Airedale Terrier
Airedales are indeed the largest of the terrier breeds, dubbed the King of Terriers. Dogs of this breed originated in the Aire Valley of Yorkshire to catch otters and rats between the Aire and Wharfe rivers.
Breed Profile
40-65 pound
Life Span
Hip dysplasia
What is Hip Dysplasia?
It is a genetic health issue where the hip or elbow joints loosen up and cause dysfunction and pain. It usually occurs in the growing stage of the dogs. Over time, this may result in arthritis, muscle atrophy, and limitations in mobility.
Clinical Signs
Decreased range of motion
Difficulty or reluctance in climbing stairs, rising, jumping, or running
Loss of muscle mass in the thighs
Noticeable enlargement of the shoulder muscles
Flinching when the lower back muscles are touched
Treatment Treatments may include
Chiropractic therapy
Supplements for joints
Anti-inflammatory medications
Eligible vet bill
*Hypothetical reimbursement examples illustrate reimbursement of an eligible vet bill at the noted reimbursement rate, assuming the annual deductible had already been satisfied and the annual coverage limit has not yet been met. Annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit and coverage limits, and exclusions may apply. Eligibility may vary. Visit https://spotpet.com/spot-sample-policy.pdf for full terms. For Canada enrollments only, reimbursement rate is based on the pet's age.
Airedale Terriers are active and energetic. They typically have a very lively personality.
They can be playful and active around most people.
They tend to not be very affectionate, but they love socializing.
Lifetime Care
There are two layers to the Airedale Terrier's coat: a dense, wiry topcoat and a short, soft undercoat.
They are either in black or tan color
The coat should be brushed regularly (once or twice a week) and bathed periodically (over-bathing softens the coarse terrier coat).
They can be very easy to train.
Learn more about the cost of caring for an Airedale Terrier.
Airedale Terrier: Introduction to the Breed
A hardy Airedale Terrier named Jack braved the battlefields to deliver a message to British headquarters during World War I. Jack suffered a shattered leg and broken jaw after running through a half-mile of the swamp while artillery rains down on him. Sadly, he passed away soon after completing his mission. The message he carried saved his battalion, and he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross. Jack's bravery and courage can be seen in today's Airedales.
Jack was bred as a multi-purpose dog with the keenness of a terrier but the ability to swim and smell prey. Sporting and working dogs, Airedale Terriers compete in agility, obedience, and hunt tests today. Even if it's simply entertaining children, with whom he gets along splendidly, they enjoy life when there is a job to be done. Airedales dig, chase, and bark like all terriers. His energy makes him an excellent jogging companion. He enjoys daily walks and romping in the yard.
An Airedale cannot be discussed without mentioning his independent streak. He is an intelligent dog who can think for himself and does not always wait for directions from his owner. The Airedale Terrier is not the breed for you if you want a highly biddable dog. You may enjoy living with an Airedale if you are stimulated by challenges.
The Airedale Terrier is unforgiving of any harsh treatment and will hold a grudge against the aggressor. There are times when he can be aggressive to other dogs and animals, as well as having a strong prey drive, which can make him difficult to handle. As the saying goes, Airedales don't start fights - they finish them. As well as a securely fenced yard, consistent, positive obedience training is essential. Airedales make excellent watchdogs, as is not surprising. Their fierce and brave loyalty will protect their family against intruders. At home, they can be very friendly to invited guests. There is something fascinating about the Airedale breed. They are courageous, athletic, stylish, and silly at the same time. The only thing that could be better than one Airedale Terrier is two!
Adding a new pet to your family is a big decision. Research the different types of puppies available before purchasing another one and decide which one is the best fit for your family and lifestyle. Consider what characteristics you want in a dog and what you don't. The Airedale breed has a few things you should know.
Airedale dogs are generally:
Good with Families
Consider whether you want to live with an Airedale's tendency toward potentially undesirable behaviors and whether you are willing to take on his independence-related challenges. You will be delighted with the Airedale's active, fun-loving, and even comical attitude if you decide to adopt him.
