Pet Safety
Keep your pet safe from dangers that are out of your control. From knowing the signs of anxiety, or what to keep in your first aid kit, Spot is here to help.

Top 8 Summer Tips for Pets – Pet Safety Tips
Summertime can bring lots of fun for you and your pets. The weather’s warm and your pets will be ready to get outside and play! Although we know you’ll want to have some fun in the sun with your pets, be mindful that higher temperatures can create more...
Pet Safety

Dog Anxiety – Signs & Symptoms
Over recent years, the conversation around mental health has become much less stigmatized. The public has continuously provided support for those experiencing depression and anxiety. However, animal mental health is a far less common topic of...
Pet Safety

Emergency Room Vet Visits: What to Know Before You Go
Taking your sick or injured pet to an emergency room for a vet visit is terrifying for several reasons. You may even wonder if your pet is sick and having a true emergency in the first place. Coupled with fear about the prognosis, treatment options,...
Pet Safety

Top Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet
This post was most recently updated on October 19, 2021 Why and How to Get Your Pet Microchipped When you buy or adopt a new pet, your vet may promptly ask, “Would you like to microchip your newest best friend?” The answer we hope you’ll respond with...
Pet Safety

My Cat Ate Marijuana! Now What?
What Do I Do If My Cat Eats Marijuana? With an increasing number of states legalizing both medical and recreational marijuana, the chances of our pets getting into a stash is also steadily rising. With rising numbers of people using marijuana, there is...
Pet Safety

Dangerous Signs & Symptoms of Pet Poisoning
Pet Poisoning Symptoms: What To Watch For As a way to bring awareness to pet poison prevention, March is Pet Poison Awareness month! One of the most common emergency room visits for pets is poisoning, usually after they ingest a common household food,...
Pet Safety

What Are Cataracts in Pets?
Just like us, dogs and cats use their eyes for many things from walking and playing to enjoying the sunshine and chasing squirrels. Cataracts can quickly impair our beloved pet’s ability to see and lead to confusion or disorientation. Today, we’re...
Pet Safety

5 Ways to Keep You and Your Pet Safe During COVID
These are scary times and, as a loving pet parent, you may be wondering how to keep yourself and your pet safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, we’ve compiled a list of the things you need to know about COVID-19 and pets. Is My Pet At Risk Of...
Pet Safety

What’s In A Pet Emergency Kit?
How To Create A Pet Emergency Kit Emergency response teams recommend keeping pet information and a pet emergency kit at-the-ready in case of the unexpected. Be it natural disasters, pandemics, or other life surprises, make sure your pet is ready to...
Pet Safety
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