BlogBowl for Dogs & Cats
Get helpful tips in our blog for dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens.
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Greek Dog Names
From ancient mythology to modern culture, Greek names are timeless and full of meaning. History buffs and people who are not so attuned to history alike can appreciate a good Greek tragedy or mythological tale. If you have recently acquired a new dog...
Dog Tips

Are Rottweilers Aggressive?
If there is one dog that has the appearance of being an aggressive breed, it is the rottweiler and the pitbull. Rottweilers, with their characteristic large size and brown and black coat, make for an intimidating sight. But how aggressive are...
Breed Tips

Are Golden Retrievers Aggressive?
If there is one image of a “classic” dog, none is more iconic than the Golden Retriever. Golden Retrievers are beloved for their caring and fun nature, but can they be aggressive? While they are the farthest dog to be considered “aggressive,” there are...
Breed Tips

Are French Bulldogs Aggressive?
One of the most popular breeds to be owned in the United States is the French Bulldog. The French Bulldog is characterized by their temperament, which is misunderstood. Are French Bulldogs aggressive or is their temperament misunderstood? Continue...
Breed Tips

Does Pet Insurance Cover Insulin?
A study shows that 14% of adults, or around 830 million people worldwide, had diabetes in 2022. (1) In the US alone, there are 38.4 million people who have diabetes.(2) This clearly shows that it is a very common condition across the globe. But you’ll...

Does Pet Insurance Cover TPLO Surgery?
Dogs are not exactly Olympic athletes when it comes to grace. If you observe a dog’s knees from the side, you’ll see that it’s constantly at an angle of around 110 degrees. Because of this bending, the ACL inside the knee joint is always under tension...

How Cold Can Dogs Handle?
If you are thinking about purchasing a dog and living in a cold-weather environment, you may be wondering what you need to keep in mind for your pet's health. One of the main considerations for people living in cold weather is just how difficult it may...
Dog Tips

How Far Can Dogs See?
Sometimes, pet owners will have questions regarding simple facts about their dog's life like how far they can see or just how well they can smell. It is conventional knowledge that dogs have an extremely keen sense of smell but a below-average sense of...
Dog Tips

How Long do Dogs Sleep?
If you own a dog, you may have noticed that they spend a great portion of their day sleeping. It may be bewildering for many people to grasp, but dogs love sleeping! But how much sleep is too much? Spot Pet Insurance and our experts are here to answer...
Dog Tips
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