Cat Tips
Cat ladies (and gentlemen), this one’s for you. Read on about your favorite feline companions. Become an even better pet parent with our library of articles created with you in mind.

Can Cats Eat Pineapple?
We hope you’re not asking this because you want to feed a pizza with pineapple topping to your cat. If you are then may God help you. But if not, then yes, cats can safely eat pineapple. There are some ifs and buts here though. If you’ve been having...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Squash?
Vegetable world’s version of a costume party, squash, comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Whether it’s butternut, acorn, or zucchini, squash is a versatile addition to many dishes. All of these have become quite popular across the globe. Given their...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?
There was a time when almost all cat lovers used to take out milk from their refrigerators and put it in a bowl for a cat who seemed hungry. Even today you’ll see most people doing this. Then people learned that milk is actually not the best thing to...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Can cats eat sweet potatoes? Let us first answer the question before giving you all the other important details and interesting facts about this sweet vegetable. Yes, cats can eat sweet potatoes and they can prove to be quite healthy for them as well.1...
Cat Tips

What is a Norwegian Forest Cat's Personality?
Imagine a Viking warrior decided to be a cat – that’s a Norwegian Forest Cat. A feline straight out of Norse mythology, these cats are nothing less than a mini-Viking. They come with a waterproof coat and a powerful build coupled with a nonchalant...
Cat Tips

How is a Maine Coon’s Personality?
If you’re looking not just for a cat but one that’s part lion, part teddy bear and part stand-up comedian, then Maine Coon is the breed to go for. All of this is a huge package as these cats belong to the largest domestic pure cat breed in the world....
Cat Tips

Do Cats Like Music?
Picture this: It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. You’re lounging on the couch with your favorite tunes playing softly in the background. And just when the chorus is about to hit, you notice your cat moving its head and tapping its paws with the beats, as if...
Cat Tips

What are the Best Cats for Apartments?
From the wild to the homes, mild, cats have made it through a long-long journey. And now, you’re sitting in a nice and cozy little apartment, complete with charming views of the brick wall next door, thinking about adding a feline friend to your...
Cat Tips

Do Cats Kill Rats?
If you’re asking if Tom ever wanted to kill Jerry, then the answer is ‘NO’. Despite the wars that happened every day in the house, Tom and Jerry were actually best friends. Tom only pretended to always chase Jerry to impress the house owner so that he...
Cat Tips
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