing your pet. Now one of the largest no-kill rescue and adoption organizations in the world, North Shore Animal League is headquartered in Port Washington, New York and has over 2,000 partner shelters nationwide.
When other shelters caught wind of North Shore Animal League’s idea, Dogust started spreading across the country like wildfire! Hundreds of other rescues around the country now hold various birthday celebrations on August 1st every year. In this past they have offered free adoptions and held other fun-filled events to promote the meaningful holiday and help as many pups find homes as possible. The North Shore Animal League posts a list of partner shelters each year that are joining them in celebrating Dogust, so be sure to check out their site if you’re wondering if any events are happening near you.
How can you celebrate Dogust?
Now that you know about Dogust, let’s celebrate! If you do own a rescued or adopted pup, this is the perfect time to pamper them a little extra. Consider baking your pet a dog-friendly cake and throwing them a party by inviting over all of their puppy friends. You also can get them a bundle of new toys if they’re running low, pamper them to a spa day, take them on a hike or long walk around your neighborhood, visit a dog park, or simply just give them an extra-long belly rub or
cuddle session. No matter how large or how small your celebration is, we guarantee your pup will love it and feel extra valued.
If your dog isn’t rescued or adopted, or you don’t have a dog at all, don’t worry. There are still plenty of fun and easy ways to celebrate the holiday. Support your local animal shelter in honor of Dogust by volunteering at their celebration or even throughout the entire month of August. If you don’t have a lot of free time, you can still help out by donating to your local rescue to support the care of its dogs. If you’ve been considering adopting a pup of your own, make that leap during the month of August to celebrate the holiday and tie their forever birthday and adoption anniversary into one! If you’re not ready for the commitment of full adoption yet, you can also consider fostering a dog from your local rescue or shelter to show your support and ease the organization’s workload. Sponsoring a dog at a shelter is also a wonderful way to show your support form afar.
Why is Dogust Important?
Although it may seem like any other national holiday, Dogust has a much deeper impact than most. According to The Humane Society, there are over 3,500 animal shelters and 10,000 rescue groups in North America alone. Animal homelessness is an extremely pressing issue that is often overlooked and can have drastic effects if not solved. As of now, only 1 out of 10 dogs born will find a permanent, loving home. This means that 90% of pups are either being passed from owner to owner or have no owner at all. There are almost 3 million dogs and cats that are euthanized every single year because animal shelters are too full to be able to care for all of their occupants. Clearly, there are not even close to enough adoptive homes to support the large quantities of animals in need of them.
Days like Dogust may seem like a fun celebration to show your pup how much you love them, but it has a much more important meaning. Dogust has been extremely influential for raising awareness on the immense amount of animals that still live in shelters and rescues, and has resulted in the adoption of many pups who otherwise would not have had the opportunity. It is a great excuse to shower your canine in treats and gifts, however it is also a groundbreaking promotional tool that works to solve the issue of animal homelessness one day at a time.
At Spot Pet Insurance, we want you and your pet to live the happiest and healthiest lives possible together. We want every day you spend together to feel special – and every dog should know how special it feels to have a birthday party!

Audrey Halfen: Beta fish whisperer - whopping 9 months and counting! Once had a dog named Max, who I assertively claim is the cutest dog ever. Ready to throw down in a cute-off, if necessary.