Cat Tips

Everyday Cleaning Tips for Cat Owners

Key Points
  • Cat owners should use cat-safe cleaning products to avoid harmful chemicals.
  • Regular cleaning of cat areas, like litter boxes, can help reduce odors and maintain hygiene.
  • Investing in good cleaning tools can make maintaining a cat-friendly home easier.

Cat owners know that feline family members are sure to bring playfulness, fun, and cuddles to any home! But, they are also aware that these four-legged friends can leave behind a trail of hair and accidents. The good definitely outweighs the bad when it comes to having a lovable cat at home, but the messy downside is often unavoidable.

Relatively low-maintenance, cats won’t beg you to take them for a walk or throw a tennis ball in your yard. In fact, your cat might even tuck itself away behind a couch for an entire day – letting you forget their presence entirely! Very clean animals, cats prioritize their hygiene and can often be spotted grooming themselves and maintaining their coats all on their own. Even if your kitty keeps itself clean, it won’t be doing chores! The natural shedding and bathroom needs of your cat can require extra effort on your end to keep your house in tip-top shape.

Keeping Your Home Clean: 5 Easy Steps

Cats are known to be clean freaks. In fact, healthy cats will spend up to 50% of their day self-cleaning. But no matter how focused your cat is on grooming, they might need extra help staying clean! You will want to mitigate any hair left around or messy potty accidents.

 You can take easy steps daily and weekly to maintain a clean home & cat for you, your family, and your pets!

Cleaning Cat Hair From Hardwood, Countertops, Desks, & Other Hard Surfaces

Cats may hide from you, but you will surely leave a Hansel & Gretel-style trail of fur wherever they have been! From baseboards to coffee tables, the shedding might even have you thinking, “How did that hair even get there?!”. Don’t fret. There are plenty of tools at your disposal for cleaning these hard surfaces. Firstly, invest in heavy-duty pet cleaning products. Using special dusters and sweepers can make targeting pesky hair a breeze! Maintaining a consistent cleaning routine will stop hair from building up, so try to sweep once a day and use a wet mop weekly on hard surfaces.

Cleaning Upholstered Furniture, Carpet, Clothes, and Bedding 

Your couch is probably your favorite place to relax – and it might just be your cat’s too! Investing in a strong vacuum is an excellent start to mitigating the fur left behind by your kitty. Get one with strong suction capabilities and a pet hair attachment. Vacuuming often and in all places – we’re talking even your curtains! – will keep the hair at a minimum. Here is a list of the best vacuums for pet hair in 2022. Get creative if you notice a lot of pet hair on your carpet! Lint rollers, dryer sheets, a wet rubber glove, or even duct tape can work wonders for picking up fur.

Another way to protect the fabric on your furniture is to invest in pet furniture covers. It might not be the best interior design move, but cleaning your chairs and beds is sure to be easier. Once you notice the cover is extra hairy, throw it in the wash and put it back!

Preventative Steps for Mitigating Cat Hair

Even though your cat is constantly grooming itself, everybody can use a little help sometimes! Brushing out your cat regularly and giving it baths will remove excess hair that would soon fall onto your carpet. This can also help with allergies. Many cats fear their baths, so do it gently and don’t get soap in their eyes. Always give them love and treats afterward, so they start to build positive associations with this cleaning time.

Anti-static sprays and humidifiers can be a massive help in stopping cat hair from sticking to everything. The static on your furniture and carpets is working against you and keeping that hair stuck. To mix up an anti-static concoction, put 2 tablespoons of liquid fabric softener with one cup of water into a spray bottle. This will reduce the electricity making the hair stick. Further, using a humidifier to keep the air in your home moist will make the hair easier to remove.

Having The Right Litter Box & Keeping It Clean

Litter boxes are invaluable to all cat owners. But sometimes, if they aren’t maintained properly, they can cause more stink than they’re solving! Firstly, make sure you’re getting a tested and recommended litter box. Choosing a good litter box can make your life much easier! Here’s a list of the most loved litter boxes in 2022.

Once you have your litter box, cleaning it is of top priority. Scoop it daily and take the time to dump it out, once or twice a week for clay litter and every 2 to 3 weeks for clumping. When you switch out the litter, give the box a good scrub to keep it clean as possible. Put some baking soda on the bottom if you notice an odor, even with consistent cleaning.

Sometimes, you may notice litter is being brought out of the box. You can use trapper mats or mesh litter mats outside the box to catch anything before it is brought into your home.

If you have multiple cats or a large home with multiple floors, consider investing in a couple of litter boxes. A general rule of thumb is one for each cat and floor. Keep them in a private space away from too much noise – you wouldn’t want to do your business in public either!

Accidents Do Happen

Cats are creatures of habit, and they prefer to use their litter box in privacy to go to the bathroom. If your cat does have an accident, they are probably upset, feeling unsettled, or having a medical issue. Don’t punish them; comfort them as they might be trying to tell you they feel uneasy. If your cat is having accidents regularly, consult your vet. It could be a sign of an underlying health issue – but your cat might also be marking its territory

Vomit and feces are also natural accidents that might happen. If your cat is throwing up, it might be trying to expel a hairball, have eaten something bad, or is dehydrated. Frequent diarrhea and vomiting mean you should get your cat checked out by your vet.

For all these reasons – and the unignorable smell – cleaning it up ASAP is essential. If your cat has had an accident, the lingering smell might encourage them to mark in that spot again. First, clean up any solids or liquids with a paper towel, followed by soap and water. Blot it dry to avoid pressing the stain into your carpet. Afterward, use an enzymatic cleaner to attack the odor. These cleaners work to break down the acids left behind by natural excrements.

If you have a cat, you know that they are an invaluable addition to your family. Even though they can sometimes bring odor and fur trails, nothing beats a fun and adorable feline family member. Taking these simple steps to prevent and clean up after your cat will keep your home clean and smell-free!


  • Living With Cats: How To Keep The House Clean |

  • Tips For A Clean Home and Healthy Cat |

  • How To Remove Cat Hair From Everywhere: A Cleaning Guide |

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