Audrey Halfen: Beta fish whisperer - whopping 9 months and counting! Once had a dog named Max, who I assertively claim is the cutest dog ever. Ready to throw down in a cute-off, if necessary.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Prescription Food?
When you get sick or get into an accident, medications can help you with a fast recovery, but another factor that needs to be considered is nutrition. Giving your body the nutrients it needs can help you gain your energy back and help your body to...
Why Pet Insurance?

Can Cats Eat Cilantro?
Cilantro is an herb used in a variety of cuisines around the world. There’s a reason humans eat it in various forms; pureed, garnished, or cooked with other ingredients for added flavor. But it may not be the same for cats. So, before we get to the...
Cat Tips

What Fruits Can Cats Eat?
What Fruits can Cats Eat? While we may be tempted to feed our cats all kinds of fruits, not all fruits are safe and non-toxic. Let's review which fruits are safe for your cat to snack on and which ones you should keep out of their diet. Cats Can Eat...
Cat Tips

What Beans Can My Dog Eat?
What Beans Can My Dog Eat? Do you want to know if dogs can eat beans? The answer is yes, they can! Most beans are safe for dogs to consume. With more protein than grains, these legumes are high in vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial to a dog's...
Dog Tips

Can Cats Eat Pizza?
While the dough of a pizza is not necessarily toxic to cats if it includes toppings that are toxic to them, giving your cat a bite can have serious consequences. This is why pet parents need to understand which parts are safe to share with their cats...
Cat Tips

How Much Does an Ashera Cost in 2024?
The Ashera cat is often considered to be a status symbol amongst the cat lovers as they are one of the rarest and most expensive cat breeds to own. Buying an Ashera cat can cost up to $100,000 or more.1 Bringing home a pet is a big decision to make, so...
Breed Tips

How Much Does an American Foxhound Cost in 2024?
Now that you're here, let's get to the point! As the name suggests, the American Foxhound is one of the oldest breeds in the United States and could cost you between $400-$600 or more1 to own, depending on whether you adopt one or get them from a...
Breed Tips

How Much Does an American Bully Cost in 2024?
On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1000 to $5000 for an American Bully if purchasing your puppy from a breeder. Keep in mind that the breeders may charge more if the puppy comes from certain bloodlines. Characteristics of an American...
Breed Tips

Can Cats Eat Blueberries?
Fruits and vegetables are commonly labeled as “superfoods.” Sometimes these labels are slightly inaccurate, exaggerated, or even misleading. However, in the case of blueberries, “superfood” is quite fitting. At least, it’s fitting when it comes to...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Mushrooms?
Mushrooms and magic mushrooms have been in the limelight for a while now. They are not only used for their ‘magical’ properties but are a key ingredient in thousands of recipes across the globe. This proves that we humans enjoy mushrooms; their taste...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Nectarines?
Cats are quite notorious for their unpredictable food choices. And this can often have you puzzled about what is safe to feed your cats. While many fruits and veggies are safe for cats, can they enjoy exotic fruits? Can cats eat nectarines? Let’s find...
Cat Tips

My Cat Ate an Edible: Understanding Symptoms & Treatment
With the rise in the use of cannabis products, incidences of accidental edible ingestion by pets have also increased. Understanding how THC affects cats and what to do in an emergency is crucial for responsible pet ownership. THC Toxicity in Cats:...
Pet Safety