BlogBowl for Dogs & Cats
Get helpful tips in our blog for dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens.
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Cat Safety: 5 Holiday Hazards to Avoid
The holidays are a fun time of year, but they bring about additional stress and new hazards for our precious cats to get into. Your cat may experience more stress due to holiday visitors, many new sights and smells, decorations, and noise. Here are...
Cat Tips

Mobile Vets
Vet Visits During COVID-19 This year has brought shelter-in-place orders and caused businesses to close their doors either temporarily or-in some cases-permanently. Vet offices have not been immune to the effects of COVID-19. While many vets are not...

What Color are Maine Coon Cats?
Colors & Patterns of Maine Coon Beauties Maine Coon cats are known for their large size and great beauty. Their distinctive appearance makes them stand out in a cat crowd. Nicknamed “the gentle giant,” Maine Coon personalities are characterized by...
Breed Tips

What’s In A Pet Emergency Kit?
How To Create A Pet Emergency Kit Emergency response teams recommend keeping pet information and a pet emergency kit at-the-ready in case of the unexpected. Be it natural disasters, pandemics, or other life surprises, make sure your pet is ready to...
Pet Safety

Doodles and ‘Poos
Doodles and ‘Poos How Do You Choose? Poodles are known for their high IQs and ease of training. They’re also fun, affectionate, and extremely active-all reasons they’ve been a beloved breed for so many years. Not surprisingly, Poodle mixes, a cross...
Breed Tips

Should I Bring Home A Puppy Or Dog?
4 Things to Consider When Choosing The Perfect Dog Age Thinking about adopting a new furry friend? Bringing a new dog into your home is a big decision and there are lots of things to consider. Breed, time commitment, and how much space you have are all...
Puppy Tips

Collar or Harness? Which is Best for Your Dog?
What’s Best for Your Pooch Some dogs pull or yank making walking them very difficult. While big dogs are more likely to pull, some small dogs pull, too, often to the point of choking themselves. Harnesses are recommended for these tough walkers, but...
Dog Tips

Is Your Dog Anxious?
Everything You Need to Know About Dog Anxiety We all know dogs that have major episodes of anxiety circumstantially, like during thunderstorms or fireworks. But what about dogs that just always seem somewhat on edge? Learn about anxiety in dogs,...
Dog Tips

Coronavirus and Your Pet
The Good, The Bad, The Coronavirus & Your Pet We’ve seen the impact and chaos COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has caused on society: overcrowded hospital rooms, empty shelves at grocery stores, people advised not to leave their homes. But have you considered...
Pet Safety
Top Articles

Pet Safety
How Concerned Should I Be About the Bird Flu Affecting Pets?

Vet Costs
How Much Does Entropion Surgery Cost for Dogs?

Vet Costs
How Much Does Ear Hematoma Surgery for Dogs Cost?

Dog Insurance Insights
Does Dog Insurance Cover Dental?

Vet Costs
How Much Does Euthanasia for Dogs Cost?

Vet Costs