Airedales are lively dogs that need plenty of activity. Don't leave them alone for long periods of time, or they may become bored which can lead to destructive behaviors. Make training interesting and fresh - repetitive exercises will bore the Airedale. A best practice is to use treats and other positive reinforcement methods when training them; drill-and-jerk methods should be avoided. Taking pride in protecting their family, the Airedale is a reliable watchdog. Even though they can be a fierce guardian, they are typically friendly with family and friends.
What are the Origins of the Airedale?
Airedales are the largest Terriers. The Airedale Terrier was first created in 1853, without a blueprint in mind. The Rough-Coated Black and Tan Terrier and Otterhound were bred to create a well-rounded sporting dog that could hunt otters in rivers and rats on land. Originally, the first crossbreeding produced a dog that could swim and scent game and possessed the keenness of a terrier. After the first crossbreeding, the dog had become a popular sporting terrier within 12 years of the first crossbreeding.
The first dog show in the Aire Valley was held in 1864 when the Waterside Terrier competed under the Broken-Haired Terriers class (the name Waterside or Bingley Terrier was not mentioned until 1879. A group of fanciers at this time decided to rename the Waterside or Bingley Terrier the Airedale Terrier. The actual name was suggested by Dr. Gordon Stables, who judged the dogs a year before Dalziel, but that fact is difficult to verify. Dalziel judged the Airedale Terrier again in 1880 and referred to it as such in his report.
Initially, the name Airedale Terrier was not accepted or commonly used, which caused much confusion. In various shows, classes were held for either one or all three names of the breed, and it wasn't until 1886 that the Kennel Club in England adopted Airedale Terrier as its official name. The Airedale Terrier Club of America was founded in 1900 and started offering a perpetual trophy at parent club shows in 1910. On the pedestal and bowl of the Airedale Bowl are engraved the names of the winners. Throughout World War I, Airedale Terriers served as messengers, sentries, carriers of food and ammunition, scouts, ambulance dogs, ratters, Red Cross casualty dogs, sled dogs, and guard dogs. The war brought stories of the Airedale Terrier's bravery and loyalty, which led to its popularity. Several people have owned and admired this breed, including Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Warren Harding, and Calvin Coolidge.
The Airedale Terrier ranked 20th in popularity by the American Kennel Club in 1949 but has since fallen. German Shepard’s are increasingly being used to fill Airedale's traditional roles.
What are the Risks for the Airedale Dog Breed?
In general, Airedales can suffer from certain health problems like any other breed. If you are considering purchasing an Airedale, it is important to be aware of these conditions. Find a good breeder who can show your health clearances for both your puppy's parents if you're buying a puppy. A health clearance shows that a dog has been tested for and cleared of a particular condition.
The following are some of the most common health conditions Airedale can experience:
Hip dysplasia
Umbilic Hernia
Progressive Retinal Atrophy
An Airedale Terrier is a working dog who has a lot of energy and stamina. Ideally, he should walk twice a day, along with romping in the backyard, at least once a day. Airedales love to retrieve, play, swim, and goof around. It is not uncommon for him to tire out his owner while jogging. In puppy classes, Airedale puppies and adults learn how to be friendly and get along with other dogs and people. Your Airedale will benefit from socialization and training if you take them to a variety of places - the pet store, outdoor events, and long walks in busy parks.
Take your Airedale anywhere there are a lot of people to meet and sights to see, even if you don't anticipate many children visiting your home.
Crate training is also strongly recommended for Airedale Terriers. As well as aiding in housetraining, it also provides them with a safe place to relax and unwind. Airedales do well with most training as long as you remember that they have their own minds. If you ask them to sit or stay in full sunlight in the middle of summer, it's very likely they'll prefer the shade. One of the best ways to teach an Airedale is through positive reinforcement. Your chances of having a freethinking, well-trained Airedale are excellent if you approach training with a positive attitude, patience, and flexibility.
The ears of an Airedale should be checked regularly to remove foreign matter and to prevent wax build-up. Their teeth should also be brushed on a regular basis.
Happy Mood and Health to your Doggo and lots of Love and Licks to you!